Are excruciating stomach cramps normal with MTX? - NRAS


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Are excruciating stomach cramps normal with MTX?

AmandaMc profile image
15 Replies

I've been experiencing bad cramps and diarrhoea since yesterday. Took MTX Sunday... Was my 3rd dose. Just wondering if this is normal or should I call NHS direct? X

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AmandaMc profile image
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15 Replies
nomoreheels profile image

Morning Amanda. Sorry you're feeling this way, both are pretty common side effects. If it is just cramping (not meaning to lessen your discomfort but trying to identify) similar to period pain but a bit higher in your tum & not a really severe stabbing-like pain then it's possible it's trapped wind, particularly if you find it worsens just after you've eaten. I also get this & it travels, sometimes in my tum, sometimes in my left shoulder. I was advised to take Wind-ease after a laparoscopy & find it helps. I also drink mint tea after meals which also helps. Sorry for being base but this should help with breaking wind & release your discomfort if it is indeed trapped wind but with your other problem best be near the loo if you feel the need!! Sorry but I can't think of a more delicate way to put it.

If you feel it's worse than cramps I'd contact your GP just to be on the safe side as it could be an adverse reaction with you only being your third dose.

Hope this helps.

earthwitch profile image

Excrutiating cramps sound like good cause to get to your GP as soon as possible, or phone your RA nurse. If you get any kind of bleeding from your gut (black in your stool from higher up bleeding, or fresher from lower down) then get to emergency department straight away. It may not be serious, but we aren't doctors and have no way of knowing.

AmandaMc profile image

Thanks guys. It is like bad period pain but higher up... I've had diarrhoea today and wind. Horrible!

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to AmandaMc

Does passing wind not relieve it all? What you're describing sounds like I get.

AmandaMc profile image
AmandaMc in reply to nomoreheels

The same pain keeps coming back even after I've been to the toilet or passed wind..

nomoreheels profile image
nomoreheels in reply to AmandaMc

Just to be on the safe side I'd ring your Rheumy nurse tomorrow if it continues overnight if only to put your mind at ease, especially as you're only on your 3rd dose.

AmandaMc profile image
AmandaMc in reply to nomoreheels

I don't have a rheumy nurse yet! The consultant put me straight on MTX after our first consultation and I don't see him again till 11th June... I guess I'll phone NHS direct if it carries on. Thanks :)

Sharon56 profile image
Sharon56 in reply to AmandaMc

Yes the pain you describe is terrible I sympathise.

Barrister profile image

I have had almost constant diarrhoea for the past 3-4 months, since starting MTX, 4 weeks ago I developed very bad cramps which continue, and passed fresh blood for 2 days and bleeding continued for another 2 weeks. My rheumatologist says it's unlikely that it was caused by MTX! My doctor thinks I have Ulcerative Colitis - yet another problem to add to the ever growing list! Clemmie

magglen profile image

I also had tummy cramps especially at night. I was told to reduce the dosage but it made no difference so my Consultant told me to stop it and put me on Leflunomide. However, he was really keen for me to start Etanercept and this has been my saviour.

denvajade profile image

Hi there everyone! isn't it strange that our rheumys keep saying any symptoms we have nothing to do with methotrexate!

I would be very interested in hearing from anyone who has had huge weight gain since starting methotrexate and anyone who has a very distended stomach, like 9months pregnant. As soon as I eat or drink anything my stomach grows, makes me short of breath and I feel ill. Also I have got indigestion and reflux. Been on med for approx 7.5 years. Cheers

Footdoc profile image
Footdoc in reply to denvajade


Yes I had all the problems you refer to when I was on methotrexate. That was the start of me gaining a huge amount of weight. 4 1/2 stone. No matter what I do I cannot shift it. I'm on three meds that can lead to weight gain. I get so despondent but what would I do without the anti-tnf, I can barely cope now. I do get so down, but it seems there are an awful number of us in the same boat.

Tillie20 profile image
Tillie20 in reply to denvajade

Hi I have all the symptoms that younhave said at the moment i have terrible stomach cramps and diarrhoea after having terrible wind yesterday I have only been on meds since Feb am changing to nth injection on Wednesday just hope it helps as I do not have pain like I used to only aching legs when I stand an glad I am not the only one who suffers stomach cramps tx

HevJ profile image

I took my second dose of MTX Tuesday. From the end of last week at times was getting a strong pain middle of my chest bone, sometimes towards my back and under my left shoulder blade. Subsides when I drink lots of water. I have also been rather windy! Am assuming its trapped wind. Apart from nausea my stomach has been settle (which surprises me as its usually quite sensitive!) ....

Do you have a hospital helpline for the rheumy nurse? I was given the number when diagnosed even though I wasn't meeting her for 8 weeks after initial diagnosis.... Hope it settles for you.

JaneAllen profile image

I took MTX by injection once a week for 5 years starting at a low dose (12.5) which increased every 4 weeks to 20 which I couldn't tolerate because of liver problems. I wound up at 12.5 then 10. Took with 2 folic acid pills a day. No stomach problems. Took me 6-9 months to get total relief from RA symptoms.

Then stopped for a year. Now have gone back to MTX at 15 and am having stomach problems which I didn't have before. I wonder if the starting dose is too high. Will have to check with the rheumatologist.

I think injection is better tolerated than pills.

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