I've been taking mtx 15mgs for 12 weeks, but my feet and hands still hurt and I feel ill and exhausted most of the time? (My platelet count is still high) I feel a fraud- is this normal?
ESR and CRP bloods are now normal after taking mtx, - NRAS
ESR and CRP bloods are now normal after taking mtx,

Maybe your body hasn't yet caught up with the blood yet, so tissue still inflamed even if blood flowing through has calmed down? 12 weeks isn't long and it can take longer for things to return to something approaching normal. The tiredness could also be that you are still adjusting to MTX - it wiped me out to begin with. Keep a diary as changes can be subtle, so You don't necessarily notice them day to day.
My CRP and ESR are rarely raised but I am in soooo much pain so, there is no correlation betweeen my blood results and the level of pain. I also have erosions in my shoulder yet have no rise in blood inflammation. Clemmie
My levels were low on Mtx but I still had lots of pain (little to no swelling) and the tiredness was horrendous.
I changed meds and my joints are managed should I say. I still hurt but I can cope. I still get tired. I'm not sure what feeling normal is now.
I suppose our bodies are working very hard to combat all this and tiredness is inevitable to a degree.
Your not a fraud at all and we all react differently to these drugs and everyone's condition is unique to them.
My esr cpr is always in range but I still get constant pain and swollen hands and knees and ankles
Maybe you need more time? I started to feel better on my 9th week of mtx and I just assumed I would be in remission the next day....well acording to my rheumy having normal blood results or less pain, is just the begining to reaching remission. I've had to switch to injecting mtx at a higher dose and I'm almost normal now. So maybe you need more time, just like me.