Antibiotics not worked on tooth infection bound to be cause of the RA drugs! Back to dentist this morning as in agony!
Grrr: Antibiotics not worked on tooth infection bound... - NRAS

Take care, hope he can help you today, bet your feeling rubbish x
Yea not great, missed methotrexate as well as told not to take then when on antibiotics so be feeling that to later
Aww bless u I know how u feel been in agony all weekend with knees
Yep it's total rubbish xx
Feel for you. It's rubbish isn't it? I get them regularly & stocked up on the antibiotics the pharmacist gave me the last time I had a tooth infection in Spain. I know we shouldn't self medicate but if they happen regularly you feel a nuisance keep going to the dentist. Hope you're sorted soon.
Thanks all got more antibiotics as refer to hospital to have tooth out x
I had to have my wisdom tooth out at dental hospital hope it all goes well Hun xxx
If you have a tooth problem PLEASE don't just take anti biotic s and hope it will go won't! Go to a dentist. If you haven't got one some areas have drop in centres at hospitals.
It's my dentist that have given me the antibiotics
Crazyjo - Don't worry I think maybe that post was aimed at me. Decided to duck but don't want you to take the hit! Just can't face dental treatment on top of everything else at the mo. as feeling rubbish (RA not tooth probs) & I do know it won't go away, thanks for reminding me though!
Jo, I had to take two different antibiotics at the same time for a very difficult tooth and gum infection (crack in a tooth .. not visible and nothing negligent on my part .. but the gum went massive and hard) and then extend the milder antibotic for another week so sometimes they take a bit of shifting do these horrid tooth problems. I came off MTX for two and a half weeks. Hope for relief for you very soon. xx