I’ve had RA for 12 years,well managed by all the medication available-been in flare,1st time since June, I had to take large dosage of steroids,at my yearly GP check, I’ve put on 1stone-I’m slim naturally,checked my BMI-still, just on the good side. I’m cutting down on the predisalone, but,two edged sword,don’t want the pain and disability back,or pile on more weight,I’ve been eating way to much chocolate, biscuits, cakes etc; Perhaps they have become my ‘comfort food’?
Weight gain because of steroids! : I’ve had RA for 1... - NRAS
Weight gain because of steroids!

Hello, I am in a similar boat. I had steroids following cancer treatment 4 years ago. I got on to Retuximab but because I find it hard to take mtx they just left me on the steroids. I cut them down myself using the one mg reduced every other day strategy... it took a long time to get down from 15 mg to 5mg. I have just had more Retuximab...so after Christmas I will be trying to get off that last 5mg.
My skin is very thin and I hate to think what else these charming little pills are doing.
Good luck to you... take it really slow! xx
Thanks my skin has been fine and fragile for ages,I bump which then bleeds,it’s impossible to not bump into things,dogs,gardening! Every time I prune or plant,just catching a bit of skin,the whole thing seems a vicious circle! But,yes I’ve been on steroids many times before,just more tricky this time,but,will eventually ‘drop & stop’ 🤞
Steroids interfere with your appetite, they make you crave food, especially sweet food. The stronger the steroid the more this happens. The only way to beat it is to eat only healthy food, and nibble on healthy treats like dates and nuts (if you can), and avoid the food you crave.
It is not comfort eating it is driven by steroids.
Yes I have the same problem. It has taken 18 months to get my RA under control having tried various drugs and now on Rituximab. I need to lose all the weight I’ve gained whilst taking steroids to make my pain and symptoms bearable. I’m keen to get started on a taper programme but worried the pain and disability will return.
Trouble is with steroids - when I first started on them, I could have eaten the world! I have never been so ravenous. I put on 4 stone and felt so so miserable. I have now lowered the dose and helped my weight loss by no cake, no crisps, no chocolate.
Well done! When I was first diagnosed,12 years ago.I was put on an enormous dosage of steroids ,put on 3 stone,dress size 10 to a 14. Felt really miserable I even had liposuction! And yes,the fat did go,sadly I’d given away most of my size 10 clothes. After about 4 years I had stabilised my weight had went back to nearly as before,I kicked myself that I’d given my clothes away,so don’t do anything as drastic as I did! Keep waiting and hoping,and don’t just stop taking the medication it was given for a reason,
I know how you feel. I really dislike taking steroids. Because of my various health issues including Type 1 Diabetes I eat a healthier than average diet, low carb, no treats, yet I am still about 2/3 Kg to heavy. I am sure the excess weight affects my RA, Heart disease, COPD, etc, but however hard I try I find it hard to lose. Between the Steroids and the Insulin it seems impossible. On the other hand I do get clear benefits from both. Still I checked the small print and there's definitely nothing there about life being fair.
I find that with even slightly higher doses of steroids my appetite control is lost. I just don't know when to stop eating, and because I'm feeling unwell I often want to comfort eat high calorific foods too. I have to keep a record of my intake, even to weighing portions, to use my brain to keep my appetite under control as the automatic controls have disappeared.