Been on mxt for a few years now was just wondering if anyone experiences weight loss with it? Iv read up that weight loss is a side affect but im skinny as it is, not by choice id love to gain weight but just always had a small frame no matter what i eat but since i got ra and put on mxt i feel like iv lost alot of weight to a point where i dont look a healthy skinny anymore not that skinny is healthy i just mean iv never looked like i have a eating disorder where as now i feel i look awful which does nothing for the lack of confidance i already have, was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this and if so is there anything that can be done? Obvs i do eat and like food alot it just seems no matter how much i eat i sill lose weight
Weight loss with RA & MXT : Been on mxt for a few years... - NRAS
Weight loss with RA & MXT

I wish!! Quite the opposite for me, I’m afraid.
That said, I think that if you’re concerned about your weight loss to the point where it feels unhealthy , you should get it checked out. Mtx may be coincidental?
Wishing you the best
I have inflammatory arthritis and I lost a lot of weight with it. I agree nice to be slim but I lost a lot of muscle and looked too thin. I have recently started to feel stronger and have put on a lot of weight. I am so pleased as no longer gaunt looking. I am not on medication ( long story) but I have raw garlic every day and it is since I have been having this that I have regained muscle and put on weight. As I am writing this I am wondering if I am being helpful. I just wanted you to know that you were not alone in the weight loss. I think in my case I am convinced something ( some sort of bug ? ) was raging through my body - hence weight loss. I know my immune system is do lally but I am not convinced that ( for me anyway ) that crushing my immune system was the answer and I feel that whatever was going on has subsided somewhat . For me really pushing nutrients into my body ( lots of vitamins - c and d especially ) and taking garlic has paid off a little . I certainly look healthier. I hope that is some help ?
Yep same but because i only eat small amounts due to nausea from mtx and can't face greasy fatty things so probably eat healthier. No advice I'm afraid, you're not alone 😀
Thank you. Just wanted to see if anyone else had the same thing or if mine was just something completley different lol nice to know im not the only one
I am the same- lost weight before I started on meds for RA then somewhere down the line I took leflunomide which made me loose more. I have really tried this last month and over Christmas to put some on even turning to sweet unhealthy stuff but havent put on an ounce. Would also be grateful for any tips!!
Kindly consider increasing the volume of baseline (alkalising, anti-inflammatory) foods that are ‘safe’ for you ( ), emma88, as a possible start. 🤔
Then, provided you’re not reacting, consider reintroducing more calorie-dense moderately advanced foods from the ’. . . Reintroduction Sequence’ ( ). 🤔Again, provided these foods are not reigniting the inflammatory 🔥 process within you. 👍👍
Yes, we can regain the weight 🏋️♀️ , restore our confidence 😊, & no longer look like we’ve just escaped from Auschwitz 💀 . 😳
Best wishes for re-gaining weight, emma88. 😌 🙏 🍀 🌺 🌞
Oh, if your body is not properly absorbing nutrients — not properly self-nourishing via foods alone — maybe working with your medics to consider supplementation ( ) particularly if suffering from ‘anaemia of chronic disease’. Sometimes our body just needs an initial boost (a ‘jumpstart’) to set it on a healing course. 👍👍