Arthritis in the jaw: Does anyone suffer from the above... - NRAS


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Arthritis in the jaw

Evey37 profile image
31 Replies

Does anyone suffer from the above? Was told by the docs I have arthritis in the jaw and seems to be around my ears and base of head

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Evey37 profile image
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31 Replies
kizzy12 profile image

hi yes i get it in my painful to try and eat when it flairs...just one more joint that hurts...horrible disease

Can I ask you how it feels? I've been having pain and stiffness in my jaw especially in mornings for about 6 weeks now. Even though I've explained to my Doctor and Dentist I have RA they tell me it's extremely rare to get it in the jaw?! The pain is dull and hard to locate and doesn't feel like toothache. My Dentist is doing a small replacement filling and if things don't improve will look at making me a splint to wear at night. I hate RA so difficult to get anything taken seriously unless you have swelling etc. Will see if the filling improves things if not will mention at next Rheumy appt. Good luck to you :)

earthwitch profile image
earthwitch in reply to

it may be rarer to get RA in the jaw, but its pretty common to get spondyloarthritis (or rather enthesitis) there. Enthesitis is inflammation of cartilage, or the points where tendons join bone. The jaw joint doesn't have the same kind of structure as other places where RA is more common - like fingers,but its still inflammation - just in a different type of tissue.

in reply to earthwitch

Thanks, I'm going to have the filling even though I've not pain or sensitivity in the tooth at all and if doesn't work take it further as something is not right!

emmajj1971 profile image
emmajj1971 in reply to

My rhymi told me that it is the RA. Itcam feel like toothache and a ear infection, opening my mouth to talk and to eat can be very difficult when in a flare x

wiliby profile image

Hiya, I have had problems with jaw years before my diagnoses of RA, when I,m stressed it hurts as I,m tensing it, when I,m flaring it feels stiff.

I haven,t flared in 2 years but pain still bothers me. It clicks constantly even if I smile :)

I have had it x rayed and confirmed there is arthritis in jaw but wear and tear not RA damage, I have a splint to try but it has not made any difference but the next step is an operation to wash out jaw joints, meant to be very successful however I,m not sure if it helps the arthritis or clicking...

My dentist made the intial referral to orthodontist, they were very sympathetic and knowledgable about RA.

Kiki, it doesn't feel like toothache for me either, hard to locate but it's there! My dentist did try replacing fillings first also but no difference.

Good luck!

in reply to wiliby

Thanks...somedays I think yep it's toothache and then like tonight it's deep down in the jaw.....grrrrr! Will see after filling is done but toothache has NEVER made me have a stiff jaw before. Good luck to both of you too xx

Jeanabelle60 profile image
Jeanabelle60 in reply to wiliby

my dentist couldn't get into my mouth to fix broken fillings as i can't open my mouth enough for him to do the necessary work. i have been refered to some specialist months ago but still haven't heard anything about an appointment. my rheumy told me it is Rheumatiod Disease and that it is unnusual. sometimes it feels like an ear infection or a tooth ache and depending on how i move my jaw it can grind and/or click.......its a mess and very sore. also i find that my fillings have been falling out too. i think the position of my jaw has moved and it has caused my teeth to shift and so the fillings keep falling out. not nice at all........

Evey37 profile image

Mines like a dull ache around the jaw joint and the lower jaw. Seems to flare up in cold weather and when stressed


I wrote on this earlier today,I have jaw problems and was having sedation last Monday,they gave narcotics before they started and dental pain injections as normal later. I was under for two hours and had one extraction and five fillings.

Problems initially arose thirty years ago because of a collapsed bite. a splint was supplied and fillings were renewed under raise the jaw, Seditive injections make you forget all treatment

Still having problems today as I feel they had to use a gag to keep my mouth open, have swelling now at jaw joints and in turn I have swelling around that area below and around lower ears

My jaw now seems to have restricted movement, and this was confirmed before treatment



Evey37 profile image

Thanks all for the replies at least the pain makes sense now

in reply to Evey37

Evey, sorry for hijacking your post and I thank you for asking this question :). Good luck and hope your pain improves x

Hi, I have had jaw problems for many years and now at age 66 have a very limited diet, being unable to manage to chew very well, only eating softer foods. I was referred to a large dental hospital and diagnosed TMJ, tempero mandible jaw disease after scans and x rays. I was made a brace to wear at night, a total disaster, just made me gag and sick, could not use. I was also given voltarol gel to rub on my jaw and down neck to help ease pain but that did not help really. Problems arise when I need dental work, I have a good dentist who takes her time if I have to have fillings etc. giving me breaks during fillings etc because of the pain I endure keeping my mouth open!!! I see the hygienist every three months so as to prevent plaque forming and that also helps me keep my teeth, because I would never be able to wear dentures, my jaws too tender and too worn. I have recently been diagnosed with sjogrens in addition to RA and that only makes problems worse as far as dentistry concerned. Hope this helps, lynda xx

Susiej38 profile image

Hi Evey 37

I could write a book on dental problems I had around 8 years ago- I had so much dental work done and began having pain at base of head and in neck- then went to shoulders- I was never diagnosed with RA then. I was in agony for over a year and doctors never seemed to know exactly what it was- I believe I also had some kind of neuropathy going on and now I believe it was undiagnosed RA. I have been diagnosed RA past 6 months, but some days I have that same kind of pain I felt years ago. It is in the TMJ joint and around ear. So far it is usually on one side and my face around my ear actually swells. Even though mostly on one side with jaw I believe this is RA in addition to the pain in wrists, hands, knees, and ankes which is on both sides.

MarshaM profile image

I woke a few weeks ago with jaw pain so bad I couldn't open mouth enough to eat. I took a motrin and it made the pain to away so I could eat. When the motrin wore off the jaw wasn't sore any more. But it came back this last week. Not as bad as the first time but I suspect it will continue to increase in pain as the RA advances.

angel-delight profile image

Thank you to everyone on this blog, I have RA and all the above, including sjogrens. The TMJ comes and goes at times, very painful and I use Voltorol gel to ease the pain so I can eat. I was wondering if anyone knows what to use for sjogrens? My nose, mouth become so dry I find it very difficulty to breathe. I put drops of Olbas oil on a tissue next to my pillow and use a nasal spray Sterimar, natural Sea Water as I am on Thyroxin and unable to use decongestants. I am sure someone mentioned a gel to put inside the nose. Does anyone know the name and does it help? I apologies for adding my problems to your blog Evey37, I found the responses very helpful. Good luck with your treatment, I really hope it works for you. Take care. x

jelly4toes profile image

I have been in pain in my right jaw and just above top r back teeth .I thought it was very painful toothache.My poor dentist did everything she could to locate the offending tooth or nerve or whatever She was completely baffled lovely fit healthy lady probably only ever had one tiny alcohol induced headache in her life.She just kept looking at my in complete amazement as I tried to explain what I was feeling and where.She had the 'but that just can't be possible look ' on her face at the end. I'm mumbling on effectively its RA of the jaw or something that goes with connectivetissue disease. It has settled down after months and months.She thought I was bonkers I think.But then again I thought she was too for not locating the offending tooth and fixing it!

kazp profile image

Makes having a dental check up long and sometime sore for me.

allanah profile image

Yes it's in the tmj joint and I saw a professor at Newcastle who made me a splint , which I find impossible to wear! But he said I also grind my teeth when I am asleep due to pain so to take efficient painkillers at night.

Pands profile image

Yes I have had inflammation in my TMJ previously when my RA wasn't managed properly and now I have restricted opening of my jaw due to damage. You wouldn't notice to look at me but dentist can tell and rheumy confirmed it a week ago. Makes my jaw ache under my ears but no pain as such (any more). Reading the responses it seems like jaw involvement is actually quite common unfortunately.

pottypam profile image

I have arthritis in my jaw and up to my ear on my left side . I have had it for nearly twenty years. It makes my tongue swell and face when flared up . sometimes my swallowing . I have learnt what not to eat I.e. apples unless cut up . Dental appt hurt a lot and if have tooth out it has to be done in hospital . But you do get used to it .....eventually ....I am on morphine and gaberpentine along with loads of others. So you ate not alone . take care xx

selina profile image

All these replies have been so helpful. I have had filling redone as I thought the pain must be due to infection etc. The ear / jaw pain now makes sense & I'll check with the consultant at my next appnt. What a pain!

in reply to selina

Hiya, I've just come back on to check the answers on this post as I'm suffering with a very similar thing at the mo.....nothing like I've had before!! It's interesting to see that quite a few people unfortunately suffer with jaw pain.....maybe not so rare like I keep being told after all!!!

I've had pain in my jaw, mostly on the left side & was having problems eating apples & tough meat. It also grates very much like the rest of my joints!! The crepitas sound they all make!!!

I mentioned it to my dentist that i was finding eating difficult especially trying to open my mouth. He said that before he referred me to anyone he would make a mouth guard for me to wear at night to see if that helped, he wondered if I was grinding my teeth. I wear the guard and although it's not great I can tolerate it & I do think it has helped. I've still got the crepitas but the jaw isn't quite so painful.

Evey37 profile image

I find the pain comes and goes. When it's there it's horrid, all around my lower jaw up to my ears and to the point of causing head ache. Sorry everyone else suffers but nice to know I'm not alone with it all.

My jaw has been completely destroyed by RA. It was really shocking news. The pain is awful; shooting, numbness, burning, right round to the back of my neck and head. I was told that they can wash out the joint and inject steroid but the maxillofacial surgeon said it rarely lasts. I'll need a jaw replacement eventually, trying not to think about it too much!

My RA started in my jaw. Nobody diagnosed it properly some 25 years ago and I went from dentist to doctor and back again as in the mornings I couldn't speak properly or shovel cornflakes in as my jaw wouldn't open wide enough. Eventually when I developed symmetrical RA and positive bloods my GP and consultant both said this was an early manifestation of the disease and in isolation the jaw stiffness and pain would probably not have triggered any deep investigations. Now and again, all these years later, I get a bit of jaw pain and clicking but I guess that's been suppressed with prednisolone and other drugs.

Evey37 profile image
Evey37 in reply to

My gp has given me amitriptiline to help relax the jaw muscles which don't make it as bad on my joints.

frankieee profile image

Yes I have arthritis in my jaw, its very painful and unfortunately I am unable to open it more than a fingers width now. The pain radiates all over my head when it is bad making everyday life impossible sometimes. I get a lot of dizziness from it. I am due to be starting humira soon so i am hoping that will improve things!

Footdoc profile image

Hello there. It really is so difficult to convince your GP that you need a referral to ENT and not the dentist, took me 18 months to get this diagnosed in my jaw. I was then referred to the pain consultant who put me onto Gabapentin, as well as amitriptyline, diazepam and co-codamol. I stopped the diazepam myself and rarely touch co-codamols now. If I forget to take my gabapentin I soon get a painful reminder. Icope with it very well now, hope you get the right result soon.

frankieee profile image

I have arthritis in my jaw, It was diagnosed when I was 16 after it had been totally frozen shut for about a year. I have had two arthroplastys and lots of arthrosentisis's done. My surgeon now regularly injects steroids and long acting morphine into the joints which helps but doesn't last for long. The operations have helped me so it is worth having if you need it. I am now on a biological therapy too which seems to be helping for all of my joints affected! I hope everyone can find something to help!

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