has anyone else experienced unerarm swelling quite painfuul i did and stopped my sulpha my gp said its fluid due to meds is this so ???????
swelling: has anyone else experienced unerarm swelling... - NRAS

To be honest I don't know, I haven't had swelling there. I would think if it hasn't settled I would go back and have a further chat with the GP. I suspect he would have checked under your arms for lumps, bumps , infections but when u stop your sulpha did he say what to replace it with? Did they check with Rheumy if this is a contraindications to the drug?
I think you are right to question and personally would go back for a further chat. Lets us know what you think? Axx
hi alllanah i stopped sulpha myself because ofside effects and wa swaiting for doc appointment she didnt examin me just told me that what it was 2 weeks later isaw consultant last week . she told me start back on sulpha to an acceptable level for me with no side effects the swelling seems to have gone since stopping sulpha so will keep an eye on it as i nicrease sulpha ty
Hi, I do get swollen glands under my arms from time to time. I have Sjogrens in addition to RA and I have been told it's usually the result of a virus or bacterial infection anywhere in the body which can be the cause. I got bitten on my hand last year by insect unknown and the underarm that side was hanging like a balloon, it was horrendous, took about a week to reduce in size and incredibly painful. The Sjogrens aspect can I have been told be the cause of swollen glands, even in the digestive system, lymph glands etc. another nuisance we auto-immune patients have to suffer it seems. If yours continue to swell seek more advice because it could be serious. Take care, Lynda x

ty jockety it seems to have gone down when not on sulpha just restarting sulpha so will keep an eye but interesting comment tyvm
Not sure, although it could reduce swelling given time what does the GP want to do regards this?
Could be contraindication with sulpher.
When do you see nurse or specialist.?
I had fluid in my thigh and they drained it with needle and syringe
Good luck

ty bob aw consultant she didnt say anything doc says its the meds i will keep an eye back on it xxxx