Hi Guys, 5 Days I could have done without, Along with my RA flare ups and Trapped Nerve my GP saw i was in a bit trouble and hammered in the anti-bios and several pain injections into my hips, And off course my Night Nurse ( Fran ) Who is still convinced i have a girlfriend at work she says who else would get out of their death bed to go to work, Matt
Just Over My First Chest Infection, Mattcass - NRAS
Just Over My First Chest Infection, Mattcass

Oh dear you do seem to be going through it constantly..I'm fighting depression at the moment. I am waiting to go back on infliximub I'm back on MTX but side effects already back. My (oh I've forgotten what it's called it should be under five) is 19.1 so a lot of pain I'm back on morphine. However, I should be happy as my seventh grandchild is due any day. A little girl...Ruby. I wish you all the best Matt and I hope you are working on that speech. Maryx
Hi Mary sorry your going through a rough time, like yourself I'm looking for the good days to come yours in Ruby and mines in the speech, Marks already panicking and keeps on at Fran for me to let him see it, No Way Hosey.Matt
Hi, how are you faring Matt and how is that speech coming along? My daughter Katie is being induced tomorrow morning so Ruby may be joining the world tomorrow! X
Hi Mary, Frans made it very clear she gets to read it first for her approval, That's easy I just make two or three, Tell Katie Ruby's Uncle Matt is asking for her, I just love babies when their sleeping.Matt
Thinking of you, wishing I could wave a magic wand over you and Truly to make you both feel better xxxxA
I feel so lucky and blessed to have friends like you, and I hate hearing about how you are suffering in various ways. I wish I could come and hug you all better again. Kath xx
So sorry to hear your suffering Matt wish i could make you better xx
hahah I go to work when I feel like death so I understand. Glad you are feeling better