Dear all,
Please find details of NRAS group meetings taking place next week:
NRAS Group Meetings—Week Commencing 2nd December 2013
Birmingham North NRAS Group
Meetings for this group take place on Tuesdays on alternate months at Sutton Coldfield Methodist Church, 16 South Parade, Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham B72 1QY from 12:30pm-2:30pm. For satellite navigation use postcode B72 1RB due to barriers from traffic in the road.
3rd December - Louise Blenkinsop, Community Rheumatology Nurse will attend to give a talk regarding her role within rheumatology and will explain blood test results.
Bath & West Wiltshire NRAS Group
2013 meetings are held bi-monthly on a Wednesday from 6:30-8:30pm at The Open House Centre in Manvers Street Baptist Church, Bath BA1 1JW, please see scheduled meeting dates below.
4th December - Bring & Share social evening. Please bring an item of food and your most useful gadget to share with the group!
Isle of Wight NRAS Group
Bi-monthly meetings are held at Laidlaw Day Hospital, St Mary's Hospital Campus, Dodnor Lane, Newport, Isle of Wight on a Thursday from 7:00pm - 9:00pm. For more information and for details of future meetings please visit the
Isle of Wight NRAS group website.
5th December - Christmas party!
Pembury & Tunbridge Wells NRAS Group
Rheumatology Nurse Janie Langridge and NRAS Volunteer Members co-ordinate this group and hold their bi-monthly meetings at Langton Green Village Hall, Speldhurst Road, TN3 0JJ on a Thursday from 2:00pm to 4:00pm.
5th December - Talk by Dr. Mike Batley, Senior Rheumatologist
Sheffield NRAS Group
As of 2013 bi-monthly meetings for this group will take place on alternate Thursdays and Saturdays at The Quaker Meeting House, 10 St James' Street, Sheffield S1 2EW from 1:30pm-3:30pm.
Thursday 5th December - Christmas social afternoon
You, your family, friends and healthcare professionals are all very welcome to attend and you don’t have to be a member of NRAS to attend a group meeting!