I have been told today that my xrays of my hands showed poorly mineralised bones. Is this part and parcel of RA or do I have something else to take on board?
Perhaps someone has experience of this?
I have been told today that my xrays of my hands showed poorly mineralised bones. Is this part and parcel of RA or do I have something else to take on board?
Perhaps someone has experience of this?
Sounds like OSTIOPEROSIS ,, were the bone mineralizes with age,the GP will know about this I suppose, my spelling on the page is a little suspect.
You will need to discuss this with the GP. One problem associated with this problem is the weakness of bones where breaks can happen, the skeleton can be badly effected so you will need to be careful.
Please understand I am not a GP or Specialist, this is my interpretation
Hi Thank you for your response. Yes I thought that might be the case but I wondered if there was any association with the existing RA. I am doing a little bit of dgging around to see what I can find. I really don't want that on top of everything else but hey ho. lol
Hello, Just a thought, have you been taking steroids for the R.A.?
eg.prednisolone. This can cause osteoporis, it happened to me,
2 fractured vertebrae out of the blue! Take care.
Hi ladydeerthorpe
I was taking Prenisolone but stopped about 6 weeks prior to the xrays so it's worth considering. Thank you.
Sorry to hear about your back. Ouch! Hope you are recovering.
Despite taking steroids on and off for several years, and most recently continuously, I have excellent mineralisation of my bones. So it's not inevitable.
I understand that hand bones are not a good place to make a diagnosis of whether or not your have osteoporosis, so you may need further investigations such as a bone scan of your hips and spine.
Exercise, particularly irregular pulling on the bones by, for example, walking on uneven ground is helpful, as well as sufficient calcium and Vit D in your diet (but remember Vit D in excess is toxic!).
You need a proper diagnosis so that remedial measures can be put in place if needed.
Thank you Oldtimer, I do get quite regular exercise as I live in a very rural area and walk the dog twice a day (very hilly) and am always doing something when I am not feeling too run down with the symptoms of RA etc, so I don't lead a sedentary lifestyle.
I have been prescribed Adcal and Alendronic Acid and don't take any other suppliments. I didn't know excess Vit D was toxic though so thank you for that!
I hope they do perform further tests as I know what a risk having osteoporosis.
Thanks again for your help.
Can anyone tell me why Vit D is toxic & in what quantities? I keep reading about 50,000 i.u. being beneficial!
worth getting checked out for coeliac disease - that can contribute a lot to demineralisation of bones (and teeth). Your GP should be able to do the blood test.
But, as other folk have said, things like steroids will do it too.
Hi Hev, with RA, you are at a higher risk of Osteoporosis. Have you had a DEXA scan? If not, I should try and get referred for one. If you are already on Adcal and Alendronic Acid, your GP must at least suspect you are likely to have Osteoporosis. Calcium and Vit D aren't the only supplements you need. The following link will take you to the National Osteoporosis Society's website: nos.org.uk/. There is lots of info on there, and some booklets/leaflets you can download. XX
Thank you. I know my Vit D levels were low when I first started symptoms, thats when I was put on the Adcal etc. But no one has mentioned osteoporosis as yet. Thank you for the link. I will certainly discuss with my GP.
As for Coeliac's I had a test many moons ago for this as I was loosing weight, had diarrhoea etc but it was negative. However, I do think there is a definate link between RA and problems with the gut. I know Crohns sufferers and Colitis suffers are at risk.
Thanks both xx
Hi hi, sounds like u have osteoporosis, u need a dx scan to confirm this as it measures ur bone mass&density! I have it all over & osteopenia in my back&spine:-(( isn't a nice disease to have but u do get there over time.. I have it 6yrs now, I take adcal tabs for it there like a vitamin tablet recommended by a pain management clinic& a tablet called ridisonate sodium I take it once a week! I feel like a oap to be honest clicking & clunking the cold weather is the worst! If it's this I wish u well oh also take a few supletments fro health shop! Like magniseum helps wit growth of bones .. Ps if u need any info give me a holla
Hello there, I can confirm that the nurses on the National Osteoporosis Helpline are excellent, I have spoken to them several times as I have borderline Osteoporosis and about to have another DEXA bone scan on Monday to find out if it has tipped into full Osteoporosis. (The last scan was a year ago).
This article on NHS Choices says people get most of their Vit D from exposure to sunlight nhs.uk/Livewell/Summerhealt... and it also says this:
"In the UK, our skin isn't able to make vitamin D from winter sunlight (November to March) as the sunlight hasn't got enough UVB (ultraviolet B) radiation. During the winter, we get vitamin D from our body's stores and from food sources."
Funkyfran, you asked about 50,000 iu as a dose of Vitamin D. That sounds high to me. When I was first tested and found to be Vit D deficient, I was put on a loading dose of 20,000 iu for 6 weeks (ie one single 20,000 iu tablet just once a week) but then went down to a maintenance dose of 1,000 iu each day. My mother is on 800 iu a day. You would need to ask the GP/rheumy at what level it is considered toxic.
Definitely keep asking your rheumy/GP/other consultant questions to get more clarity on the situation and what's happening next. All the best, Fran
Great advice from both of you thank you. I am going to ring the National Osteoporosis Helpliine on Monday.
Thanks again. xx