Hello everyone,
How many of you have been appalled by the yesterday's news that, despite massive opposition from a number of charities (inclucing NRAS), the government are going ahead with their goal-post move of the qualifiying threshold for the higher mobility entitlement?
Previously set at 50 metres, this has been reduced to 20 metres which means that anyone who is able to manage 21 metres will have their higher level mobility allowance rescinded and therefore, their access to the motability scheme which allows you to use that allowance for a car lease contract.
I can't even begin to tell you how awful I feel this is, (otherwise I would be here until tomorrow) - Frankly, 21 metres doesn't even get me as far as a bus stop so I would be totally housebound without my car. Socially, emotionally, financially, medically and physically more greatly impaired.
With all the stories coming out about ATOS I remain terrified that the only financial income I get is going to be slashed because they need to hit their target. I've already lost a slice of it on the bedroom tax.
What I would impress upon anyone else in my position, however, is that (apparently) the government have promised to ensure that sufficient consideration is given to the reliability and repeatability of that 21 metre walk. In other words, can you do it all the time and can you do it over and over again. So, for example: Today I may find that I can do the 21 metres before I have to sit and rest but after resting I can only do 18 metres without seizing up and after that only 10 metres, therefore I am unable to repeat it. Tomorrow, however, I may have a flare and may not be able to make it to the front gate and am, therefore unreliable in my ability to walk that distance. The level of pain that is experienced in doing this operation also counts. We have all learned to live with pain but the fact that we deal with it does not make it acceptable. We have to learn to make it clear to the assessors that it exists.
Rant, rant rant!!!!
Judy xx