I have just been told by pip that they cannot award me higher Rate of Mobility Allowance as i am over Pension age, even though they agree that my symptoms are worse.
Can i therefore claim attendance allowance to help me with my care?
I have just been told by pip that they cannot award me higher Rate of Mobility Allowance as i am over Pension age, even though they agree that my symptoms are worse.
Can i therefore claim attendance allowance to help me with my care?
There is no mobility component for AA and I think you need to read the criteria to apply. Look up Gov.uk and it’ll help. No one can say if you’d get AA for sure so it’d be a risk but because no mobility component you need to check the level of AA you might qualify for compared to the level of PIP you do. If you’d possibly get more then fine but it’s far from certain so compare the two benefits because it’s just possible you’d get less.
Yes; assuming you are receiving state pension. gov.uk/attendance-allowance
if you go to citizens advice bureau they will help you fill in forms for help with attendance allowance .
I would read up on that. My husband got his mobility pip award reduced just before he retired, he can’t get it back now. I looked up Attendance Allowance and it said you can’t get it if you get PIP. It’s very unfair, he should have appealed but he was having major surgery at the time. He did get assessed at 68 and they tried to reduce his pip further but this time he did appeal and won. It’s unfair they can try and keep reducing it but you won’t ver get awarded more. We thought after a certain age they would stop trying but they don’t.
Hi , I Work in Benefits,and you can only claim either PIP or attendance allowance. if you are being awarded standard rate mobility and standard rate daily living you would be better off staying on PIP. In order to claim the higher rate of attendance allowance you would need care during the night.Hope this information helps you. Good luck with it all the benefit system is very very complicated and seems to be set up to confuse people
Take some advice on what the regulations are before you chance crossing any lines.The CAB will probably know who you should ask.
I tried to get attendance allowance for an aunt in her 90’s. She was assessed by somebody with no experience or qualifications & the application was refused…I persevered & in the end a retired GP did the assessment & it was successful…however it took so long my aunt died before she received anything.
I can’t add anything to the good advice already given other than here’s the link to information on applying if you need it
Hi I'm glad you managed to get a PIP award. I applied and was refused although said could appeal. As far as aware I cant apply for adult disability allowance after 65 years in Scotland.
Interesting question, if you were entitled to higher mobility before pension age then you can retain it after you become a pensioner, normally when you reach pension age you are expected to claim Attendance Allowance if you get iller but as it as no mobility part its best to seek advice and go for which ever is best for your circum stances. I get DLA and people say I should not but I was entitled before pension age so it was best to remain on it, as part of my health issues are mobility related. Cab and AgeUK offer advice on these matters. Good Luck
I would say unless you need care at night your current pip award will be worth more £