Here is one for you all. You know your old when you would sooner have a cup of tea,a good night is being tucked up in bed watching the telly..... Now over to you lovely people to come up with answers......xxxxxx
You know your old when...................: Here is one... - NRAS
You know your old when...................

Yep that is me! hahahah Maybe I will be better once the drugs work but that has been me for 18 months now!
I guess there will be quite a few that will agree with you in feeling old. Myself I am old so I guess I feel ancient. Xx
I would amend that to 'you know you've got RA when' .....
When you sigh "aah" thankfully whenever you sink into a comfy [correct height] chair - or your own bed!
When you're 2O/3O/4O etc and feel like you're body is 8O and had a hard paper round!
Hope the steroids are doing their job for you Sylvi:-}
Cece x
You know you're old when ; your knees creak getting up. You have a pair of gloves to match every coat. Chunky knife and forks, needing hubby to cut meats and take the odd meds out of the packaging . Shoes are tried on for comfort, not that they look nice. Oh, and your daughter asks u genuinely whether , when you were young did u have horse and carts as form of transport!
I have to spread my legs to bend over!!!!
The only place I have that still feels quite young is my mind, it's the body I feel so old in when it just won't do as its told anymore.
You know you are old when you forecast the weather before the weather men and when they do you disagree loudly.
When the top ten is unrecognisable just a blurr of noise!
You were bathed in the tin bath that hung on the back of the kitchen door.
You realise this is my aged partner not me LOL
When you need help to put your knickers and shoes on !!!
When you shop for comfortable clothes that will last, rather than stylish outfits that won't.
You know you're old when your mind refuses to believe it, but your whole body has pretty much been replaced with new parts, bit by bit!!
Or, all the ones they took out didn't need to be replaced...I told my sons I would will my body to Medical Schools, so they wouldn't have to worry about burying me, but my doctor son said, I would not be acceptable, too many missing parts and one of the requirements for Anatomy class was to recognize and find each body part as required.
Today we will identify Gallbladders, this ones' missing
next we will identify uteruses, this one's missing
Count the vertebrae..uh, sir, there aren't any...LOL
So I guess I won't be able to be a part of research for RA cure!!
You know your old when you are going out for the evening and your daughter asks you what time you will be home and have you got a coat lol.
I'm with Sylvie....a nice cuppa in the evening curled up in my bedsocks and cosy bed jacket watching a film or reading a book.....oh yes what thrills! xx
You know your old when the grand children come round and you can't run round with them ;( x
you know when you have to think can I do this when you have to plan before you get out of the chair and when you need help to get up off the floor
You've put off replying to this because you're in denial
That is sooo
I'm changing mine to you know you have RA ( as I'm only in my thirty ś / but feel in my eighthy's)
you know you have RA when you own more pj's than clothes.
You know you have RA when your friends are going out clubbing and the thought off it tires you out so much your in bed for 9pm.
You know you have RA when you forget what you were talking about a few minutes before :/
I could go on forever with these lol

You know you have RA when you can't run round with your 4yr old
You also kno you have RA when you felt like ending a relationship with a lovely guy as your to fatigued and in pain to go out
Not that I have, iv explained RA and how I feel sometimes and amazingly there isn't a man shaped hole in the wall!

You know you have RA when your friend your age (28) has some amazing going out shoes and you admire them for their artistic beauty because at footware they are cruel instruments of torture!
Old ..... Never!
You know you are getting old when you have to run to the loo every half hour, and your other half keeps taking your arm when you start shopping for comfy clothes instead of fashionable ones.!!
And your brain keeps telling you are not old really !!!
Wendy xx