I've been having blood tests for a few years now, always from inside my left elbow and they just go in, get it and I'm away. The last time the phlebotomist couldn't get anything at all from my left arm, she fished about a bit but nothing came out so went in to my right arm elbow and got some. Today was even worse, the phlebotomist couldn't even find anywhere to try on my left arm and had to use a vein on the side of my right arm which had bruised. When I had my canula in for the Infliximab infusion the nurse had to use a vein part way up my forearm and said she was having trouble locating a vein.
Has anyone else noticed a sudden difference in how easy it is to have blood taken? I know it seems like a minor thing but it is a sudden major change in something minor. The only thing that changed is I started MTX again but never had this problem when on it before. Not sure if I'm worrying for nothing!
The MTX thing, yesterday evening I took my 5mg MTX tablets and an hour or so later went all allergic like I'd dipped my head in a bucket of pollen, really itchy eyes, streaming nose and sneezing, anyone had that with it? It eased off after a couple of hours.
Cheers XXX