Hi all,
I’ve not blogged for quite a while that’s not because I don’t like you or fed up with you all, I have read with great interest what’s been happening, added a comment here and there; you’ve had some interesting people blogging recently.!!!
We seem to have developed into a really nice community with people who care and have time to or make time to reply to those questions that we come up with in the middle of the night, I have had an annus horribillus and want to wipe 2011 from my mind. But to do that I also have to put these thoughts to paper, then print and rip them up, therefore getting rid of any gremlins and nasty thoughts.
I agree whole heartedly with all that has been said about preaching and selling on this site.
So have you thought as I have that the side effects of RA are sometimes worse, more painful, make life more difficult and generally p** me off.
Pain all over, Fatigue ,Brain fog, Trouble sleeping,
Exercice difficultés, Headaches, IBS,Jaw pain, Multiple sensitivities
chronic fatigue, weakness, dizziness, headaches, depression, sore tongue, sensitivity to cold (low body temp), shortness of breath doing simple tasks (climbing stairs, walking short distances, doing housework), restless legs syndrome and loss of interest in work, recreation, relationships and intimacy.
Chronic Pain Syndrome
mainly because of the spine ops.
Fatigue, Sleeplessness, withdrawal, weakened immune system, moody, anxiety, stress.
Sjogrens Disease
the most common symptoms of Sjogrens syndrome are extremely dry eyes and mouth that have lasted for at least 3 months and are not due to medicines. You may have itching and burning in your eyes and your mouth may feel as though it is full of cotton.
You may have noticed how all these symptoms seem to appear in each of the illnesses, they are all treated pretty much the same way. There are others that seem to pick on RA as well, let us know about them please.
In aid to try and make things a bit easier for me last December I had a couple of pints of Ab+ that seemed to make a difference.
I’m back on Humira weekly and still having MTX injections weekly. Since the flare last January 2011 I have not been back to work, I had the carpal tunnel op done in March I came off Humira then for 6 weeks, went back on it without too many probs. The RA seemed to be OK then July comes along and I had Cauda Equina (couldn’t wee.) then I had the 2 spine ops 1 the 24th August L3-S1 decompression with a bit of metalwork put in. Then came home but back into hospital in 3 days as my legs had started to go numb, but the pain within my legs and lumber spine was horrendous I had another op on September 4th this time they had to drill out a piece of hardened calcium that had built itself a cosy nest restricting my nerves at L4-L5.
I don’t know too much about Anaemia and I don’t want to pester my GP about it. She has prescribed tablets to be taken 3 times a day and has referred me to see a gastrologist. The truth is I feel 10 times worse on the tablets and i'm finding it really difficult to take them. My tiredness is now so extreme it affects my daily life. My Rheumy consultant has put me up for another couple of pints as the appt for this new guy may take a while.
I’ve always had so much energy. I constantly feel nauseous and i’m sick at least a couple times a day. I’ve lost all appetite but i’m thirsty all the time often craving for fizzy drink s {which I then later regret} my co-ordination has completely gone and have done myself injury as a result. I can’t concentrate and often get confused holding conversations.
Hubs says I've always done that
I have a constant metallic taste in my mouth which is awful and i’m forever brushing my teeth to try and get rid of it. It never helps though. Some days are better than others which I can’t understand. My wonderful hubs understands all of this and try’s to make things easier for me, I have become a recluse not being able to drive and walk any distance I couldn’t even get to the bus stop without either falling or stumbling.
Have any of you got the same combination of syndromes,
I expect it to be loads of you.
Love to you all
Tricia P