Hi guys hope you are all feeling well if not very gentle hugs.
Well the RA started in my fingers last year and now my knees and shoulder are killing. RA specialist injected steriod straight into my knee 3wks ago but I feel has made no difference. Has anyone else felt that opinion?? I stiffen up all the time and Im not sleeping so im increasingly grumpy. I have 1st session of physio tomorrow as got reffered when my shoulder froze because of it 2 weeks ago. I have an ATOS assesment on Monday and Im terrified im convinced I will fail. Iv worked all of my adulesant life (im only 27) and now feel that I am going to be judged on this horrible illness that everyone says you fail on as it is not recognised enough. To top it off im in a custody battle to get my 6yr old son so back on anti depressants and stressed to the hills. Has anyone else had an ATOS assesment recently? Like iv said im terrified.