Well its day 110 and things do seem to be better. Hopefully over the grieving period. I'm not constantly thinking about my ex-buddy, the Nico demon. I thought it was the champix that caused the sleep disruptions but I slept better on the champix than I have in the four and a half weeks since I finished it. I know this is probably to do with the chemical changes to my body. Most of you probably went through this. So how long before you started sleeping better?
How long before you get a good nights sleep? - No Smoking Day
How long before you get a good nights sleep?
yep, 90 days is about the moment you start going back to your best daily regime, incl. sleep.
I had terrible insomnia for first month (I now how a schizophrenic feels. You are tired, can't sleep and start having more and more and more tangled thoughts, and even hearing voices and having huge blood-pressure and start having thoughts about injuring yourself accidentally because of this pressure), then what can be called "post insomnia traumatic" period, where I could not get back to any routine due to having such bad month. Getting 7 hours sleep was a luxury rarity.
And eventually it all eased out (I imagine that meant my brain dopomine receptors and other things slowly grew back and stabilized).
doing gym in mornings and then getting to bed with some sleeping aid or hot tea or heavy foods worked well for me.
I've been smoke free for over a year now and I have no cravings, sleep well and my productivity is through the roof
Hi I am heading towards a month cold turkey and insomnia has been my worst symptom
I have sometimes needed 2 sleeping pills and even then I am sometimes only getting 4 hours
Also constipation I already have slow transit constipation I am convinced that smoking caused it originally and unlike other smokers who say it helps them go it is the opposite with me
I see a specialist as have tried every medication and natural remedy but guess after 40 years of smoking things will take time ?
Thanks for your post x
Insomnia can be "cured" by taking few vacations and simply exhausting yourself via sports and sleeping whenever - e.g. I could not sleep well during night, but I often napped during the day - those 1-2 hour naps were a blessing.
I went to the pharmacy yesterday and talked to my pharmacist about not sleeping and she suggested melatonin. I took one before bed last night. I don't know if it was because of the pill or that I was so tired but I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. I went to bed at 9pm and slept until 2pm. Usually I lay in bed for a couple of hours before I fall asleep. Then sleep for an hour and wake up, my sleep pattern for the night. So needless to say I feel better today. Will see what tonight brings.
Hang in there maison8. A day at a time.
Hey reader2019 - as previously mentioned the withdrawals experiencing was in fact not champix but nicotine withdrawal and should be starting to settle down now as your brain continues the gradual rewiring. I promise, in another month or so, you will look back at this and think and feel great at how far you have come, just hang in there. Patience is another thing needed in this journey and something I lacked and got very frustrated at as expected to feel great as soon as I stopped but unfortunately it doesn't work that way. While the body is remarkable at healing, it does take time. Embrace the new found life that awaits you over the next few months
Well done on the 110 days! Aww, sorry to hear about the sleep. I was the opposite of you and slept better "after" I stopped Champix. But I also use sleep aides like 10 mg Amitriptyline and even edibles (sorry if I offend anyone). Do what you must to get enough sleep because it is very important.