Well what can I say!
Tomorrow I have not smoked for 1 month! That's 433 fags not smoked, a saving of £198! I entered this not over planning, I remember smoking my last fag and hated it! I feel the time was right, after some major life changes this was the last on my 'to do list'
I have the odd craving and have found myself patting my pockets to get a fag and realised I have stopped, a small amount of panic sets in but quickly subsides, I have learnt to laugh at my addiction and habit!
I am surprised how quick the cravings go, and I loved smoking, I was a dedicated follower of smoking! But I feel proud I have got this far, and guess what? I have decided I won't be smoking tomorrow or the next day or the next day........... Thanks for your support on here, I keep reading your tips!
Timmy Tim x