I'm OK!: Hi I haven't been feeling great... - No Smoking Day

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I'm OK!

nsd_user663_52535 profile image
18 Replies


I haven't been feeling great this past couple of days (weeks to be fair) and yesterday things reached a crescendo . I have had cold/flu symtoms, and a chesty cough, and yesterday afternoon the coughing episodes got worst and I had difficulty breathing and was very wheezy.

So, DH qnd I took ourselves to the local G Docs at Local Hospital to (diagnosing myself here) to get some antibiotics! Called Hospital at 6pm, Appointment at 8pm and home by 9pm!!

Didn't work out like that, Doctor ended up admitting me overnight as the rattling in my chest was apparently so bad. Chest X Ray at 11pm, Blood Tests, Scan on my Calf at 12 midnight as there was a tightness feeling, like a vice gripping my leg. (this was apparently to check for DVT).

Monitored all night, on drip, fluids and antibiotics, had my stomach stabbed 3 times with blood thinner, used nebuliser lots, and absolutely no sleep. And I thought I'd be sent of my way with a few pills!

Just home. On the mend today, very tired, rattling sound in my chest changed to a growl and now it's more like a purr. So antibiotics fairly kicked in.

I have never ever experienced an episode like this before, it was scary, I think similar to an asthma attack, but not, sorry if that's sounds dippy. I have a Chest Infection.

How proud was I saying 'No' to the question - Do you smoke Fiona?

However, didn't feel quite so self assured when I had to admit it had only been 7 months (tomorrow actually).

And to be perfectly, perfectly honest, do you know what my biggest fear was, going for an X Ray, and worst still, the result of the Chest X Ray. And each and every single one of you will understand why I'm saying that. (Everything was OK).

In comparison

My husband undergoes an Offshore Medical 2 yearly and Chest X Rays are quite routine.I don't ever recall him saying he was dreading getting this done. (Will's a non smoker).

Just saying......

Fi xx

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nsd_user663_52535 profile image
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18 Replies
nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Oh Fi my love, I wish I had known! I've been worried about you since yesterday because you haven't been on the forum but I never would have imagined this!

I'm so relieved that the results came back ok but I can't even begin to imagine how terrifying it was to go through that.

Take care Fi, and as I said, I'm so very pleased you're on the mend lovey x

Molly x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Oh wow what a scary time for you Fi :(

I'm really glad you're on the mend and that you haven't got anything more serious!!

Take care of yourself and get well soon!! xxx

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

Glad you're on the mend and the x-rays are clear it must have given you quite a scare, what a relief that it wasn't anything worse than an infection.

Its fantastic to hear they took it so seriously though, 22 years ago my mum presented with similar symptoms and the doctor diagnosed late onset asthma. Unfortunately it wasn't and the DVT was only discovered in the post mortem.

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

Glad you're on the mend and the x-rays are clear it must have given you quite a scare, what a relief that it wasn't anything worse than an infection.

Its fantastic to hear they took it so seriously though, 22 years ago my mum presented with similar symptoms and the doctor diagnosed late onset asthma. Unfortunately it wasn't and the DVT was only discovered in the post mortem.

That is heartbreaking Nic, I'm so grateful that they take these things more seriously now.

nsd_user663_52535 profile image

Glad you're on the mend and the x-rays are clear it must have given you quite a scare, what a relief that it wasn't anything worse than an infection.

Its fantastic to hear they took it so seriously though, 22 years ago my mum presented with similar symptoms and the doctor diagnosed late onset asthma. Unfortunately it wasn't and the DVT was only discovered in the post mortem.


I'm very sorry to hear that about your mum, the fact that she needn't have died must have been very difficulty for you and your family.

The Docs I had were on the ball, I obviously mentioned usual symtoms, I would probably never mentioned having had pain in my leg, thought is was just cramp. However, the question was asked by the Doc and I casually said my calf had been a bit sore and a DDiamond Blood test done and thinners were used as a precaution before results even came back.

I'm glad about X Ray, the results could have been so different, I worried it may have picked up the damage I'd done in 30'years of smoking. Thank The Lord I have at last found my 'Mindset Hat', this is the one for me, 7 months, just a little proud.

Fi x

nsd_user663_52535 profile image

Molly, Kat, Gemma

Thanks for your good wishes. I've just showered and heading to bed with my blanket on, hot and cold!

Last night, in hospital, the lovely lady in next bed to me in assessment ward was doing a quiz with the Nurse, I didn't get to do that!

Just as well I suppose cos I'm no good, the Nurse was asking lots of History questions. The lady, 96 years young raced through the questions getting everyone answer correct!

However, the nurse asked the lady to remember an address and I still remember that today:). 3 West Way, or was it Walk:confused: It was defo Number 3!!

Fi x

nsd_user663_56712 profile image

Just seen your post Fi,

Glad you are home and ok, enjoy your warm cosy bed and sleep well.

Trea xx

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Ooh, there's nothing better than getting all warm and cosy, and my leccy blanket is fab too :D

nsd_user663_52535 profile image

Thanks so much Trea and Gem


Fi x

nsd_user663_54332 profile image

Thanks so much Trea and Gem


Fi x

Nighty night and sleep well :) xx

nsd_user663_51711 profile image

Just seen this post , Fi. Blimey you have been through it. Thank goodness you went to hospital and thank goodness the docs were on the ball. I hope you start to feel better soon as the antibiotics kick in. These chest things can be horrible. I've had pneumonia twice.

The first time I was very poorly and it took weeks to recover.The second time I nipped out of school while my class was being covered during Christmas play rehearsals to meet for the first time the lovely Scot Dr Burn, now retired, lover of Wham which played all through the waiting room, and lover of expletives!

I told him I had a cold and just did not feel very well at all. When he examined me he said," No wonder you feel effing poorly, you have pneumonia woman. The bloo dy school play will have to do without you." Eeeh I loved that man. They don't make family docs like that any more.

I am just so pleased you got yourself to hospital, Fi and thank goodness you were not smoking. That has got to have been a plus in a bad situation.

Hugs xxxx

nsd_user663_53658 profile image

The second time I nipped out of school while my class was being covered during Christmas play rehearsals to meet for the first time the lovely Scot Dr Burn, now retired, lover of Wham which played all through the waiting room, and lover of expletives!

I told him I had a cold and just did not feel very well at all. When he examined me he said," No wonder you feel effing poorly, you have pneumonia woman. The bloo dy school play will have to do without you." Eeeh I loved that man. They don't make family docs like that any more.

LOL Becky!!

I wish I had a doctor like that!

Love it :D

Molly x

nsd_user663_51711 profile image

Molly, he was an absolute treat. I've moved away from there now, but he has retired now anyway. He was so funny and a joy to visit. If Wham was not playing when he arrived at surgery, the first thing he did was put his Wham cd in before he would see anyone. The patients loved him and he loved them.

I've had a couple of horrible crises in my time and each time it's been a lovely Scot either doc or nurse who has helped me. I just love those Scots bless their hearts. x

nsd_user663_54554 profile image

Wow, crikey Fi, what an ordeal! Glad you're ok and hope for a speedy recovery from the experience, quick virtual hug lobbed your way! :)

nsd_user663_4558 profile image

It will be man-flu :D

nsd_user663_52535 profile image

Becky, Max, Karri, Lostie, and Hawk and Dicko

Thanks for the get well wishes:) Feeling a little better today, chest still wheezy (never felt like this when I smoked!) and blinding headachce despite meds, fluids, rest and an inhaler which I'm not even sure I'm using correctly!:eek:

Off work for a few days, being spoilt, and just going from sofa to bed and vice versa. Can't concentrate on reading, so feel good films it is!

I'm impatient and just want to feel well again!

Fi x

PS. Dicko, yes possibly a strain of man flu:rolleyes: However, I'm still able to advise my carers (dh and son) on what to make for tea, which cycle to put towels on in washing machine, remind one of them to take letter to Doc Surgery, (still not done) etc, etc. So definitely not as bad as the real man flu, cause I believe men can hardly talk even when they're ill. :D

nsd_user663_52535 profile image

7 months

Yay........7 months

So,pleased, just feel I've turned that all important corner:)

Just wish I was feeling a little better!

Fi x

nsd_user663_42390 profile image

get well soon

Hi Fi, very sorry to hear you have not been feeling well and I am glad that you are now on the mend. That must have been pretty scary for you! On a positive note 7 months is brilliant and I am sure that you are very proud of yourself. Well done to you and get well soon Fi!xxxxx

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