New and miserable: Hi everyone, I have never... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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New and miserable

nsd_user663_26512 profile image
17 Replies

Hi everyone,

I have never posted on any sort of forum before, so hope I am doing this right. I just need some help today.

It is day 9 for me and I am so miserable I could cry, is this normal? I am having trouble getting motivated to do anything and I can't sleep. I quit through hypnotherapy on Wednesday 13th April, but by the Saturday night I had to rush out to buy a nicorrette inhalator to ease my pain, this does help and I am using 1 cartridge per day only.

I need some support :(

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nsd_user663_26512 profile image
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17 Replies
nsd_user663_25997 profile image

Hi everyone,

I have never posted on any sort of forum before, so hope I am doing this right. I just need some help today.

It is day 9 for me and I am so miserable I could cry, is this normal? I am having trouble getting motivated to do anything and I can't sleep. I quit through hypnotherapy on Wednesday 13th April, but by the Saturday night I had to rush out to buy a nicorrette inhalator to ease my pain, this does help and I am using 1 cartridge per day only.

I need some support :(

Hi Louise, Great job on quitting!! You came to the right place. I quit the same day as you. I went on champix and on that day decided I'd had enough of cigarettes they do nothing but make us ill. What you are saying has happened to me and others. I was actually kind of down myself today. Finally pushed myself to get up and out of the house, some retail therapy. Also instead of using the inhaler all the time try some gum, mints, etc. and lots of water your body needs to get rid of the nicotene.

I am sure you will find a great source of information and support here. Not many people on today because of the holidays I guess, but you will see. Good idea also would be to perhaps contact your local NHS stop smoking clinic they offer very good counseling. :)

Take a look around the site, I am sure you will find you are not alone and although at times it seems rough, it does pass!! That is the thing to focus on. I have had some great support here and made some new friends..

The nicotene will definitely fight you because it wants you to feed it, but don't give in to it. Remember you are in control of your body!!!

Get familiar with the site and I am sure you will find reading other posts very helpful as I did. Good luck and keep it up. Just come back online and rant if it gets bad, it is much better than lighting up. :)

nsd_user663_26512 profile image

Dear Valian,

thank you, it is so good to know that someone understands my pain!! I have lots of support at work and by my family, but I know they dont really want to talk about it as much as I do, and as smoking was part of my life for many years, I do need to talk about it!!

Retail therapy!!!! I think my husband will have a heart attack if he was to see how much I have bought today :rolleyes:

And I do need to control my eating, I cannot put any weight on as that would be far too depressing!! and today being a down day I found myself mixing a packet of butterscotch angel delight and eating the whole lot :( so I do need to be careful there.

I have been looking at loads of threads on this site and am finding it really comforting, I just need to learn how to use it now :)

Thank you for replying, it has really really helped. :)

nsd_user663_25997 profile image

Hi Louise, my pleasure. Like I said you came to the right place. As for the eating I know what you mean, I've never been tiny by any means and I have been eating a bit more. I always worry about my weight but this time, although yes I do try and be careful and chew sugarfree gum instead of chocolate when I can, I will not stress. Right now we are stressing about quitting smoking, don't need to add more stress. One thing at a time :)

Do keep coming back to the site and as you are discovering it is very helpful.

have a great weekend and happy Easter :)

nsd_user663_7235 profile image

Hi Louise and welcome to the forum. I am one of the more senior members on here as in I have already stopped for 16 months+.

Well done on getting to day nine I know it's hard and you have came to the right place for help and support.

I joined this forum when I was on day 26 and never thought I could go three hours never mind three weeks.

Along with many others I'm living proof it can be done and you can do it too. You are going to get good days and bad days, days when you wonder why you are putting yourself through this. But you will also get days when you feel so proud of yourself, when you think it's such a wonderful world and can't understand why you ever smoked or why you would ever want to again.

Write down your reasons for stopping smoking and pin them up all over the house so you can't but help see them every day, many times a day.

Put the money you are saving by not smoking in a jar and when you have enough reward yourself with something you have wanted.

What I did at the start was every night when I got into bed I said to myself well done that's another day.

Keep going be determined and positive and you'll get there.


nsd_user663_26512 profile image

Hi Jack,

Thank you for your support and congratulations, 16 months + and no cigarettes! that seems a long way off to me, at the moment I am taking it day by day and am so glad I joined this forum, I think it is going to help me get through this.


nsd_user663_25209 profile image

Hi louisa, Welcome and well done on your quit.

This forum is really fantastic. Im on day 22 and its really helped me. I am using patches and have read loads on here about them. Initially in my quit i was getting cravings so to tackle it i just came on this forum and just read lots, in the first 2 weeks i went through packs of wrigleys extra but iv stopped that now. I no longer get cravings and rarely think about cigarettes.

Honestly it does get easier :) I am much happier now than when i smoked my 20+ a day. Keep at it, your doing fab and if you want to moan, cry, shout, scream or laugh then this is the place xx

nsd_user663_25112 profile image

Hi Louise, your definitely in the right place and its a fab forum i read on hear everyday and i guess i am addicted but better than being addicted to fags. Well done on getting to day 9 and you will get good days and bad days as we all do. I am on 7weeks 4days so nearing 2months and i have been hard to live with as being snappy and moody but hey dont worry its all sent to try us part of quitting. And i love my food more and more because it tastes delicious. Good luck keep it going. My last fag 28/2/11. 1mg Lozenge . Willpower, determination, this forum .

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Hi Louise.

First of all, congratulations - you should be congratulating yourself on getting this far. It's a real achievement.

Around this time is tough, I know i found it so, because the initial rush of quitting is wearing off and you start to wonder if you're always going to feel like steamrollered crap, and that maybe you are just one of those people who is never going to get over it, etc etc... I felt exactly the same, really down, and OBSESSING about cigarettes.

But... it DOES wear off. It takes time, and a positive attitude, but it gets better and better. And you start to really see the benefits of quitting after a couple of weeks (my breathing was like... wow... I can't describe the difference).

Try not to think about the long term. Just take it one day at a time. Every time you go to bed congratulate yourself on another day of freedom. You'll soon be out of the woods.

If you want some inspirational reading I can't do better than point you in the direction of

Hang tough, you're doing great! :D


nsd_user663_26512 profile image

the support I have had already is so helpful :)

Hi Helen,

I tapped onto the link, thanks for the tip. can you tell me how to put my information at the bottom of my posts? (I want to tell everyone when I last smoked and how I quit, but can't work out how to do it).

Day 10 today and it has been better than yesterday :D

nsd_user663_26512 profile image

Well done, you are very inspiring

Hi Fleetwood,

can't wait until I have been stopped for weeks rather than days, it still seems a long way off, but today is day 10 and it is better than day 9 was! you are so right about this forum as well, already I am finding it a great comfort, I think just being able to read about everybody else going through exactly the same thing as me is comforting. I quit with hypnotherapy, after reading the Alan Carr book,I also bought the nicorette inhalator after day 3 for desperate emergencies and I am pleased to say that I am not using it much at all :D

nsd_user663_20558 profile image

Lou - click on 'user cp' (at the left of the strip menu across the top of the page) and you'll see a link to edit signature.

Glad to hear you're still going strong!


nsd_user663_25997 profile image

Hi Louise, Great job on keeping going!!

As for the details below you're name, the way I did it is, click on QUICK LINKS then choose the "Signature" and you're good to go. You can always go in and edit whenever you want.

Happy Easter


nsd_user663_26512 profile image

Thank you

thanks Valian,

Will give it a go.

Am feeling pretty pleased with myself today, I went into town shopping and would usually have to stop midway and sneak out of the shopping centre for a ciggie, I surprised myself by not actually missing it that much, I am going to beat this!!! :D

I hope the Easter Bunny brings you some yummy chocolate tomorrow xx

nsd_user663_26512 profile image

thanks Helen,

I am going to give it a go in the morning, just realised how late it is!!

went shopping today and didn't need my usual ciggie break, so very pleased with myself.

have a brilliant Easter xx

Lou - click on 'user cp' (at the left of the strip menu across the top of the page) and you'll see a link to edit signature.

Glad to hear you're still going strong!


nsd_user663_26512 profile image

thanks for help with my signature

thanks for your help everyone I hope now you can see why I am desperate to do this!! My poor Dad was diagnosed 22nd December and passed away 12th February, he had no illness until October time and no chance to fight the awful unforgiving disease.

nsd_user663_26512 profile image

thank you

Thanks for your Kind words Karri, Yes Dad will be very proud, I told him I was going to do this before I lost him and am determined to see it through, not only for Dad, but also for my children and most of all for ME :D

it is amazing how scared we all are of living without our little addictive friend, I was actually very sad the day before I quit, I felt I was losing something that had been with me for all of my adult life, good times and bad times, it was always there for me, it is such a huge adjustment to make, and I am still desperate for one at times!!

xx ;)

nsd_user663_13466 profile image

Hi Louise

Well done in getting this far in your quit. It's so hard in the first few weeks but when you start counting in months not weeks the feeling is fantastic. The first 3 weeks are the worst. I had every side effect going to begin with and was so depressed and kept crying. Now I laugh because I can't believe I was crying because I couldn't have a ciggie. Just keep going and you will start feeling the benefits. Good Luck xx

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