Trying Again: Dear All, I think i don't... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Trying Again

nsd_user663_4314 profile image
60 Replies

Dear All,

I think i don't have strong will power because i do not use any medicine as alternate to keep myself away from smoke. I quit couple of months ago and didn't took a single puff for more than a month but somehow due to stress and situation around ui started again. Now I've decided to get rid of this habit again and this is my first day. I've been smoking for last 15 years. Kindly support me to get strong against smoke...

Thanks to all,

Written by
nsd_user663_4314 profile image
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60 Replies
nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Hassan :)

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathiseing with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

Post often to let us know how you're doing, to rant, rave have a moan whatever you like pretty much anything goes on here OK

Best Wishes

Marg xxxxxxxx

Deke profile image
Deke9 Years Smoke Free

Hi Hassan, and welcome back.

This forum is a very supportive place. There are people with loads of experience who will be around to help, advise and support.

But at the end of the day it is you that will achieve what you want. Whatever method anyone chooses to kick this addiction is fine, the important thing is that it is your choice to not smoke.

Keep choosing not to smoke and you will succeed.

Stay strong.


nsd_user663_4625 profile image

Good for you

Hi Hassan,

Good for you for trying again. You WILL succeed if you really want to.

We all here to listen & support whenever you need it.

Keep strong.

Gaynor xxx

nsd_user663_4314 profile image


Dear All,

Thanks for support specially margerth. Thank you man. It's my second day and still going well. When i feel urge for smoke i use sugar free gum. Anyhow it's still working quite fine. I think that first 100 hours are quite tough to spend as smoke free.

Once again thank you margreth.


Hassan Kazmi

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Hassan :D

You're doing fine on day 2 well done after tomorrow there will be no nicotine left in your system at all

You're right the first few days are really tough after that it will gradually get easier for you

Keep it going and keep posting on here


Marg xxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4482 profile image

yeah i find i have to keep reminding myself why i quit smoking in the first place!

we all get these urges, have that one or few feel that buzz again, then after those 5 magic cigis, the pleasure goes, then we are back where we started!

it's a rubbish habit, kick it now dude while you can!




nsd_user663_4314 profile image

Day 3rd

Dear Marg & Jamie,

Thanks for the posts. I am not feeling well today due to crave. Well, I am just sitting in my office and doing little work. I am thinking to go home early today and will sleep right away. First week is tough but i definitely will kick myself out of this habit.

Warm Regards,

Hassan Kazmi

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Hassan :D

Well done on day 3 by tonight all the nicotine will have gone

Sorry you didn't feel well because of a crave and hope by now you feel better again just hang in there and it will get easier for you Promise


Marg xxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4314 profile image

Day3rd Evening

Dear Marg,

Thank you for the help and suggestions you gave. I really feel good to see your posts.

I am feeling urge a lot to smoke now but when i think about u that a 66 years old man has quit then why can't i?

So i am still strict with my decision and not gonna smoke any more.

I am quite fine now and just sitting at home. By the way what do you say about a cup of green tea? The real difficulty which i face is when i go outside and see someone smoking around even my father smokes a lot too. These couple of situations makes me weaker against smoke free.

Looking forward to your posts.....

Thanks 'n' Take Care,

Hassan Kazmi

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Hassan :D

Well done day 3 nearly over now and the nicotine is gone from your system and if my posts are helping you then i'm happy for you

Glad you feel fine now and just sitting at home Green tea is good and it will help to get rid of the toxins from your body

It is difficult at times when someone else is smoking but in a few days you'll find this will trouble you less and less often

Most of my friends smoke and after the first couple of weeks I really didn't notice it at all just the awful smell that lingered

May i correct your thought that I'm a male I'm not I'm female but some of the mistake I'm sure is that i call myself Marg easily mistaken for Mark

Take care Hassan you are doing really well


Marg xxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4314 profile image

Almost a Week Now...

hmmm. Great to know about you and i really appreciate your strong will power against smoke.

Anyhow it's been more than a week now since i quit. I am feeling change in my body day by day as i moved on with smoke free life. Life is really very beautiful and i can see how wonderful it became after i quit.

Thank you all for your support!

Hassan Kazmi

31 years old

Started somking since i was 16... 30 cigs in a day...

Quit Date... Last Days of June 2009... I didn't remember the exact day

nsd_user663_4314 profile image

To Marg

How are you? Hope you must be fine.

Well, it's been more than two week now since i quit. I am just feeling strong urge for smoke today even i tough couple of times to buy a cig and start smoking but i am still bearing. It's really quite tough to quit. Anyhow I am trying to stay strict with my decision and not smoking yet.

Need your support!!!


Hassan Kazmi

nsd_user663_4891 profile image

Hey Hassen,

Well done for having re quit! at least you did it once before and you must tell yourself you can do it again.

There will be tough days and better days so chin up!.

All this being said by some one who is still smoking!! hahaha i think deep down i'm trying to convince myself to stop and:rolleyes: the same time supporting others.

Bye bye


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

How are you? Hope you must be fine.

Well, it's been more than two week now since i quit. I am just feeling strong urge for smoke today even i tough couple of times to buy a cig and start smoking but i am still bearing. It's really quite tough to quit. Anyhow I am trying to stay strict with my decision and not smoking yet


Hassan Kazmi

Hi Hassan :D

I'm just fine rhankyou for asking

You're doing great more than 2 weeks into your quit well done Big Hug

Sorry to hear you're finding it tough going at the moment but please hang in there it will get easier for you soon

Please don't give on now or you'll have to di it all over again


Marg xxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4314 profile image

Marg And Mimi

Dear Marg/Mimi,

Thank you for the reply... I really appreciate your help....

I am feeling quite fine now and still strict with my decision. You are right that if i smoke again then i have to start it all over. This forum is very helpful to make someone's willpower strong. In start i used nicotine gum for couple of days but for last two weeks i didn't use anything. I am just using my will power. I realize now that smoking is bit tough to quit for a chain smoker but if you have strong will power then you can quit.

Anyway, thank you all for your support....


Hassan Kazmi

nsd_user663_4314 profile image

To Shahnoor

Dear Shahnoor,

Yes I am from Pakistan and thanks a lot for your helping reply. I definitely will visit those pages your mentioned and download that book. Currently, It's been three weeks almost since i quit. I am just using will power.

Again, thank you all for your support!

Warm Regards,

Hassan Kazmi

nsd_user663_3367 profile image

Can we please keep this subject away from the main forum as it makes it harder work for Mod 3 and myself

Many thanks

Moderator 2

nsd_user663_4785 profile image

Slapped wrists Chrissie......................:D

nsd_user663_4314 profile image


Dear All,

I am frequently visiting this page just to give myself help and stay strict with my decision. I am not interested to know that who is banned and who have access on this site. If shahnoor was banned then how did he posted?

Well, All i know this forum helps me a lot and secondly my will power. I am not using anything like chewing gum or candies. I think these things are harmful for teeth. It's been more than 3 weeks now since i quit and now i am pretty much enjoying the taste of food, fruits and juices. I feel bad for those days when i was stuck in smoke hell and smoking two packets each day even before sleeping and right after waking up i smoke a cig first then started any work. I really feel sorrow for those days that i ruined my health. Anyhow now i am improving slowly and i hope after a year i will be changed a lot.

Thank you for your support specially Margreth!!!!!!

With Love,

Hassan Kazmi

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Hassan :D

Well done on 3weeks + that's great Big hug for you

I was just like you last thing before I went to bed a fag and first thing in the morning a fag to start the day

Also like you I'm glad those days are gone

Glad to hear your health is improving and long before the year is up you'll hardly believe the change in your health

You're doing fine keep it up I'm glad you find the forum useful to you

Oh Shahnoor was banned after he/she posted I think


Marg xxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4314 profile image

Entered into 4th week

Dear Margareth,

Thank you for your reply...

I just want to inform you that i have entered into 4th week and as i am moving ahead i feel myself getting easy with crave/urge. Each next day is becoming more easy and relaxed. I feel damn good now and really this forum is very helpful.


Hassan Kazmi


nsd_user663_4891 profile image

Morning one and all,

And what true music to my ears to hear all this good and possetive news!!

Well done Hassan!! i'm following not far behind you but still have alot to do. I say that and infact it's not quite true!! i'm a good couple a weeks behind and those two weeks can make a huge differance!

And Marg, How are you??? Still very close to us all i see and we thank you so much, you seem to be like our teatcher or follower!:D hahaha

Stay in touch and speak soon.


nsd_user663_4314 profile image


Dear Mimi,

Good Evening,

Thank you for the post. Well, You're not much behind. You just need to be focused and stay positive.

Keep visiting this page regularly and share your feelings....


Hassan Kazmi

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Well Done Hassan

Well done Hassan

Have you decided on what you are going to do to treat yourself when you have your month long anniversary of being a non smoker?

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

I just want to inform you that i have entered into 4th week and as i am moving ahead i feel myself getting easy with crave/urge. Each next day is becoming more easy and relaxed. I feel damn good now and really this forum is very helpful. .

Hi Hassan :D

Well done you getting to the 4th weeks is great give yourslef a pat on the back

I'm also pleased it's getting easier for you now

Glad your feeling good but yourself something nice with the money you're saving that will give you a real list


Marg xxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4314 profile image

End of 4th week

Dear MAH,

Thank you for the reply. Well, today is end of my 4th week and i definitely will celebrate soon. You know what i feel, i feel it's totally belong to will power. I still feel urge and crave for smoke even sometimes i get ready to buy one cig but when i think that i have to do it all over again, i step back. It's really very important that when you decide to quit, you should set up a time period that how far you will go? I decided not to smoke for one year at least and here i am gonna complete one month...

Dear Margareth,

Hope you are fine and doing well. Thank you for your reply too. Well, I am using my money on fruits and juices... It's really good to have a healthy life...

Again, Thank you all for your support...

With Love....

Hassan Kazmi

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Hassan :D

Well done four weeks completed that's great

It's normal to still have the odd urge or crave at this stage but well donw not giving in to them and having that one smoke

As you say you'd just have to do it all over again


Marg xxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4314 profile image

One month done

Dear All,

I am glad to tell you that i have completed one month now. It's really not that much difficult. I think we all just need to be focus on our goal and make our will power strong. I have set a target of one year and i hope i will achieve it....

Thank you all....

With Love....

Hassan Kazmi

nsd_user663_4891 profile image

Well done Hassan!!

I hope you feel very good about yourself and proud of yourself! you deserve to be so.

I, unfortunatly have fallen off the wagon and am very dissapointed in myself.

I'm not yet ready to quit again fight now so i hope to find strength and motivation via the posts to help me get back on the right route.

Well done again and keep it up!! ;))


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Hassan :D

YAY well done on 1 month completed that's great Big Hug for you

I feel sure you'll reach your target and hope you then won't start again with your determination you're sure to get there


Marg xxxxxxxx

Hi Mimi :)

I'm sorry to here about your fall of the wagon

Come back when you're ready OK we'll all be here for you Promise


Marg xxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4314 profile image

End of 5th & Entered into 6th week

Dear All specially Margareth and Mimi,

It's almost one and half month now since i quit. As i already have told you that it's purely belong to your will power and no champix or any other thing keeps you away from smoke but the will power. You just need to decide once and then make yourself stronger and strict against smoke. Just keep promising with your loved ones and yourself that you will never ever touch smoke again.

I still feel urge for smoke but it is my strong decision as well as will power who keeps me away from such nonsense. Mimi you just need to be highly committed and consistent with your decision and i hope you will achieve the goal too.

Dear margareth thank you for your hugs and support. I wasn't this much strong but your postings really helped a lot for me and today i am proud to be healthy. God bless you...


Hassan Kazmi

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Hassan :D

Great almost 6 weeks now you're doing really well keep it going

I hope the urges are getting easier for you as you go along

Keep that will well to the front Big Hug for you


Marg xxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4656 profile image

Just want to add my support here Hassan, Well done and keep up the good work . Keep letting us know how your doing. x;)

nsd_user663_4314 profile image

Moving Ahead....

Dear Margareth & jaqualine,

At first Margareth.... Well, if you don't mind i would like to ask something.... Do you run this forum dear? I always found your post first... Sometimes i feel like you remain connected with this forum all the time and keeping eye on all of us. Anyhow great and nice work... I am really impressed....

Secondly Jaqualine.... Thank you for your support dear... Well, I am doing just great and going really very well so far.... I feel urge as well but now i have made a good distance of time between smoke and me so now it's not easy for me to touch it again... I want to remain smoke free till the day i die and i hope i will.....

Love you all....


nsd_user663_4656 profile image

Hi Hassan, i think we all feel the same way about margareth, shes a very special person. Well said, i like you want to be a non smoker now til the day i die, stay strong x:)

nsd_user663_4990 profile image


Congratulations on remaining a non-smoker, you know and you will always know that this is the right thing to do, and yes its sheer willpower and determination that gets some of us through those really awkward days.

We all managed just fine with lifes stresses etc before we smoked, so by quitting smoking we are just relearning what we always did know.. we can cope just fine without them.

Well done so far, keep up the positive feeling regards your reasons to stay quit from them, and take great encouragement from your acheivement so far and see that this is a wonderful thing you are doing for both yourself and everyone around you.

Well done hassan!

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

At first Margareth.... Well, if you don't mind i would like to ask something.... Do you run this forum dear? I always found your post first... Sometimes i feel like you remain connected with this forum all the time and keeping eye on all of us. Anyhow great and nice work... I am really impressed....

Hi Hassan :D

No I don't mind Hassan but the answer is no I don't run this forum at all

I'm just a member the same as you are, but I do spend a lot of time on here as unlike most others I no longer go to work so have plenty of time and I enjoy trying to help other as I was helped on here from the day I arrived as a newbie

Keep it going I think you have this sussed now


Marg xxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4314 profile image

Fine & Good...

Dear All,

Thank you so much for your replies and i really appreciate your work margareth.

Front big hug for your...........



nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Hassan :D

good to hear form you again and well done getting so far with your quit must be around 8 weeks now I think

Thanks for the hug


Marg xxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4314 profile image

2 Months

Dear margareth,

Hope you fine and doing well. yes it is almost done now. i have completed two months but i don't know why today i am feeling strong crave/urge for smoke. i think it's due to my thinking for smoke. As much as i think to smoke, i miss those days, i miss that intoxicated feeling but on the other hand i m happy to feel no smell around me. it just belong to stress and will power. one thing has to be strong. stress drags you towards smoking while will power can take you far away. Anyhow, i have made a good distance of two months now and still i think there's a long run left for me. At least one year required to kill this damn urge... I am really feeling very bad today.

Thank you all for your support.... This forum is really very helpful.

Love for MM....


nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Hassan :D

WOW 2 whole months that's brilliant Big Hug for you

I'm sorry you're having strong craves oday but as you know they will pass and tomorrow will be better for you again

As you go on with the quit you'll find the urges get so much less in strength as well as the amount of them

At this stage it is normal to miss smoking but it does get better the further you go

At 9 months I rarely have any urges at all just a fleeting thought now and then gone almost before I know it's there

Keep going you'll get where you want to be Promise



nsd_user663_4314 profile image


Dear Margareth,

Thank you for the hug.

Well, you are absolutely right and by the passage of time these urges will be gone forever. Similarly, I am moving ahead and bearing the pain. It's really not easy to quit but it's not impossible as well. We just need to be brave and i believe that only a brave heart can do such exercise.

Again, thank you for your kind support.



nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Hassan :D

You're welcome to any support I can give you

No it's not an easy task this quitting but it really is worth it as you're already finding out

Keep going it gets better and better


Marg xxxxx

nsd_user663_4990 profile image


Its the power of 3 i think?

3rd hour, 3rd day, 3rd week... 3rd month.

Basically hassan, just keep your guard up and know that everyones proud of you and you managing to stay off the smokes. Just recognise that compared to a lifetime of smoking, these cravings are nothing you cannot handle me matey!! You've been through the worst ones, this time its probably caught you more by surprise than anything.

remember the deep breathing to help, and get some distraction going on just to stop you mind wandering a bit to 'you know what'.

If nothing else hassan, at least this is reminding you that quitting smoking is not something that just takes a few weeks or a few months, but something you just need to nurture for quite a while longer yet.. and these forums are here for you whether you've been quit for hours/weeks/days/months or years.

Keep strong fella!


nsd_user663_4314 profile image

Thank you

Dear Jase & Margareth,

Thank you very much for such an instant response.

Nice explanation by Jase... I really appreciate that. Anyhow, i am on the right track and trying to create the distance as much as i could. As i said before, i want to achieve the time of one year once. I hope i will do it.

Love you all....

Hassan Kazmi

nsd_user663_4990 profile image

You WILL do it.

Where there is a will, there is a way

nsd_user663_5058 profile image

Hi Hassan,

I know you can do it we will cheer for you :D ...

nsd_user663_4314 profile image

Almost 3 Months

Dear All specially margareth,

It's been a long time since i posted last reply to this thread. Well, i am glad and proud to tell you that i have completed almost 3 months now. It really feels great. I was just thinking about this foum today that it helped me a lot specially margareth postings so i decided to come back and update all of you as well.

You are right Jase. There's always a way and we just need to grip ourselves on right way.

Thank you all for your support....


Hassan Kazmi

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Hassan :D

It's good to hear from you again and I'm glad that everything is going well for you

Almost 3 months quit is really great well done you Big Hug

I'm also pleased that you feel so good now and that the forum has helped you so much

Keep it going I think you have this beat now

Please keep us updated on how you're doing I will be at 300 days on Sunday


Marg xxxxx

nsd_user663_4314 profile image

3 Months Completed

Dear Margareth,

Good to see your reply... Actually, i do not visit this forum very often now. Anyhow, I've completed 3 months now and congrats you on achieving 300 days.

I still feel urge for sometime to smoke again as i think that what does it make a difference with couple of puffs but when i rethink that i have to do it all over again. I just stop myself to do so.

Well, I hope you must be fine and doing well. You really are a great member of this forum and you helped me a lot.

Wish you to live a very happy long life.

With Love,

Hassan Kazmi

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Hassan :D


Well done on 3 months smoke free that's great keep it going Big Hug

I get a fleeting thought now and then usually if doing something for the first time since quitting but that's it

If I've helped you at all that makes me happy

I'm glad you came here this week or I would have missed saying hello as going away for a few days next week

I also wish you a long and happy life


Marg xxxxxxx

nsd_user663_4314 profile image


Dear margareth,

Thank you very much for your reply.

I am pretty much happy with smoke free life.

Thank you all for your support.

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Hassan :D

Sorry for the delay in replying but was away on holiday

I'm pleased to hear you're happy with your smoke free life


Marg xxxx

nsd_user663_4314 profile image

Started Again

Dear Margareth,

It has been a long time since i visited this forum. Hope you must be fine and doing great. I just want to let you know that i started smoking again due to stress around all the time but after couple of weeks i came to know, i have done a big mistake. Now, today i am quitting again with the help of Niquotine gum. Please support me to do this job.

Thank you for your support.


Hassan Kazmi

nsd_user663_3936 profile image

Hi Hassan,

Welcome to the forums and congratulations on you r decision

to stop!:)

I have been smoke free for over a year now!

I love being a non smoker,

However, I did not quit using my will-power (I tried to do that many times and I know others who have succeeded quitting with will-power, but not me.)

I stopped by listening to and reading 'allen carrs easy way to stop smoking' , which got me into a positive frame of mind to quit,


If I ever feel like a cigarette I come to these forums or I find a willing to stop smoker elsewhere and I share precisely how I stopped and how I stay stopped.

This action keeps me from wanting to smoke,

It works like magic.

Similar to how drug addicts and alocoholics can stay recovered by helping each other.

Good luck!

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Hassan :D

Welcome back and sorry to hear to started smoking again due to the stress in your life but well done deciding to start again with the help of tje gum you now know that smoking doesn't help in any way

Of course I'll support you hun and I wish you every success in your quest for a smoke free life

You had been stopped for a long time hassan and this time I hope you make it all the way to the penthouse


Marg xx

nsd_user663_4314 profile image


Dear Marg,

Thank you for your quick reply. Good to hear from you.

Yes i didn't smoke for almost 5 months but it was just a big mistake which i had done. I feel sorry for that moment when i started smoking again and today i decided to quit. I was really enjoying my life a lot after getting rid of this bad habit but since last month i felt that i m going towards a disaster again. So now, this time i am back with much strong will power and hope it will be my life time achievement. I just hate smoking now. Such a worst thing in the world.

Thank you for your support.



nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Hassan :D

I knew you'd been quit for quite a while and am pleased you've stopped again now

Keep that willpower close by you hun and also remember how much you now hate smoing it will help when the demons come visiting again OK

Remember also that there is no such thing as just 1 it leads to many


Marg xx

nsd_user663_4314 profile image

Hi Margareth

Yes you are absolutely right. I agree that only one leads to so many later. Now i have come to known that patience has a great role in this task and we need at least a year to come out of smoking completely. 4 or 5 months aren't much enough to forget it forever. Anyhow, this time i will try my level best to achieve 1 year target.

Again, thank you for your kind support.


Hassan Kazmi

nsd_user663_4314 profile image

HI Reddleyon

Good to hear about you Redd,

Thank you for sharing your ideas. You really have done a great job. I myself was following the same ways and it helped me a lot but suddenly, i just lost my will power and started again. Now, today m back again on the track and hope i lead to success too like you guys.

Again, Thank you for your support.


Hassan Kazmi

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