need to stop but love smoking!!: i really... - No Smoking Day

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need to stop but love smoking!!

nsd_user663_4406 profile image
19 Replies

i really need to stop cant afford it any more and worried about my health , ive tried a few times this week but only lasted a day at most , anyone on here thts stopped and didnt want to ???

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nsd_user663_4406 profile image
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19 Replies
nsd_user663_4196 profile image

Hi rik26,

Im on day 15 of my quit and i think this is a battle every on has before they decide to quit, If you ask yourself a differant question it might answer if you really do want to stop.

If you could go back would you start smoking again or if you have any children would you be happy if they wanted to smoke?.

Sometimes a differant way of looking at things can help but there are lots of more experienced people on here who will help you and offer you lots of advice and tips. They also advise you to read through the link pages that they offer and it is well worth reading and reading and reading.

Good luck and im sure you will receive lots of other replys to give you a bit more help.


nsd_user663_3810 profile image

i really need to stop cant afford it any more and worried about my health , ive tried a few times this week but only lasted a day at most , anyone on here thts stopped and didnt want to ???

How can you love something which you have already said you cannot afford and makes you worry about your health!!!

How many of the fags do you ACTUALLY enjoy?? think you are trying to argue with yourself, desperatley trying to find reasons not to stop!

you need to want to stop, to be successful, half of the battle is to be strong in the mind!

i was once like you, i used to say i don't want to stop smoking because i 'love' it, and nobody can tell me different, however six months have gone and i now realise its' the best thing i have ever done-I LOVE BEING A NON SMOKER ME!!!!

hope you can get into the right mindset and succeed in stopping, because it stinks, its killing you, its time consuming and worst of all you pay alot of money to get a 5 minute fix!!! to then crave for another 30 mins down the line-hate it now and will never go back-you will think like me one day (hopefully);) xxx

nsd_user663_3928 profile image

Hi Nik26,

I dont know any one who has quit when they didnt want to, if you really want some info on quitting I suggest you read through the links in my signature you should find some very useful information good luck and I hope you choose a better life for yourself.


nsd_user663_4406 profile image

thanks for the replys, i seem to lack self confidence and i think smoking helps wit tht , think thts wot holds me back frm stopping but a got pathes thr and going to try tomoro , any other advice??

nsd_user663_4398 profile image

Hi rik26, I can't give advice cos my quit day is Sunday 29th March, however, I DO want to give up the cigs for good. You need to have a very positive attitude and have your own reasons for quiting. The fact you have joined this forum is a very good start. Everyone here is a massive crutch for you to lean on and I believe I will depend on their help to get me through. Lots of love and good luck...........we are strong together. x :)

nsd_user663_4406 profile image

thanks :) good to know thr is support , last few times a tried to stop i was pretty short tempered and would snap at family members would be good to lock ma self away for a week lol

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

Good luck to you on Sunday, wantostop! See you around on here!

nsd_user663_4121 profile image

And good luck to you, rik26! It takes sometimes to get into the right frame of mind.... you will get there since you are already looking at the cost and health.... those reasons were not enough for me.... but after making the list longer my motivation slowly grew.... you can do it!!

nsd_user663_4026 profile image

I agree with the others. You need to want to do it for you. Have a read of these

Just a taster from the links. Kind of hope it helps to put you in the right place..

nsd_user663_3140 profile image

Hi rik26 welcome to the forum.. what the others say is absolutely right, you really do need to really want to quit, otherwise you will either either find some reason to start smoking again, or spend the rest of your life wishing you were still a smoker.

I'd personally recommend that you spend a few days before your quit reading through the links provided by Fiona as as much as possible, it will put you in a much better mindset once you begin to see how false the idea of 'liking' smoking really is.

I am a firm believer that the only way to truly be free of the weed is to realise that smoking is nothing more than a drug addiction and understand that you are loosing nothing by quitting.

Good luck.

nsd_user663_4055 profile image

keepat it

idid nt think id get past a couple days ,i take day by day sayin to myself i will not smoke today go to bed at nite feelin them days av turned to nearly 7 weeks.quit 8th feb. i felt like u wanted to smoke but worryin about health cause i smoked for 21 yrs.i am using inhalator and go n see nurse now n then cause im on the quit programme which helps aswel. hang in there your days wil turn into weeks then months all of us will

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Rik :)

Welcome to the forum and well done on the decision to quit possibly one of the most important you will ever make and you will be losing nothing but you will regain control of your life and that has to be good

You will find all the help and support you need on here as we all help each other just like a family we are here for you every step of the way cheering the good days and sympathiseing with the bad but the good far outweigh the bad

Read the posts on here you will find a lot of tips and advice and in the signatures of a lot you will find links to other sites just click on them Here are 2 I find very good to start you off and Read, read and then read some more as the more you read and learn about why you smoked and about your addiction the easier your quit will be

Good Luck


nsd_user663_4166 profile image

I cant add any more than what has been said. Just want to wish you good luck and keep positive



nsd_user663_4406 profile image

well thts ma 3rd day of thm so far so good , been pretty tempted at work , forgot i had tobbaco and papers in in my locker at work but throw thm in bin at start of shift , so , so far so good

nsd_user663_4196 profile image

:DWow 3 days done and dusted, congratulations be very proud and keep strong!

there are lots of people on here who offer great advice and link pages to read and read, i read up on them when struggling or just to keep me on the positive side,

take care and well done!


nsd_user663_4159 profile image

Hi Rik,

My view is that, like all smokers who are thinking or who would like to quit you will find a 101 and reasons to carry on smoking, however we all know deep down that our arguemnts are entirely flawed and the only thing preventing you from stopping is fear.

My arguement to myself to carry on smoking was that I enjoy smoking in social situations i.e in bars etc (I live in Switzerland where it is still legal to smoke inside). The problem was that I was unable to entirely contain the smoking to these situations, to the point where I would smoke before work during and immediately after. Having to continuously fight the urge not to smoke, is extremely tedious, and boring.

Since stopping, now exactly 4 weeks ago, the cravings have also stopped (in fact they stopped after 3 days). It now means I go through the day without constantly saying to myself, I will just hold out another 10 mins and then go for a smoke.

I now enjoy work more, can concentrate much better, and dont start to feel stressed as the craving builds up.

As for the social situations, I have been out several times since and had a skinful, and just pity those still smoking. I dont miss it at all, and the next morning your chest feels amazing.

Its an amazing feeling to be free.

nsd_user663_3728 profile image

Hi Rik :D

Well done you on 3 days completed so pleased you binned your tobacco and papers and so got rid of that temptation just hang in there

Hi Big Lad :D

4 weeks for you well done and you're right it does feel amazing to be free



nsd_user663_4397 profile image

when i quit i didnt really want to i wouldnt say i enjoyed smoking ( does anyone) but i didnt want to quit either.. the only reasons that i did was to help my bank balance and my OH quit so as i didnt want to put up with his moaning about me continuing to smoke i thought right ill prove i can do it to..... it was a bit of a case of anything u can do i can do better!!!!

but i have to be honest i found that the best way for me to quit and i went cold turkey and now im on day 20 and and glad i stopped...

in the past i quit just for myself but gave in as i didnt feel any inspiration or reason to quit but this time i did (stubborness) and i have lasted the longest i have in he past....... so maybe it not a bad thing to be forced to quit but part of you has to to be strong and willing to continue.... your doing really well though keep it up x :o

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Well done Rik

Day 4 more than half way past first week.xxxxxxxxxx

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