The Electronic Cigarette!!: Hi Everyone... - No Smoking Day

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The Electronic Cigarette!!

nsd_user663_3287 profile image
50 Replies

Hi Everyone

Newbie Alert!!!

I was a smoker for 21 years at around 20-30 a day. Then, a month or so ago, I stumbled onto electronic cigarettes. After much investigation into the health aspect as well as the feasibility of these clever little gadgets I bit the bullet and bought one.

Over the years I have tried patches, gum, micro tabs and inhalators but nothing seemed to do the trick for me long term. The longest I stopped for was 3 weeks (but that's just me and I know these methods do work for others so don't be put off).

The electronic cigarette was the first thing that actually quenched my need for a cigarette first thing in the morning. It delivers the nicotine in exactly the same way as smoking does but without all of the 4000 nasty chemicals. The nicotine is suspended in a mist/smoke like vapour which is produced via an atomiser when you take a drag. It feels like smoking (which for me is a big thing) because you actually see the smoke and feel the hit immediately. Also theres no second hand smoke as the vapour which is odourless dissapears in seconds once you have exhaled.

I realise that with this method you are mimicking smoking almost exactly (which I feel some may frown on) but it is possible to step down the nicotine over time as there are varying strengths of cartridge available down to zero nicotine.

This may not be ideal for everyone but surely the ultimate goal here is to stop those 4000 chemicals entering your body, when you are left with just the nicotine, that can be stepped down over time without having to worry about the nasties in the ciggies!

In true Victor Kyam style I liked it so much (no I didn't buy the company!!) but I did source the manufacturer and have set up a website.

It would be bad form for me to just plonk the web address at the bottom of this email so if anyone is interested just let me know here and I'll post the address.

This isn't a sales pitch, it really is working for me. It has just been so easy stopping this way. Although they are not sold as smoking cessation devices but as a smoking alternative.

Thanks for reading, I hope it helps someone.


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nsd_user663_3287 profile image
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50 Replies
nsd_user663_2931 profile image

:eek: :eek:


nsd_user663_2743 profile image

dont see the point of them myself.

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

I hope it helps someone.


erm no prizes for guessing who then...?

nsd_user663_2783 profile image

Call me Fick if you want - but do I detect sarcasm here. I don't normally post on these sort of freds but curiosity is getting the better of me again. How the divil do you know when someone has come back under another id? If indeed this is the case. If it is not please accept my apologies.

Just had a quick glance at the "other" forum and don't think I'll bovver again.

nsd_user663_3287 profile image

OK everyone, whats the secret here???????

Do I sound like someone else? The feeling is distinctly COLD. I read the whole inspiring "Whatever works for you" thread and thought you sound like a nice bunch of people. This works for me, it might work for others.

You have obviously been stopped for a while and don't advocate the whole NRT thing.

nsd_user663_3239 profile image

Just had a quick glance at the "other" forum and don't think I'll bovver again.

I hope you wore the sacred protective coat of rhubarb Jan! :eek:

nsd_user663_3239 profile image

OK everyone, whats the secret here???????

Do I sound like someone else? The feeling is distinctly COLD. I read the whole inspiring "Whatever works for you" thread and thought you sound like a nice bunch of people. This works for me, it might work for others.

You have obviously been stopped for a while and don't advocate the whole NRT thing.

Simon, sometimes when new people post all about a way to quit and use terms like:

"but I did source the manufacturer and have set up a website"

It sets peoples alarm bells ringing that it may be a spammer trying to sell their goods.

I think that is why it may feel "cold".

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

I hope you wore the sacred protective coat of rhubarb Jan! :eek:

Oh. Does it have to be rhubarb? I only had gooseberry, would that suffice, do you think? :confused:

nsd_user663_2826 profile image

Oh. Does it have to be rhubarb? I only had gooseberry, would that suffice, do you think? :confused:

Quick Maddy - get to the NSD decontamination suite - before it's too late:eek:

nsd_user663_2739 profile image

Hi Simon,

It's a very long and boring story, but methinks John was indulging in a spot of mischief, as people trying to sell things aren't really welcome at either site.

Oh, sorry, my mistake, of course, you're not trying to sell anything, are you? In that case, I can only guess that perhaps you *do* sound like someone else, although I've no idea who.

But if you do go over to the other site and suggest quince, you'll probably be revered as a vegetable god who has saved their game from stagnation....oh no, hang on a minute, quince is a fruit, isn't it? Damnit! Life is so complicated sometimes. ;)

nsd_user663_3287 profile image

Hi ChicknHun

Finally someone responds in plain English. Thank you.

That's exactly the reason I didn't put the web address in, to give people the option. When people have no option other than to read the address, that would be classed as spam.

Do you find you get many genuine new people joining here or is it just the same people just chatting?

If you don't think it belongs on the board let me know.

I'd rather people were upfront like I've tried to be as opposed to attacking someone they don't even know!


nsd_user663_2931 profile image

Oh my God have I become INFECTED????? *runs around wiping self down with bleach wipes*

Which way Cword which way?!!!

*has no idea why I would need rhubarb and not sure what I'm responding to but what the hell*

nsd_user663_2783 profile image

Oh. Does it have to be rhubarb? I only had gooseberry, would that suffice, do you think? :confused:

Definitely rhubarb Maddie. In my case extra large!!:D

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

Although they are not sold as smoking cessation devices but as a smoking alternative.


Apologies for being brusque before but it's prases like the above which are bound to create a reaction...


nsd_user663_2826 profile image

Do you find you get many genuine new people joining here or is it just the same people just chatting?

A mixture of both Simon - there is a lot of silliness goes on between people but also a lot of serious discussion and helpful links

If you don't think it belongs on the board let me know.

I must admit I too thought your first post was a sales pitch and chose not to respond because of that assumption. Then again who are we to say what "belongs" here.

I'd rather people were upfront like I've tried to be as opposed to attacking someone they don't even know!


I'm sorry if you felt attacked - I hope ChicknHun and my explanation helps a little bit.

nsd_user663_3287 profile image

Is everyone calm now????

You seem to be a very excitable bunch!!!:rolleyes:

Close your eyes and take a breath. Feel better???

Did I mention prices, web addresses bogoffs??? Anything like that???


Right...Let's start again then....

Who has heard of the electronic cigarette? We'll take it from there shall we and see where the whole discussion goes?

It's a shame there's so much mud on the first page, no newcomer is gonna stick with the a thread like that!

REMEBER..Try to remain calm at all times. If anyone wants to PM me the Long story that would be great!

nsd_user663_3239 profile image

Is everyone calm now????

You seem to be a very excitable bunch!!!:rolleyes:

Close your eyes and take a breath. Feel better???

Did I mention prices, web addresses bogoffs??? Anything like that???


Right...Let's start again then....

Who has heard of the electronic cigarette? We'll take it from there shall we and see where the whole discussion goes?

It's a shame there's so much mud on the first page, no newcomer is gonna stick with the a thread like that!

REMEBER..Try to remain calm at all times. If anyone wants to PM me the Long story that would be great!

And now I just feel patronised.... :(

nsd_user663_2 profile image

Hi Simon,

Welcome to the forum, I'm really glad to see that the forum members are aware that people do try to sell things on here. Apologies if you felt threatened - not intentional I'm sure.

We had heard of the electronic cigarettes but I'm not sure how effective they are - it would be good to find out how many people are using them. Also, the nicotine in the product, does that mean it is a medicine? And does it need to be regulated?

So many questions but no answers yet.

Anyway, enjoy your stay on the forum and good luck with your quit attempt.:)

nsd_user663_3287 profile image


Thanks for the welcome. Are you part of the Charity itself? I was wondering when a moderator was going to pop up, thanks.

There are some answers out there and I have lots of information to provide and it's not all about selling either (in fact it's not about selling at all).

It's about giving people choices. If there's an option they don't know about then how can they make an informed choice and decision?

If the forum or the Charity itself want any of the information and studies etc. then I'll happily start a new thread.

BTW what do others try and sell on here? I'm intrigued.



nsd_user663_3287 profile image

Hi John

I am happy sticking with it at the moment. It is still different to "real" smoking in as much as theres no need for lighters/ashtrays and theres no god awful smell.

I am content at the moment that I'm not pumping my body full of all the chemicals that come as part of the package with cigarettes. I breath alot easier now and generally feel better.

I am planning on adopting the whole 12 week patch type routine by stepping down the nicotine levels every month or so. But for now I am chuffed to bits to be off the real ciggies!

Have you guys thought of adding a (heavily moderated) supplier forum to the board or do you feel that it's better for your members to just go with the high street shops? Obviously you don't want it flooded with rubbish and far east suppliers that may run off with your money.

I just had a quick look at the other board you mentioned earlier. Is there some sort of rivalry going on there or do you know the moderators?


austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

This is such a weird thread..!

I was only this morning thinking of its nemesis, the "herbal cigarette" thread.

What's just dawned on me is that there's summat quite surreal about the two options. If someone thought of combining them well, blow me, they'd invent the fag....!!#?!

I think there's maybe a market here for the die-hard "I enjoy smoking" types although they've already got snuff and pouches if they want to eke it out.

It will be interesting to see where these things go because we all know the habit is far greater than the nicotine addiction. If it wasn't just slapping on a patch would be an instant cure...

I just had a quick look at the other board you mentioned earlier. Is there some sort of rivalry going on there or do you know the moderators?

Let's say it's a splinter group.. :(

What's really weird though is that no-one's come on here trying to sell midget gems. They'd make a killing..... ;)

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

Sorry I don't 'get' the point of this electronic cigarette. Would you sell a recovering herion addict an electronic needle? If people want to stop smoking they should first remind themselves that the cigarette adds nothing to their life. What's to replace? If i'm at my desk post-quit I have no sudden urge to run outside and get that 'standing in the freezing wind and rain with other smokers with the hand to mouth action' that the cigarette so lovingly put into my life.

So you have a few uncomfortable weeks getting beyond that - what is it with replacing the cancer sticks with something else?? And why do you always have to pay for it? If it's so effective, give it away or have a money back guarantee.... JMHO

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

What WKD said :)

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

Aw you guys (((HUGS))) Luv ya's xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_3287 profile image

Thought you guys might find this interesting...

nsd_user663_2826 profile image

Thanks Simon!

I am fully aware (as are you) what spam is.

The link will prove useful to those users not used to the world of forums.

Please could you PM me the link to your website so I can see what is helping you with your quit. It sounds interesting.

nsd_user663_2 profile image


Thanks for the welcome. Are you part of the Charity itself? I was wondering when a moderator was going to pop up, thanks.

There are some answers out there and I have lots of information to provide and it's not all about selling either (in fact it's not about selling at all).

It's about giving people choices. If there's an option they don't know about then how can they make an informed choice and decision?

If the forum or the Charity itself want any of the information and studies etc. then I'll happily start a new thread.

BTW what do others try and sell on here? I'm intrigued.



Thanks for your offer but I feel that if people want to know about it they will find out. I'd rather you talk about quitting and not talk abot how other people can use this product or how they can access it.

Any reference to your product website will be deleted.

nsd_user663_2 profile image

Hi John

I am happy sticking with it at the moment. It is still different to "real" smoking in as much as theres no need for lighters/ashtrays and theres no god awful smell.

I am content at the moment that I'm not pumping my body full of all the chemicals that come as part of the package with cigarettes. I breath alot easier now and generally feel better.

I am planning on adopting the whole 12 week patch type routine by stepping down the nicotine levels every month or so. But for now I am chuffed to bits to be off the real ciggies!

Have you guys thought of adding a (heavily moderated) supplier forum to the board or do you feel that it's better for your members to just go with the high street shops? Obviously you don't want it flooded with rubbish and far east suppliers that may run off with your money.

I just had a quick look at the other board you mentioned earlier. Is there some sort of rivalry going on there or do you know the moderators?


Simon - the charity does not have sponsors for the forum and is unbiased. We will not be featuriung a supplier thread.

As I've said before, if someone is looking for a product that is not on sale in the shops then they will find it. Don't forget that a lot of smokers might ask for advice from their doctor. Others might just do it on their own without help!


nsd_user663_3287 profile image

Absolutely, well said, completely agree.

nsd_user663_2722 profile image

A firend of mine is using one (I posted a few weeks ago about it as I had never seen one) She still sees herslf as a smoker (albeit a "carbon-free" one - her own words!)

I must admit that had I known about it before quitting I may have seriously considered it as an alternative to smoking (rather than a quit aid) - which is what Simon is saying (I Think?)

nsd_user663_2931 profile image

I don't see the point in the things (electronic cigarettes). Struggling to see how they are a quit aid if you are puffing on it as you would any other cigarette. Is someone really 'quit' if they are pulling on an EC? I just struggle to understand them. Is it the same as nrt?

You're still pulling nicotine into your body aren't you and mimicking smoking a cig...the only thing you aren't doing is inhaling all the other toxic would only be inhaling one fume instead.

Oh I give up. I feel brain dead today! Just trying understand the point in them. I guess they're just another form of nrt.

Only thing I'd be concerned about is the act of mimicking smoking and still putting nic into my body. I wouldn't feel as if I had quit smoking. But maybe there are some that would feel different and can live with that.

nsd_user663_2722 profile image

I agree maddy - I think of them as a smoking substitute rather than an aid to quit smoking.

Even if you are to reduce the nicotine in them over a period of time I seriously doubt you'd quit (or that the quit would be easier) - I remember switching to ultra mild cigarettes expecting that effect one upon a time...

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

If you want nicotine can't you just adopt a different form of tobacco..?

I don't see why you would need to vapourize it when you could just use an inhalator or spray..? (medicinal mode) or snuff / pouches (golden virginia mode)

Even more interesting, if we remember the no smoking adverts with fags full of fatty goo, that's your nicotine..! What sort of health warning do you get on the packet..? Come to thing of it, what warnings do you get on a packet of snuff..?

Sorry, i'm all questions today..!!!


nsd_user663_3246 profile image

Personally if they have been around when I quit (they were on ebay but pretty new) or had I failed with the champix I would have tried one, I would have tried anything in desperation - in my eyes anything is favorable to smoking actual cigerettes.


nsd_user663_2722 profile image

I guess people want to reciprocate the smoking without the CO2, chemicals etc. Keep the hand to mouth and nicotine fix habit. I think my friend paid about £50 for it - not sure how much it costs for the cartridges though. Again, I think this is just smoking but juts doing it differently.

I don't know about the health dangers of nicotine I admit (apart from the increased pulse etc?) I think most of the dangers of smoking were related to the inhalation of CO2, smoke etc? Any idea?

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

Electronic Cigarette nestles comfortably with..

reconstituted egg.

chocolate flavoured coating.

instant mash.

sheep poo paper

maybe they'll grow on me..? :o

nsd_user663_3076 profile image

Electronic Cigarette nestles comfortably with..

reconstituted egg.

chocolate flavoured coating.

instant mash.

sheep poo paper

Oh I've been fooled before now by

vodka flavored spirit drink

Eye & Needle - do I need to elaborate?:eek:

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

Eye & Needle - do I need to elaborate?:eek:

I hear ya..... :o

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

I see Simon is selling his wares on other forums...

you'd have thought they'd have seen him coming... :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

I can't believe people buy into that rubbish, if I was that desperate I would just smoke and to hell with it all ;)

nsd_user663_2826 profile image

I feel such a fool!:(


nsd_user663_2931 profile image

I feel such a fool!


Never! ;):p

nsd_user663_2981 profile image

I feel such a fool!:(


Never had you filed under 'gullible' :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

I can't believe people buy into that rubbish, if I was that desperate I would just smoke and to hell with it all ;)

See this is why this forum is going down hill. We all choose different ways to quit and I dont think that we should knock someone for trying.

Has this member actually spammed this forum or has he just mentioned that he is trying this method. I dont know because i havent gone back and looked at all his posts.

I think its pretty sad that all these new members are being jumped on.

I really thought this forum was supporting people with their quit no matter what they are using.

nsd_user663_3292 profile image

See this is why this forum is going down hill. We all choose different ways to quit and I dont think that we should knock someone for trying.

Has this member actually spammed this forum or has he just mentioned that he is trying this method. I dont know because i havent gone back and looked at all his posts.

I think its pretty sad that all these new members are being jumped on.

I really thought this forum was supporting people with their quit no matter what they are using.

Well said Flippy x x

Tomatpots profile image
Tomatpots10 Years Smoke Free

See this is why this forum is going down hill. We all choose different ways to quit and I dont think that we should knock someone for trying.

Has this member actually spammed this forum or has he just mentioned that he is trying this method. I dont know because i havent gone back and looked at all his posts.

I think its pretty sad that all these new members are being jumped on.

I really thought this forum was supporting people with their quit no matter what they are using.

Had this person posted 6 months ago he would have recieved less of a welcome than he has recieved.

Pictures of Spam tins and "reported Spam" messages would have greeted him before he had had a chance to "open his mouth"

He was trying to sell. I notice he has taken a different approach on the other side!

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

Why does the other side have to be mentioned constantly!!!!!!!

I have gone back and check his posts and i have noticed he put up a link. NSD left a post for him to read. So in my opinion the people that run this forum dealt with it, end of.

Now if he wants to come and chat about this electronic ciggie and not leave no links then surely he is allowed.

Some new members might be interested and that is what this forum is about, Isnt It????

nsd_user663_3554 profile image

I wish I new about that electronic ciggie when I was starting to quit .

I would of tried it out ,what the heck....:)

NicFirth profile image
NicFirth10 Years Smoke Free

So how long before the maker brings out the electronic "joint"?

Its OK Bill you can inhale this one :p

nsd_user663_3554 profile image

So how long before the maker brings out the electronic "joint"?

Its OK Bill you can inhale this one :p

I cant wait for that,I will put my order in now.:eek:

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