Electronic Cigarettes - good or gimmick? - No Smoking Day

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Electronic Cigarettes - good or gimmick?

nsd_user663_27465 profile image
26 Replies

Hello everyone. Like you, I have decided to stop smoking (15th May). Again. I tried and failed many times before (patches, hypno, acupuncture, CT). One thing is for sure - I will never give up on 'giving up'. Know there must be a way - just got to keep trying to find it.

I wondered if any of you have tried electronic cigarettes and have a view? I'm very very tempted by the website promotions (I researched about 5 in the UK). But I can't help thinking they'll probably make me feel sick like the nicotine sweets do.

I've been smoking for 22 years, about 20 a day.

What do you think? Any good? Or just another expensive unhealthy habit?

Look forward to your feedback gratefully.

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nsd_user663_27465 profile image
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26 Replies
bbbreezy profile image

I don't know, but Johnny Depp looked marvelous with them....but I suppose he always looks marvelous.

Seriously, I have no idea about the cigarettes, but read thru the forum about different methods of quitting. I myself used Champix, many are cold turkey, patch....Whichever method you decide to go with, you will find much support here to help you with your quit.

Hope to read your posts again. Have a nice day.


nsd_user663_27465 profile image

That really helps Jen and Karri - Thank you. Appreciate the warm welcome too. Reading your posts confirms to me that it’s certainly not a miracle product (as they say on the websites) and it doesn’t suit everyone. Real cigarettes do not discriminate - any smoker knows that even if they have run out of your own brand they would smoke any brand anyone has on them just to get a fix. No point me buying an electric cigarette just to have it lying around to remind me of the real thing.

I've decided to go on NRT for the first week and see how I feel about it then. (Or rather what state I’m in?). In other words – let’s see some commitment from me first .

Fingers crossed.

bbbreezy profile image

Good going Rishika; there are many, many on here who have or are using NRT who will be able to advise you; we are all here to encourage you.

As I have been told, read, read read thru the forum. It really is a wealth of advice.

Will think about you the am of the 15th!


nsd_user663_34266 profile image

Worked for me!

Hi Rishika,

They worked for me and didn't make me feel sick, I actually found the resemblance helped me rather than reminded me. Did you choose to use electronic cigarettes in the end, or go with NRT?

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Electronic cigarettes - my opinion

In my opinion these are the same as normal cigarettes, they aren't NRT, they are a nicotine delivery devise in the same style as cigarettes and are also very expensive.

Closest thing to continuing smoking, the addition remains you don't stop ingesting nicotine you just get in a handy replacement form.

The idea behind e cigarettes isn't to quit addiction; it's to circumvent the anti smoking legislation.

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Hi there

I wanted to add in my thoughts on E-cigs too. I have one, my one is the no nicotine version bought as a main cigarette to wean me off in the beginning and then as a helper when i stopped. The main reason i bought it and made sure it was the 0 nicotine version was because after i stopped if i felt the urge to really want a cig i could get that out think i was puffing away and not really get anything from it apart from the motion and sensations because on previous attempts if i got so bad i would go out and but 10 cigs and smoke them all and end up hooked again but with this it was an emergency device and i used it before i stopped, i took it with me in the early days just in case but have not used it since Oct 24th last year. I must admit though i felt a little odd to start with but after you get over that its fine.

Overall i think they are good but its personal choice

nsd_user663_33894 profile image

I've tried these before, not as an aid to quit, but as an alternative to smoking. I agree that they don't do anything to stop nicotine dependency, but (if the claims are correct) I would still see it as a step better than smoking. It didn't work out for me as the product appears to have broken and I can't figure out what's wrong :o

It's the same with snus, a swedish product that apparently has less risks than smoking (they've done a long term study on it), but isn't aimed as a quit aid.

I would say if someone is thinking of using an e-cig, to get a well-known brand (there are forums that discuss them) as some of the cheap copies contain all sorts of cr@p and can have dodgy electronics.

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Hi Jo

My grandmother quit by making a dummy cigarette out of filters (butts to us) and rolling cigarette papers around them, this was before NRT I imagine - so understand it works for some; my grandmother included. One memorable occassion was when we were at a petrol station and over the tannoysystem they asked if the lady with such and such car would put her cigarette out and she just threw it back into the car.

Onto more serious matters though, I do feel that e-cigarettes when nictoine is involved are just a replacement for cigarettes. The addiction isn't being challenged at all. It's a way of getting the hit in a no smoking zone.


Hi there

I wanted to add in my thoughts on E-cigs too. I have one, my one is the no nicotine version bought as a main cigarette to wean me off in the beginning and then as a helper when i stopped. The main reason i bought it and made sure it was the 0 nicotine version was because after i stopped if i felt the urge to really want a cig i could get that out think i was puffing away and not really get anything from it apart from the motion and sensations because on previous attempts if i got so bad i would go out and but 10 cigs and smoke them all and end up hooked again but with this it was an emergency device and i used it before i stopped, i took it with me in the early days just in case but have not used it since Oct 24th last year. I must admit though i felt a little odd to start with but after you get over that its fine.

Overall i think they are good but its personal choice

nsd_user663_16968 profile image

Hi Jo

My grandmother quit by making a dummy cigarette out of filters (butts to us) and rolling cigarette papers around them, this was before NRT I imagine - so understand it works for some; my grandmother included. One memorable occassion was when we were at a petrol station and over the tannoysystem they asked if the lady with such and such car would put her cigarette out and she just threw it back into the car.

Onto more serious matters though, I do feel that e-cigarettes when nictoine is involved are just a replacement for cigarettes. The addiction isn't being challenged at all. It's a way of getting the hit in a no smoking zone.



I agree that the addiction part has not been addressed with these E cigs but in all honesty before i knew i wanted to quit i made the concious move to buying the E cigs because for me i did not want to pump all the other thousands of chemicals into my body so the E Cig was a healthier option for me and it was infact cheaper than normal cigs.

I looked into what i actually wanted from an E cig and chose the normal version first with a low nicotine intake and then changed to one that was 0 nicotine. It was not bought as an aid to stop smoking because in the beginning i had no intention of stopping but then as time went on i wanted to stop. When i did i kept it for a while as a "Just in case" ciggy but luckily enough for me i have not had to reuse it. I dont think they are any good as a quit smoking aid but again everyone to their own. I am not endorsing them or condoning them its something i tried and can only pass on how i got on with them. But i did actually buy my E cigs originally as a healthier cigarette replacement because i felt i could not stop smoking so if i could not stop then the E cigs were a way to continue and not keep damaging myself.

I do understand some use them to by pass the No smoking laws but i could not do that again its down to the individual and i do feel more should be done about them for those who may not be able to stop yet but want to not have so many nasty chemicals going into there bodies and then hopefully overtime work themselves into a decent quit.

Like i said i also had the 0 nicotine version so if it helps people one way or another then all options should be looked at but as i say i dont think they should be a stop smoking aid. :)

This is only my take on them after trying them myself. :)

nsd_user663_34266 profile image

I agree, it's the removal of the thousands of carcinogens that makes e-cigs the safer option. I'm not saying they are perfect, ideally I shouldn't take the nicotine, but I enjoy the sensation! I don't want the side-effects from smoking either, no coughing fits in the moring!!!

If you could DM me I would appreciuate it, i'm trying to get some reviews from real-life people for my site, so would appreciate that.



nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Hi Paul

I would disagree that it is "sensation" you are enjoying unless by sensation you mean the relief through feeding your nicotine addiction. E-cigarettes may not have all the other carcinogens as you've stated but nicotine in it's own right is harmful and is also a used as a pesticide by the agri-pharm industry. Nicotine kills, nicotine's purpose is to kill, the tobacco plant produces nicotine as a defense mechanism against being munched on.


I agree, it's the removal of the thousands of carcinogens that makes e-cigs the safer option. I'm not saying they are perfect, ideally I shouldn't take the nicotine, but I enjoy the sensation! I don't want the side-effects from smoking either, no coughing fits in the moring!!!

If you could DM me I would appreciuate it, i'm trying to get some reviews from real-life people for my site, so would appreciate that.



nsd_user663_7318 profile image

Ultimately it's down to what the person wants; there's no right or wrong here in my opinion.

There are many reasons for giving up smoking. Some folk worry about health, others the smell, some the social (or anti social aspect), the list is almost endless.

My reason was both health and the thought of being dependent on something. On that basis NRT in any form wasn't an option (should it be patch, gum or e-cig). If somebody's reason is the smell or just health then the e-cig may well be the answer.

As I understand it the e-cigarette jobbies deliver a "mist" containing nicotine in much the same way as a nebuliser. I did hear mention of government possibly becoming a supporter of e-cigs this morning but I think that's based on further testing and them being put under some form of legislation. There are dissagreements around how safe they are although I believe most agree they're safer than tobacco smoke. From a government perspective they're worried about novalty flavours becoming available and them becoming items of desire for children.

Nicotine as a stimulant increases blood pressure (which isn't ideal) and is said to constrict the arteries. From what I've read the latter point is sometimes disputed as others relate its effects with other 'stuff' taken through tobacco smoking. Nicotine (like many drugs) also has it's possitive uses.

I'd feel like a hypocrite suggesting nicotine is terrible and shouldn't be taken in any form as I often enjoy a nice beer or glass of wine, I enjoy the odd fried bacon and egg sandwich, sometimes I drive when maybe I could walk. All of these has an adverse effect on my health....it's just they don't receive such bad press.

nsd_user663_34266 profile image

Hello everyone. Like you, I have decided to stop smoking (15th May). Again. I tried and failed many times before (patches, hypno, acupuncture, CT). One thing is for sure - I will never give up on 'giving up'. Know there must be a way - just got to keep trying to find it.

I wondered if any of you have tried electronic cigarettes and have a view? I'm very very tempted by the website promotions (I researched about 5 in the UK). But I can't help thinking they'll probably make me feel sick like the nicotine sweets do.

I've been smoking for 22 years, about 20 a day.

What do you think? Any good? Or just another expensive unhealthy habit?

Look forward to your feedback gratefully.

This was released yesterday by a UK government 'Nudge Unit' (not sure what that means!!! - electroniccigarettes.co.uk/...

Not guaranteed, but at least they are looking into it as an alternative...

nsd_user663_4847 profile image

Whilst finding a why quit thread earlier for another thread, finally managed to find this para again regarding nicotine

As for heart and other circulatory diseases, the two chemicals in cigarettes that stand out as the biggest problems are nicotine and carbon monoxide.* Nicotine, besides being addictive, has very powerful effects on arteries throughout the body.* Nicotine is a stimulant, speeding up the heart by about 20 beats per minute with every cigarette, it raises blood pressure, is a vasoconstrictor - which means it makes arteries all over the body become smaller making it harder for the heart to pump through the constricted arteries - and it causes the body to release its stores of fat and cholesterol into the blood.


nsd_user663_35009 profile image

I did not care for it

I found myself puffing on it constantly and never being able to get enough. I would use a filter up before I knew it. Unless you are a light user if there is such a thing I think its a gimmick and 75 percent will be back to smoking reg.

nsd_user663_35614 profile image

I have found that nicotine patch is a healthier way than electronic cigarettes for chain smokers like myself..

CamperPete profile image

That sounds really very frightening. So is it right, that the e-cigarettes are working without nicotine?!

You can purchase the cartridges with or without Nicotine........when i bought mine a couple of years back i bought the cartridges without Nicotine...... failed to quit at the time though :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_35711 profile image

If you are saying all nicotine is bad does that then preclude us from using any form of NRT?

I dont care what I have to use to get off cigarettes as long as I dont smoke.

Lillie x

nsd_user663_33894 profile image

I think it's more that long-term NRT use has risks, or is contra-indicated if you have an existing heart condition or are pregnant (although still better than smoking).

Of course, NRT is usually at much lower doses than cigarettes when taken correctly, and the aim is to come off completely.

There is still some debate on how risky nicotine alone is, as most of the studies have been done on smokers, so the effects may be influenced by other chemicals.

Hope that makes you feel better x

nsd_user663_40079 profile image

Just to say I found this thread useful knowing that now I can get hold of 0% nicotine E-cigs. I'd like to be a total non smoker eventually and don't want to rely on the smoking association in terms of hand to mouth action, but for now e-cigs suit my needs.

B lucky whatever you try :)

nsd_user663_6426 profile image

Hiya Vikitori...theres a member on here called pfaber...he posts everyday and uses the e-cigs. He's on 100 days quit at the mo. I'm sure he won't mind me referring you to him. He's the only one I know on the e-cig. He may know where to get t cartridges cheaper too, you never know :)

Lisa x

nsd_user663_40079 profile image

Nice 1 Lisa, thanks for that. Just spoke to someone on FB who has been vaping for 1 year so seems it can be successful :)

nsd_user663_43120 profile image

Stopped smoking by accident

Hi Am new here, and would just like to say was smoking around 3 oz a week of handrolling backy so quite a heavy smoker, smoked for 28yrs had no intention of stopping!! I had a tooth removed, dentist said not to smoke for at least 48hrs and up to 5 days would be better, this news sent me into a bit of a panic lol. I needed a solution I went into to a chemist in a large supermarket the counter gal recommended trying an electronic Cigarette, I bought one that looked like a cigarette, puffed on it, kinda liked it saw its potential, but quicky realised it was a pain having to keep charging it, bought a better model with a bigger battery, Yes am still addicted to nicoteen (which is a stimulant like tea or coffee) Its been 37 days so far and oddly I have no desire or cravings to smoke again and thats me with no will power and only attemped twice in the past to stop and was back smoking within 2 weeks such was my addiction to them. We are all different, I do believe this relatively new invention has saved my life!

No more smoking carcinogens.

austinlegro profile image
austinlegro11 Years Smoke Free

I've heard that those electric cigarettes aren't any better than "normal" cigarettes. Does anyone know more about it?!

That depends on how you regard better.

There are lots of variables to deal with.

For example:

Nicotine or no nicotine.

Used to try and quit or used to keep smoking in places you can't.

I'd say a no-nic E-cig used as a quit attempt is a lot better than a fag.

A 16mg E-cig smoked in the pub is just a fag without tobacco.

As smoking is predominantly in the head the answer is really down to the smoker. :)

I've a sneaky feeling you're not really interested though are you? :rolleyes:

nsd_user663_43758 profile image

e_Cigs Helped Me Quit

Hi guys, just wanted to post my 2cents as an ex e-cig user.

I was smoking 20/day Marlboro lights and tried to quit several times.

Eventually I decided to try an e-cig with "standard" strength cartomisers. The idea being to completely replace normal cigs with the e-cig; I wanted those awful things out of my life. It seemed to work very well after some initial over-usage problems.

I quickly realised that I couldn't "smoke" it as often as normal fags because it was a little strong on the nic, which can make you feel very sick indeed. So basically I just puffed on it only when I felt strong nicotine cravings. A few puffs then put it down. Worked a treat - instant relief and it helped me to get out of my normal smoking routine. (with normal fags I smoked even if I didn't feel the need to; I was stuck in a kind of habitual routine)

After a while I started using "low strength" cartomisers and by then was in the habit of puffing only when I felt the cravings. Oddly the cravings were not any more frequent or stronger after switching to low strength. Gradually I introduced zero strength cartomisers. Sometimes I would puff a low strength, and others I would puff on a zero.

Eventually I found I was able to get through the day puffing on zero strength carts alone. Soon after I just lost all interest in the thing and haven't smoked real or e-cigs for 6 months now.

Hoping this helps someone.

nsd_user663_45231 profile image

Berton..stop trying to sell us fags we are not interested !!!!!!

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