Who is on day 3: ... - No Smoking Day

No Smoking Day

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Who is on day 3

nsd_user663_2291 profile image
50 Replies


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nsd_user663_2291 profile image
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50 Replies
nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Morning Jane x x x x x

I is here :D hung over mind, but here nether the less :D

We have a new addition to the register too, i'll go add Sara x x

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

Ohh another one. goody;)

Off to the chemist in a mo for my stronger patches but i am feeling ok today.

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Good x x x x

I am so happy that your here ;) onwards and upwards x x x x x

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Me too. Just come home from working in the school.Day 3 Bit up and down today.

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

*hugs* Linda x x x x

You've been here before *mwah* we'll get through x x

thinking of you x x

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

Linda hang on there. xxxxx

nsd_user663_2621 profile image

Hi Newbie here

Gave up about 5am new years day so am in day 3 - done about 54 hours without a fag.

Am 35 - started when i was about 17 and was smoking probably 15-20 a day.

Gone completely cold turkey - have tried all the patches and stuff in the past but found they really werent for me. This game has two halves. One is the physiological addiction to nicotine. The other is the psychological stuff. You need to win both halves!!

So far i have found it very difficult - the cravings are almost painful and i found yesterday that my lungs actually ached!! wtf??

Coughing up some pretty unpleasant stuff too - sorry if too much detail! ;)

All the best to everyone who is giving up and glad i found this place for support.


nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Welcome Paul Ther is a few here on day three. So we can all help each other. Keep strong and keep posting Linda xxxxxx

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Welcome on board Paul x x x x

Yes I know what you mean about the ungs, they're supposed to just be there!! feeling them is a weird sensation!! lol

Grats on quitting and remember you can always get some gum/patches to help you if it's a struggle as you say it's a game of two halves, if they didn't do it for you before they may well be your saviour now x x

Hang tight and stay strong x x

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_2485 profile image

Awful first week


One of the things that helped me get through that awful first few days was remembering that the quit is not like a book--you can't just put it down for a while and pick it up where you left off. You have to start the quit at the beginning and follow it all the way through to its conclusion.

Put these first few days behind you and then it will be smoother sailing.

Promise, it gets a lot better and it is definately worth it.

Rob W

Quit: 18 October 2007

Method: Cold Turkey

nsd_user663_2621 profile image

Buffy, Linda, Rob - thanks to you all.

Definitely gonna keep going without the patches or gum for now - i seem to be doing ok. Its been 55hrs and i think most of the nicotine would be out of my system by now.

Best of luck to us all.

nsd_user663_2524 profile image

Morning all, i'm here as well. It's weird today, l keep forgetting that l have given up. I was eating a sandwich, and as l was eating, l suddenly thought, "when i've finished this, i'll have a cigarette," and when l realised that l wouldn't be having one, l felt really down for a moment. The same thing happened when l was making a cup of coffee earlier.


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

*hugs* yup it's not nice, that flash of panic!!

Can't stop eating to change the train of thought either!

It doesn't last forever and soon that panic will be replaced with a feeling of being chuffed! :D

Hang on in there ;)

nsd_user663_2610 profile image

Hello everyone, I'm still here!

I've been having some bad cravings today and keep clock watching!

I'm working from home and I never listen to the radio normally, but I'm convinced that the silence was making time drag, so I've got the radio on LOUD for company and it does seem to help.

Got my hairbrush at the ready too :)

nsd_user663_2621 profile image

Can't stop eating to change the train of thought either!

I am really trying everything i can think of not to do this - drinking loads of water and black coffees with sugar. I hate chewing gum but does anyone have any other ideas?

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Mint tea is good for me, tic tacs, pumpkin seeds are my vice, they are fiddly to open so you use your hands more and it distracts you and healthy so you can munch away all night! :D.

Also washing up straight after meals is a good distraction. anything fiddly too like puzzles etc

nsd_user663_2176 profile image

I am really trying everything i can think of not to do this - drinking loads of water and black coffees with sugar. I hate chewing gum but does anyone have any other ideas?

Lots of water, and fruit juice in the first few days to help regulate your blood sugar levels which will go haywire when you first stop, also fruit and veg are good for guilt-free munching. That wanting to eat everything in sight stage does pass though so if you're having a tough day early on and you want a biscuit (or 7) just go for it - in my very unscientific opinion I should add! Once your energy levels pick up from all the extra oxygen you'll soon burn it off again.

Distraction really does work wonders during those first few days when it seems like it's all you can think about. You just need something to take your mind off the worst of the craving for a few minutes and before you know it another few hours have gone by. Washing up is a good one, or vacuuming, calling someone, posting on here, puzzles, knitting... there's loads of things you can try.

Hope everyone on day 3 is doing ok - believe me it gets so much easier after this so hang in there as it's so worth it.

nsd_user663_2621 profile image

Distraction really does work wonders during those first few days when it seems like it's all you can think about. You just need something to take your mind off the worst of the craving for a few minutes and before you know it another few hours have gone by. Washing up is a good one, or vacuuming, calling someone, posting on here, puzzles, knitting... there's loads of things you can try.

ha ha ha Washing up? Vacuuming? Knitting????? Are you sure? Is this the life that awaits a non smoker? Someone pass me a fag immediately!:D

nsd_user663_2176 profile image

ha ha ha Washing up? Vacuuming? Knitting????? Are you sure? Is this the life that awaits a non smoker? Someone pass me a fag immediately!:D

lol - I realised after I'd posted this that it might not sound that appealing! The point is that if you distract yourself from a craving for even a matter of seconds your mind will go wandering off to think about something else and before you know it the worst of it is over. In a couple of weeks (if not days) you don't even need to do that anymore as any cravings you still get are weeny compared to these first few days and you can just push the thought away.

I found it really helpful to have a list prepared of things I could do instantly if a craving was really bad - that's where things like getting the washing up done helped as you just start doing it and after a couple of plates you've forgotten the craving anyway. Knitting sounds bad but it focuses your hands and your brain - it really does help!

There were other things on my list of distractions as well - as my bf will testify to!:D

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

Morning all, i'm here as well. It's weird today, l keep forgetting that l have given up. I was eating a sandwich, and as l was eating, l suddenly thought, "when i've finished this, i'll have a cigarette," and when l realised that l wouldn't be having one, l felt really down for a moment. The same thing happened when l was making a cup of coffee earlier.


That is exactly what i am thinking. I really did enjoy my smoke after food and think about it while still eating.

But when i quit back in september i remember that it dont last long. The actial habit does go after a couple of weeke. One day you will suddenly think to your self Ohh i didnt think of a fag after that meal.

Hi Paul. Welcome to the forum. This place really is great to come for support. These people helped me back in sept but unfortunatly i got cocky and thought i could juts have a puff so I now back to day 3 again.

You can be added to our register as on day 3.

nsd_user663_2614 profile image

Hi everyone,

Im finding day 3 tricky too but im ok, just seems to be the hardest day yet, no doubt ive got worse to come :)

I normally have a fag after eating and nearly always with a cup of tea and ive been automatically thinking ill have a ciggie after this and then it hits me haha

nsd_user663_2176 profile image

If you're at home it can help to clean your teeth straight after eating. Obviously you can do this when you're not at home as well but it might look a bit odd at work!

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

Hi Sara your doing good. Isnt that feeling of wanting a smoke after food a right pain. I have nearly stopped the tea and coffee because i know they are one of my triggers. A nice big glass of water or juice and some big deep breaths.

Keep going we are all behind you. xx

nsd_user663_2629 profile image


Thought i might join u !!

Im on day 3 too and am struggling :-( but hey day 4 tomorrow!!!!

I'm 47 and have been smoking a loooong time since about 14yrs old, gave up for a month 2 years ago but before that only when pregnant ( twice) i really want to do it but miss it like crazy


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

you won't miss it for long ;)

Welcome on board, the support is a great help here x x

Stay strong x x

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

hi Jo Welcome to the forum. Stay with us and we can all do this together.

I too feel like there is something missing but i know from passed quits that dont last to long.

As you say only a few more hours and its day 4

nsd_user663_2632 profile image

Day 3!!!!!!!!!

Hello all, I have been a smoker since I was 17, smoking approx 20-30 a day since then, never even tried to stop before (not even for a single day). Anyway :), I stopped, completely cold turkey, on New Year's Day and now on my Day 3!!!

I do think today the physical aspect of the cravings is a lot better (?). It's the physchological bit that really gets me, it's as if your brain thought smoking was a full time occupation and is at a complete loss as to what to DO!

I'm drinking loads of water (which I find really works), and munching carrots and apples ALL the time, with a bit of gum (just plain sugarless) every now and then. I am incredibly hungry. Ridiculously hungry. Got to keep that under control. And wittering uncontrollably, as you can see :o.

Anyway, great to share this with others!!

Keep strong!


nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Welcome on board Elenita (what a pretty name!!)

I empathise totaly I am a twittering fool at the moment :o but that is the beauty of this forum, we can all twitter away and everyone understands!!

Eat away x x it curbs those cravings ;)

Stay strong

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

Welcome. I think you are doing Fab to go cold turkey. Well Done and stay with us as it helps all of us listening to different experiences.

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

HI All Still here almost put patch on earlyer. But feel ok again now. Flippy Hope your keeping count theres lots of us on day 3 Great me thinks. All the more the merryer. Well should go to my meeting tonight(Al-anon) Do want to go but its so cold also partners day 3.Do you think I should i stay home with him? Just dont feel myself today never mind day 4 soon arnt we all doing well. Linda xxxxxxx

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Well Done Linda x x x x

I would say stay in but It is hard because you do need to set example to your son. Can you lie to him about it? :D

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

Linda your doing great.

I think buffy is keeping better count of the quitters than i am.

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

hehe lost the register now lol but i think a few may of faltered?

We should have a roll call each day i reckons :D

nsd_user663_1733 profile image

Yes we should start 2moro. Buff going to make my mind up about meeting and bloody think of my self for once. HEHEHE. LIndaxxxxxxxxx

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

YAY!! You go Linda!! x x x x x 'bout bloody time woman :D hehe

nsd_user663_2614 profile image

Come on all you those on day 3, im feeling good cause im having an early night haha, bring on day 4 :cool:

nsd_user663_2635 profile image

Hello everyone.

I'm on day 3 as well. Going cold turkey, and believe the best way for me is to try and not take the whole giving up thing too seriously. (even though thats all I've been surfing on the net for since finishing work).

When I was smoking I'd walk through town and think how ugly/rough all the passer-by smokers looked, but today they all looked charming, cool, and edgey :cool: . I hope there are some ugly buggers out there tomorrow.

Wish you all good luck


nsd_user663_2291 profile image

Welcome to the forum.

nsd_user663_2162 profile image

Congrats to all the guys here on their Day 3! :eek:


Day 3's battle is prolly the worst of them all but you've all won it img.photobucket.com/albums/...

Cheer up everybody, chin up, smile and be proud cause you're doing great img.photobucket.com/albums/...


nsd_user663_2614 profile image

The early night went out the window but i do feel loads better knowing day 3 is the hardest just dont tell me its not really ha ha ;)

nsd_user663_2614 profile image

Dont have one :eek:

You dont really need one, go and fill your face with fatty foods its works a treat haha :D

nsd_user663_2026 profile image

Well day 3 for me, am working from home, like quite a few of you I am finding it hard today, I usually do, am not very strong willed, chocolate is my downfall, but must admit have stayed away from it this time. Did a bit of ironing etc, tv, etc, and played my ds for a while, the next thing will be a walk to do some shopping (food unfortunately) not retail today.

Stay strong you all.


Pupalup xxxxxx

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Well done pup x x x x

Keep filling that time!!

I got brain training but I haven't had a chance since I quit!! must get back on it soon!! :D

Minute by minute x x x x

Stay strong

~Buffy x xx x x

nsd_user663_2643 profile image

day 3 for me today!

feeling O.K, I went to the pub with some mates this afternoon, (I only had a couple of soft drinks, did'nt dare touch booze just in case:D) It was nice not to have to dash outside into the cold smoking area for a crafty fag and because I was using my nasal spray I soon forgot about any cravings.

So far so good:)

nsd_user663_2291 profile image

Thats good to hear and they say day 3 is a hard one. Your doing great well done. :D

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

day 3 for me today!

feeling O.K, I went to the pub with some mates this afternoon, (I only had a couple of soft drinks, did'nt dare touch booze just in case:D) It was nice not to have to dash outside into the cold smoking area for a crafty fag and because I was using my nasal spray I soon forgot about any cravings.

So far so good:)

Well done x x

Blessing that no one smokes in pubs now eh? ;)

Keep it up you lil star ;) xx

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_2664 profile image

Gritted teeth.....

Day 12 of the champix, day 3 of my quit. I seem to be constantly thinking of the blighters this morning. I have some manky fags in the car, been there since about July, they are 'dodgy' and taste disgusting. I just keep thinking I'll have one of those, then I go off the idea :D

nsd_user663_1704 profile image

Welcome shelly x x x x x

Day3 is a bitch x x x tomorrow will be better so keep busy and get through this meager 24 hours x x x x x

Erm may I suggest you get rid of those manky cigs :o eewww gross lol

And as for your username!! ffs I'll have Tom Jones going round my head all day now! :p

Drink water, keep busy and stay strong x x

~Buffy x x

nsd_user663_2664 profile image

I have to say today has been a bit of a 'mare. I have noshed almost non-stop, this is what worried me before quitting. At least I have tried to pick at helathy stuff this time, a big bowl full of salad, with just a drizzle of olive oil and some salt and pepper!! I wish I could sleep for a couple of months and wake up with no memory of ever smoking!!

nsd_user663_2659 profile image


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ohhhh,noooooo!What happened!

mrs terry

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