day 25 ... feel a bit odd: Its day 25, and... - No Smoking Day

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day 25 ... feel a bit odd

nsd_user663_2041 profile image
9 Replies

Its day 25, and its getting a bit easier, but i now have this funny sort of feeling, where the novelty has worn off ........... is this making any sense to anyone????? :confused:

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nsd_user663_2041 profile image
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9 Replies
nsd_user663_2074 profile image


That's exactly what happens to me. Hang in there and don't give in to it. It's like those nicodemons have waited for your army of willpower to go off-duty and now they're creeping up on you.

What were your reasons for quitting 25 days ago?

Best wishes,


nsd_user663_2041 profile image


hi, i have quit b4, who hasnt? but it was the ban that made me do it again. If i cant have a fag while im out in a pub/club then that is that!!! so prob the best thing that happened really, what about u, whats ur story?

sandie xxx

nsd_user663_2074 profile image

Hi Sandee,

It'll be great when you're next in a pub then; you'll be the only one not screaming for a cig or having to go stand outside in the rain! That's when you'll see just how much you've achieved, I'll bet.

My story is, I've got quite a lot of lung damage so my quality of life is really low when smoking. Trouble is, I've smoked so long and so heavily that it's just too easy to lapse. Everyone I know smokes. The irony is, when I'm not smoking, I love it - I can do so much more in a day, I'm so much more active; no smell around the house and on my clothes; money to spend on 'real' things... all positives.

Best wishes,


nsd_user663_1966 profile image

Hi Sandie,

Makes absolute sense to me. However many times we've tried to quit, in the initial stages we are bouyed up by the satisfaction (and surprise) at how well we're doing and that keeps us going through those early difficult stages. Unfortunately the novelty of it starts to wear off long before we are fully fledged non smokers. In the early stages our friends, who were really delighted when we quit, no longer show any more than a sort passing dis-interest in our quest. Particularly non smokers who really cannot understand how long a journey non smoking is. I think your average non smoker thinks if you haven't smoked for two weeks that's it sorted, end of story.

So then starts the stage where we just have to put day upon day under our belt - put some distance between us and nicotine. How easy is it, when you've not smoked for a few weeks, to forget just how much you had to loath smoking in order to arrive at that decision to throw your fags away and fight through those difficult first days. I had to quit smoking because I was scared of how many I could smoke in a day and because my cough had got so bad. When the cough has gone and I feel so much fitter and healthier I just have to try and keep fresh in my mind my reasons for having to quit. It's not easy but you have to try and frequently take time out to focus on what you are doing why you're doing it and how well you've done to keep the enthusiasm alive.

Don't allow yourself to take all the good stuff granted just yet. For example in my case :-

My car doesn't smell awful anymore.

I stayed at a friends house last weekend and didn't have to feel ashamed of keeping on going outside on my own to satisfy my habit.

I don't feel self conscious when I'm standing talking to a non smoker about how I smell.

I draw money out on monday and then don't need to go to the cash point until friday instead of every other day.

I feel empowered instead of weak.

I'm awake as soon as I get up in the morning instead of taking about an hour to come round.

I could go on further, but you know the story already. Tkae the time out to focus on just how much you've achieved and why it would really not be very good to blow that now.

Keep strong and determined and proud.


nsd_user663_1968 profile image


Hi just read your post how thought provoking.

I have reached the stage after day29 where the enthusiasm has waned. for the first days i was extremely keen, dont get me wrong i still cant believe that i have stopped smoking. but it seems to have lost a bit of its appeal i do not want to smoke that is not an issue, perhaps its me just having a bad day

nsd_user663_2048 profile image

Bit of a down day here, too. Cravings are mega high - and so is the desire not to give in. Therefore there is the most monumental battle going on inside, and then the demon says 'If you don't wanna fight - you know what you need to do'.

Well, to hell with that. I 'm not gonna go through the past 12 days again.....

Merecat's tip of the day: Keep the mind busy. Hire a DVD if necessary as an engrossing film is working well for me.

nsd_user663_1998 profile image

You know guys and girls, I'm sooooooo glad Ive just logged in for a bit of inspiration. Havent been on here for a couple of days, getting a bit complacent.

Day 24 - I'm ive been thinking exactly the same - flat and 'what was all that about?'

The novelty seems to very much worn off. But i'll now be reminding myself exactly why I stopped in the first place and what I went through to get here.

Thanks for started this Sandy, and Dickyboy, thanks for your words of encouragement, theve really helped.

nsd_user663_2041 profile image

good advice

thanks guys for all your response, i dont feel so weird now, knowing its a natural process of giving up. just had a great weekend, pub, club etc, and managed to stay smoke free!!! but there were 'moments' that i could have easily had one or ten!!!

anyway, sat afternoon, i went on a bike ride. we bought the bikes a few weeks b4 our quit date, to get into the new lifestlye routine. anyway , we alwasy went on the same route, and there is a hill which i could never get up!

well i thought to myself, i wonder .... so off i went on my ride (i havnt been for a few weeks) and guess what i did it!!!! i dont know if it was the wind blowing in the right direction or pure determination but im putting it down to being fitter coz of my no smoking. This has helped me a great deal and given me some of the enthusiasm i had a the beginning.

If i feel like this again, i wil set myself another challenge and hopefully get me through it again.

Take care all, and thanks again x

nsd_user663_2026 profile image

Sandie, congrats on not caving, I am on day 22 and have this weird feeling today, not going to give in though, had it over the weekend as well, I think because I was at my sisters and she and her hubby smoke, when I said goodbye to her she smelt so strongly of smoke that I felt that I recoiled from her, am taking each day as it comes, I realised when I got home that I do not want to smell of fags again, I want to cuddle my grandchildren not stinking of cigs, get up feeling fresh and breath easier when I walk up hills. This forum is great, keep strong everyone.

xxxx Pupalup xxxxx:)

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