Hello I been diagnosed with follicular non Hodgkings lymphoma a month ago. I am 33 years old and have two babies. I do really want to live a much longer life! I want a third baby also and wanted to go as less toxic as I can in my fight with cancer. I am currently doing ozone therapy hipertermia highly doses of vitamin C (IV) minerals, enemas, vitamin b17 (IV) , vitamin K (IV).. taking lots of supplements, quit smoking, quit sugar... I hope this will be enough.. a doctor told me this can work and another doctor just recommend to watch and wait.. i have heard this cancer is not curable but very controlable.. i hope i can live for 50 more years at least!!
Follicular non Hodgkings lymphoma sta... - Non Hodgkin's Lym...
Follicular non Hodgkings lymphoma stage 2

Yes, i was diagnosed April 2017 and on watch and wait. It certainly focuses your mind on health. I am eating a lot more healthy but nothing too extreme. I am 48 and i could be on watch and wait for decades before i need treatment. New treatment coming out every day so a non chemo treatment is looking more and more likely

Welcome luciabon. I'm five years on watch and wait now. I try to eat healthily and get plenty of exercise. I try to make my body as strong as I can so that I will be in a better physical state if I ever need treatment. Focusing on my general health and fitness keeps me from obsessing about finding an elusive 'cure'.
I'm 64 and apart from the lymphoma, fitter than I was twenty years ago. There are lots of positive people here and they are always willing to share their experience.
I agree with you as regards cutting sugar as it appears to be a cause of inflammation as well as other nasty consequences - teeth, diabetes etc. Best wishes and stay positive!
Hi Luciabon! I was diagnosed in August 2015 with NHFL Stage 3 and remain on Watch & Wait. I have changed my eating habits to drinking alkaline water, stopped sugar for the most part, eating more plant based food and stopped eating red meat. I’m sure this is healthier and my CT scan have remarkably improved. Not sure if my nutrition changed my CTs or that my high demanding career (retired November 2015) but in any event I have improved. This is not curable but manageable.
Its great news your CT have improved it means you are going in the right direction for sure! I am curious do you eat animal protein? I understand you dont est red meat but what about eggs chicken and fish? It is so hard for me to become vegan since I am a Chef and a Restraurants owner! But I will do whatever it takes to be around!!
My wife (fNHL) had a CAR-T infusion in March 2016 and remains in CR. There is a good July 2019 fNHL CAR-T clinical trial results posted at cancernetwork.com/.../cd19-...... 88% achieved CR - all are still in CR at median time of 2 years. Sorta sounds like CAR-T could be a cure for fNHL patients.😀😀😀
Thanks for your response. What does CAR-T and CR means?!! Alot of crinical trials are out there and specilallu for this type of cancer so as long as we hold on the healthier way there will be something soon enough for all of us!!
Not all can have CAR T. Age, stage, previous treatments etc are all factors and not all oncology practices offer it. I asked Mt doctor about it and while he didn’t discourage me to try it he did lay out the whole picture, including having to go to the local University health care system.
Currently I’m doing Rituxan and Revlimid.
Hi Luciabon,
I was diagnosed in 1983 when my youngest was 3 months old and had a 1 year old and 3 year old. At the time they gave me 10 years with chemo and radiation. That was the protocol at the time. I chose not to do chemo and radiation and instead changed my diet, no red meat, no sugar, no alcohol, no caffeine. I exercised every day, and slept and rested when tired. I never went back to those Dr.’s. I have not needed treatment until 2017. I have had immunotherapy and am in remission. I have lived with it for 36 years, long enough to see my grandchildren born and to help raise them. I know you can too! You are on the right track. Listen to your instincts and your body. Sending you lots of healing energy! Teddy
Your story is very inspiring! And very similar to mine in the beginning I hope everything goes well as yours too!! I would love to know everyhing youve done! Like do you eat animal protein? Eggs? Chicken? Fish? It is so hard for me to eat only plants! Haha but whatever it takes! What type of immunotherapy did you have? It is great you are now in remission!! Ive heard there is a monoclonal immunotherapy named Rituxan that has changed the prognosis of NHL! Well I hope to hear more from you!! I am so glad I found you! Hahaha kind regards!
I cut red meat out of my diet but continued to eat poultry and fish. Rituxan is the treatment that I had in 2017. Infusions 1x a week for 6 weeks. They discussed doing a maintenance dose every 6 months, but I responded so well they decided not to. Rituxan is a game changer! My oncologist said that it is important to remember that it can ebb and flow. SO when you feel tired rest. It is treatable, but at the moment not curable. They great strides they are making in cancer research I suspect they will find a cure soon. Wishing you all the best!
I was diagnosed with stage 4 mantle cell lymphoma 4 years ago. I had chemo and stem cell transplant. One year ago my oncologist said the chances are the cancer will come back in one to two years. For the last 10 months I have gone on a plant based whole food Vegan diet. If it has a mother and a father and it has a face I don't eat it. I also eliminated all gluten. I lost 35 pounds and feel better than I have in the last 30 years. Please read Dr Michael Greger's book "How Not to Die" and Dr Kelly Turner's book "Radical Remission". You can get these books at the library. Also go to youtube and search for Dr Greger and Dr Turner and watch their videos. Every meal eat something that is scientifically shown to help defeat cancer such as cruciferous vegetables, turmeric, blueberries, onions, mushrooms, leafy greens, etc. You should also get to your ideal weight, exercise daily, find religion or some type of spirituality. You already have the highest reason to want to live, your two babies. Good luck and peace and good health.