Has anyone taken " Azathioprine" with C... - Early CKD Support

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Has anyone taken " Azathioprine" with CKD

bowler profile image
10 Replies
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10 Replies
fenal profile image

I did during my first transplant. a immunosuppressive replaced by nerol.

wot do u want to know?

bowler profile image
bowler in reply to fenal


Apart from stage 3 kidney disease, I have Giant Cell Arteritis, I have been on long term steroids [ Prednisolone ] for 14 years and my hospital Dr. want's me to try Azathioprine, I wondered if it was safe to take with CKD and what if any side effects, They did try me on Methotrexate several years ago but they were so toxic I ended up in hospital with bad side effects, so a bit wary to try Azathioprine in case they have the same efect.

However if you had them after a transplant then they must be safe for the kidneys ?

fenal profile image

not my area but u need to know why they have to suppress your immune system.

my area - renal stuff is wot I know something about. I can get u to read my book - free.

bowler profile image
bowler in reply to fenal

Like I said I am at stage 3 CKD GFR at 37, so not as advanced as you have been. I have been told that I wont get refered back to a urologist until I reach stage 4 which I hope I dont !!!! so I want to protect my kidneys as much as I can without taking too many Meds. I have had some reading sent me from the NKF which is very informative, for someone at my stage. Interesting that you have written a book, would that be for someone who's had a transplant ?

fenal profile image

check this


it also suggests aspirin.

the suggested treatment will not affect your kidney directly but suppressing an immune system is never a good idea if it can be avoided. its a balancing act you have to talk to your doc about.

my book is on my experiences from early stages of renal failure onwards

bowler profile image
bowler in reply to fenal

Perhaps I should have mentioned that I have had Giant cell arteritis for 14 years so I know all about it, got the T shirt as they say, but thanks anyway for the info.

I will see my consultant again in May so I will discuss the Aziothopine further with him. All I wanted was to get as much info on the Aziothoprine so I could make up my mind wether to take it or not.

madonbrew profile image

Hi, I have CKD 3 - 39%, and have just been started on aza again. I have a very rare disease called 'IgG4 systemic disease', that means my body is attacking my own organs - it's affected my pancreas, kidneys and liver so far, and gall bladder and bile ducts etc. I have to take aza to try stop my body attacking itself - well basically!! I only started it 5 days ago, and it does seem a scary drug, however, I trust my dr's consider the benefits more crucial than the poss side affects. But like fenal said, you need to know why you've been prescribed it.

bowler profile image
bowler in reply to madonbrew


Aza. was mentioned to me by the hospital as a drug to try alongside the Prednisolone with the view of weaning me off the Prednisolone which I have been taking for 14 years, for Giant Cell Arteritis and Polymyalgia Rheumatica. The Pred. has caused me side effects over the years, high blood pressure, which in turn gave me CKD, and Anemia.

Like I said above to fenal, they tried me on Methotrexate, which didn't suit me, so they are now thinking about trying me on the Az. however if they have bad side effects I would prefer not to take them. I suppose at the end of the day it's my choice, but nice to hear from people who do take it, and what, if any side effects they have.

One person on the PMR/GCA site, said that Az. affected her liver, so she had to stop them

Thanks for your reply nice to share our thoughts/worries with others.

madonbrew profile image

I was put on pred and aza together last year, but pred and me don't go together at all, so it's off the treatment list, other than in a possible short term use. So I'm on aza on its own for now. I have my first set of bloods for aza tomorrow...you have to have regular blood tests done - I think it's supposed to be weekly for the 1st 4 weeks, then fortnightly and gradually it lessons. I guess they just have to check it's not having bad effects - on the plus side - at least they keep an eye on you!

bowler profile image

Thanks for your reply, will be interested to know how you get on with the Az.

I know what you mean about the Pred. I call it the poison pill, as it has given me so many side effects, but they are the only thing that takes my pain away when I get a flare of Giant Cell Arteritis, and Polymyalgia. And after 14 years of taking Pred. they have certainly taken their toll.

Good Luck

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