does anyone know if lose dose statins will further effect my kidneys. I am ready at CKD 3 at 50 ?
statins with CKD 3: does anyone know if... - Early CKD Support
statins with CKD 3
Although I can't give you a professional response, I can tell you that my nephrologist, who consults with my cardiologist when needed, has not asked me to cut down on the low dosage of Simvastatin that I have been taking for many years. I am in stage 3a. I am 85, so have fewer years than you to be affected.
Thank you for that. The statins that I have been prescribed make me feel dreadful. Stiffness in legs and other joints. I'm begining to feel I'm 100 years old 😞
Sorry to hear about the side effects you're having. Let the prescribing know about them.
I think I shall stop taking them but I will speak to my GP.
presumably your statins are to lower your cholesterol had you tried lowering with diet before being prescribed them? there are lots of side effects but keeping your arteries clear is also important! its a difficult one my mum has taken them for 18 years after having a heart attack at 66 & having arteries unblocked with stents luckily no bipass needed she was found to have naturaly high cholesterol! & is now 84 without them she would have suffered another heart attack i'm sure!
You don't say which statin you are on. Last year my G.P. changed me to Atorvastatin. Within a matter of a week or so I had pains in my joints and generally felt terrible. I was changed back to Simvastatin and the discomforts virtually vanished within a week. It would be worth asking your G.P. to try you on a different statin. I am 70, and have been stable at stage 4 CKD for the last 5 years with no other problems.
Yes that's the one I'm on 10g. Trouble is I'm on holiday gor 3 months do can't see my GP and I'm afraid to just stop taking them. I'm also concerned they may damage my kidneys even more. I am GFR 50 and I'm 61 .
Hi Netie..... husband tried them all and he hated them. Had an array of side effects, felt 100 years old..... His cardiologist said.......never ever take statins.....they are not good for everyone.... He was happy about that as he had already decided to stop them. His sister who lives in California also tried them all and simply after much debate with her doctor gave them up. Maybe with brother and sister it is a familial issue...Our GP decided to take them and he to has given them up.....His advice was, listen to your body it invariably knows best. On the other hand friends tell me how they are confident statins have saved their lives... The debate goes on.....Regarding statins being bad for the kidneys, I personally have not heard that and one friend has eGFR around 25...her GP has never advised her to stop....There again she has never been referred to a nephrologist. Best wishes to you.. Love Belle x.
Hi bellefrank. Thank you for your reply. I still really don't know what to do. The statins don't make me feel good at all but I'm afraid to just stop them.
I am 52 and CKD stage 3, my understanding from my GP is that the statins do not affect your kidneys, they simply reduce your risk of heart problems as CKD increases the risk, my doctor explained this when I pointed out that my cholesterol is not an issue. I was first put on Atorvastatin which made me feel very ill and in quite a bit of pain, I am now on Pravastatin and have no problems with it whatsoever.