I have a aneurysm on my fistula, my vascular doctor just watches and sees, What should we do about it?
Aneurysm on my fistula: I have a aneurysm... - Kidney Transplant
Aneurysm on my fistula

Sorry I don't have any advice. However can i ask..how do they know this? I am having lots of issues with mine and the vascular nurses don't care. I'm fed up having to explain myself every time I get put on dialysis. I hope you get some answers
My only comment is to maybe get second opinion. I would not want an aneurism on m fistula.
The last second opinion I went to still didn't address aneurism, only said he will do something to replace the current fistula, They think more about the fistula more than the aneurism. I guess if anybody wantis to work on aneurism, that must will cause bleeding, fistula issue, so they all want to wait till the current fistula runs out of useable space to fix all I guess. i think I might go to third opinion, my first doctor might fire me though I don't know.
You might want to go to the ER as it could burst and you could have a bleed go on. That's what I would do. That's one of my fears but since my fistula never worked that's not an issue anymore. Unless that could happen with a graft.
Thanks for the suggestion, i think I would ask my fistula surgeon what he thinks if I should go to the ER. Last time after I talked to the second opinion I went back to my first fistula surgeon, he's all mad at me, his face looked bad, i said I just wanted to know if I had the other options. then he looked better. / Graft's span is not that long, usually two or three years. I hope you get a transplant.
I have one 14 years post transplant. My nephrologist asks me if it bothers me, I say no, and that's it. I don't lift too much with that arm.
Mine never worked properly when on dialysis as the second catheter never would get in as viens to small abd rolly.Ironic now I havent used in 2 years almost that fustula vien is huge bulgey all the up my arm and super gross looking but nobody says or does anything about it.
Hi! I would definitely go to the ER and have them order a vascular US and then go get a second opinion. I just had to get a graft and I am freaking out about what they did and how I feel but if I don't feel heard in the follow up then there are other vascular groups.
What that mean vastula "US"? i did went to a second opinion, the second one not hurried neither, Because my fistular is big but the edges still available, both doctors said wait till the fistular "run out of space", then they will --one said he will then to cut the middle part of fistular away, then to sew the two sides to make it smaller, but still didn't mention about the aneuyrism. the other doctor didn't mention about aneuyrism neither. They just worried about my fistula. As for graft, the graft only lasting two or so years.