My daughter is 6 years old and 3 years post renal transplant. It has been very challenging with numerous bouts of UTI's and BK thrown into the mix. She currently takes tacrolimus (3.2 mg BD), sytron, bicarbonate, cefalexin and prednisolone (2.5mg every other day), alphacalcitol and darbepoetin. Her creatinine is very high and currently stands at 286umol/L and urea 23.9 mmol/L all other parameters are normal. Physically she is great with no signs or symptoms- she's a typical 6 year old.
I'm just wondering if anyone out there has a treatment which has worked for them (natural or otherwise). As I mentioned my daughter suffered with severe UTI's about a year ago. She would get a UTI every 3-4 weeks like clock work ending up in hospital on IV antibiotics. This lasted for about a year. Each bout effecting the renal function. After about the 8th UTI/ hospitalisation it was the pharmacist that suggested using D- mannose. Since then my daughter has not had a UTI and next month will be a year since the last UTI. It just goes to show that the doctors do not know everything and life changing information can come from any source.
Thank you for reading this post.