I have not been on the posting in about 1 year. But I hope that everyone is doing well and continuing to take care of themselves. I am post transplant 3 years now and everything is doing well. I have just gotten transferred back to my local Nephrologist, but I still see my Transplant team every 6 months. I have decided to go back to work after 2 1/2 years and it feels GREAT! I am in a position that fully accommodates my needs and that is not as stressful/strenuous as the last job that I was put out of work from. I feel that my life is getting back to normal again after the other side of the JOURNEY..... even though nonetheless it still is a JOURNEY each and every day trying to maintain our health. As I stated before I really hope that everyone is doing well and continuing to Prosper and be in GREAT HEALTH. I would love to hear how some of my Kidney Family is doing. AGAIN STAY HEALTHY AND BE BLESSED!
Good Afternoon My Kidney Family - Kidney Transplant
Good Afternoon My Kidney Family

Fantastic news!!! It's so good to hear from you that all is well! My hubby is also closing in on 3 years with his transplant. It was a very bumpy road for us for a while; but his transplant team and other doctors pulled him through everything that came up. Like you, we're grateful that we're now in a place of "normalcy" even though "awareness" will always be our companion. And it's awesome that you've returned to work! That's what transplants are all about - giving people their lives back - even heading back into the workforce if that's desired. Kudos, Redbone, for living life and reaching goals! Your upbeat news is appreciated!
Good for you. It is nice to hear happy stories. Take care
thanks for sharing how well you are doing . It gives us all hope we can one day go down that road .Enjoy your new journey you are truly blessed .
So nice of you to write and share your good news! Best of luck in your new job!
Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, Redbone55! It is exciting to hear that you have adjusted to having your new transplant and life is going in a positive direction. I just celebrated my 6th year transplant anniversary but I have yet to return to work. If I’m being honest, I’ve worked in a hospital setting for the last 40 years and I have major anxiety about returning to work, be it healthcare or elsewhere. I’ve thought about working from home but I know that I need to get out there and socialize. Your post has inspired me to rethink my reluctancy to become employed and I will act on it. Best wishes to you.
Thank you for responding. I don't blame you I was the same way about getting back into the work field. I too work in a field where there is probably a much higher risk (skilled facility for Disabilities and Special Needs Residents), however, I work in the office. I do have to go to the wings at least 4 to 5 times a day, but when I do go I make sure that I have a mask on each and every time. The only time I do not have a mask on is when I am in my office secluded. But I do whole heartedly understand your hesitation, anxiety and fear. I was the same, but I did have the need to get back there in society, (make money LOL) and get back to normal. I was not willing anymore to let my fear of COVID or my circumstances define me. I do wish you the best of luck and you will do what you feel is right for you. BE BLESSED!!🙏
You know, Redbone55, you are 100% correct! I have let COVID & my circumstances define me. I barely know myself anymore. I was outgoing, active, and always looking forward to the next day. Now I expect everyone to understand why I haven’t visited the barbershop in 4 years when I previously went every week. I have been blessed to have earned a bachelor’s degree in business so I could definitely use that to get into a more private office setting. Your words truly carry a lot of weight and your story lets me know that I’m not alone, so thank you. I have all but forgotten about that wonderful feeling of coming home after a long day at work and being tired and at the same time, feeling like a productive member of society. Plus like you eluded to, “Show me the money”!! (LOL) Seriously though, I’ve accumulated a large collection of masks over the last few years and it’s time that I put them to good use. Can I let you know when I get my first offer? (or rejection because that would mean I am headed in the right direction). And again, thanks for sharing your experience and thanks for your feedback on my situation. Wish you well.
Of course! you can definitely let me know how things are working out for you. I would love to hear your success story. You just have to step out on faith (being SAFE at the same time). I promise you will start to feel better about yourself and your circumstances. Put that Bachelor Degree to use. You are definitely stronger than you think. Good Luck and I wish you well in your future endeavors!! BE BLESSSED!!🙂