Hello I’m on the transplant list I was hoping to get a transplant before dialysis but don’t know if it will happen . I had one offer that didn’t work out I found out then I am going to be hard to match cause I have high antibodies. I wasn’t even aware there was such a thing. How long did you wait before getting a transplant did any of you have high antibodies
Did any kidney transplant people have h... - Kidney Transplant
Did any kidney transplant people have high antibodies

Hello, I had high antibodies due to my first kidney transplant. Was on dialysis for five years and received my 2nd kidney transplant in June of 2021. Hang in there it will work out.
Thank you for replying . I’m trying to stay postive and know it will work out when it suppose to work out , I had a low heart ejection factor for sim reason out of nowhere so I had to wait before I could get out on list but it took a year to get that to normal but it did so I’m a believer thing happen in their time .
Hello. I also have very high antibodies and was told I'd be a hard if not impossible match. I haven't had dialysis yet and was in stage 5 for a while. I got placed on the transplant list on May 3, 2021. I was on the list for 6 months. I had 5 offers and was primary for only one. That donors heart kept beating well past the 90 minute mark after life support was stopped, so the organ was no longer viable. My last offer, I was secondary for and was called at 3:25 AM. on November 1st. I was told I was secondary for this kidney. The nurse told me to be ready and to stay by my phone just in case. Well having had 5 other disappointments prior, I wasn't expecting anything to happen. Well, at 4am on the 2nd, I got a call to be at the hospital by 6am to prep for surgery! OMG! Basically no time to pack a bag and go. So, I just went and my husband eventually got me more clothes. Oh when you have surgery, I would definitely pack sweatpants or something loose fitting. I had the surgery, which took 5 hours. He said it's like I won the lottery or found the golden ticket. So what I'm Basically saying is don't give up. There is a match for you. And I'm sorry for the long story. Lol.
I had super high antibodies (HLA's at 92) and was also told I would have a long wait because it would be a hard match. 5 months after being on the transplant list I received a call at 9:00 pm just before Thanksgiving saying I was a secondary and to come to the hospital (which was 2 hours away) to be prepped in case I received the kidney. Lo and behold, I received a kidney as did the primary before me. 2 transplants in one day. I have since been told that since high antibody recipients are much harder to match, we get priority because another kidney may not come along for a while. Make sure you are on as many lists as you can reasonably travel to. I remember the stress of waiting and can only advise you to keep on keeping on and believe it will happen. Happy New Year and Good Luck!
Thank you Mickey and Noken good to hear you both found a match with high antibodies thank you for your posts
Yes, I have very high antibodies; my PRA was 89%. I was on he list that had a 8-10 year wait. After about five years, I got “the call”; it was a complete shock but I learned since that since 2014, those with high antibodies (I think over 80%) have priority for an available matching kidney because they are so difficult to match. My kidney was a “perfect” match for me, in the sense that all 6 HLA haploids matched (very unusual, usually only found in identical twins), and the new kidney had no conflicts with my antibodies. Doctors said I won the lottery; to me, it was and is a miracle! I had been on dialysis for 1 1/2 years and I am older, so I wasn’t hopeful. All I can say to you is—stay positive and take care of yourself. You never know what will happen!
Thank you Erica yes reading everyone pier has really lifted my sprit up glad you got yours