Ok, so for most of us this summer has not been the greatest!
I tell people everyday to be your own advocate, but because of COVID-19 there have been some complications in that thought.
For me, March 31st I started to run a low-grade fever( up to 100.8). So, my nephrologist thought I had COVID for sure. Wanted me to shelter in place and not go out among "sick" people. I am immunosuppressed due to a transplant in 1999. My fever continued and by the later half of April I contacted my PCP because the COVID tests here in WY were easier to come by. Tested on 4/24 and was negative. PCP sent me to Infectious Disease. Ran lots of blood tests and ordered renal ultrasound. Only thing that showed up was that I had inflammation somewhere. But because of COVID, listened to heart and lungs but no real complete exam.
With my urging - PCP scheduled an hour long appointment with me. Went over all of my symptoms and even checked the thermometer I was using. Sent me to cardiology due to fever and heart murmur. Thought I could have endocarditis. Had TEE - transesophageal Echo. Found I have a great heart, and NO endocarditis. Was about ready to give-up now. TEE was done at hospital under anesthesia.
With my husbands urging my PCP contacted me again & together we decided to check on my gallbladder. Had a fasting ultrasound of my gallbladder, where they inject a hormone into your vein to see how your gallbladder works. By the time I got home after the test I got deathly ill. Called my doctor's office.....and guess what? my almost 4 months of fever was all due to my gallbladder. Saw the surgeon on July 22nd and had surgery the 23rd. Said gallbladder was enlarged, inflamed, had thickened & had backed up into my liver - causing liver enzymes to elevate. What if I had given up and not perused the cause of my fever?!@#
I guess my point...never give up! You know your body better than anyone. If you are not well, or running a temperature like I was, insist that your doctors' keep checking things out, even when you seem to be at the end of the road!!!
I am now FEVER FREE and feeling good almost 3 weeks since my surgery!
Take care all - and remember to be your own ADVOCATE!!!