Hello,So, I am getting a PD catheter put in this Friday for my first time. I been on dialysis for 13 years since I was 21 and I had a transplant 6 years ago but my body just rejected it at the end of Oct of this year. So I am very nervous bc i have to walk up flights of stairs to get to my apartment does anybody have any suggestions. And would I be ok in a few weeks going back to school.
PD placement : Hello,So, I am getting a PD... - Kidney Dialysis
PD placement

It shouldn't be a problem. My husband, who was 70 at the time, walked up a flight of stairs to get to his bedroom, after having his cath placed that morning. And he walked up/down stairs regularly thereafter - into our bedroom, to his home office in the basement, etc. Just make sure your cath is placed properly - not directly in the "leg/tummy intersection" to prevent rubbing. (Yes, some don't really pay attention to that.) When the surgeon marks the spot for the tubing, make sure you check it out before the procedure is done. Sit up, walk a few steps, bend over, pretend to wash the area, etc. See how motion affects it. And then go for it - you should also be able to go back to school. My husband went back to work. When you have supplies delivered, make sure the delivery people take them up the stairs and place them exactly where you want them to be inside your apartment. Keep in mind there will be lots of boxes but, as your treatment is customized, a good number of them won't be used/go away. Also, in some areas of the country, you may be able to get biweekly shipments, not monthly, which can also lower the quantity kept in your apt. So sorry to hear this is happening during the holiday season. I'm crossing my fingers that you can qualify( or have qualified) for another transplant. Stay positive!
Cosign on boxes of solution and supplies that don't get used. We were able to donate some dialysate but the place won't always take them.
My husband initially went to a very busy dialysis center that often ran out of supplies for training sessions and the PD nurse actually came over to get our unused items. However, our next dialysis center went "by the book". My husband was told told us to toss or drain all unused items and not to pass them on since they were "prescription items" paid for by Medicare. My husband sensed a fear that there could be liability implications if they were tainted in some manner and the dialysis company didn't want any part of that. (And ultimately, we didn't either - some people do crazy things.) But, yes, indeed, it is a waste of product.
Consider just removing the label that identify you as the owner and then donate out unused items. Can't be traced and it is too wasteful to throw out, and consider the land fill issue.
Honestly, there isn't anyone (occasionally a veterinarian) to take them around here. Everyone has their own supplies coming to them. We don't simply throw items in a landfill. We recycle the items when we can - cardboard, plastics, etc. The dialysate is simple sugar water that waters the grass or gardens. Who is taking your supplies?
Other than keeping your exit site clean...be careful about picking up anything over 20 pounds or exercises that are for the tummy...take your time climbing tge stairs and pause and rest if you feel pain, because there should not be any pain from the cathater...but surgery can make you weak for a bit while you heal...Best Wishes for you and keep us posted...