Hi there. I’ve worked out that the prescription medicines I’ve been taking for decades have caused my ckd and I would appreciate your views: Lanzoprazole;Benzodiazepines (Nitrazepam every night for many years); and Lamotrigine (a mood stabiliser). On the other hand, the sertraline I take for depression is harmless (it doesn’t work for me in any case).
Medications!: Hi there. I’ve worked out that... - Kidney Dialysis

The first three drugs you mentioned can definitely cause kidney issues. But I have no suggestions for replacement meds, since we have no experience with this area of medicine. However, most meds are filtered through either the kidney or the liver. (I was reminded of that my own doctor recently.) So, unfortunately, if you protect the one, then the other is at risk. You have to weigh the issues carefully. I hope someone will hop on here and give you direction. It's likely your best advice would come from a pharmacist or other knowledgeable professional. I truly hope you can find a good outcome!
Hi I'm in UK too age 74this year ,I was told my medication was overdosing me which caused CKD5,I was in hospital 4weeks nearly died ,very alarming for my family ,I was unconscious so didn't no what had happened .I see my consultant regularly and have bloods done are at 21% now which is stable .I have been to see the clinic where you go for dialysis and have had chat with sworker how fast does this happen, can ihave transplant ,so many questions