So last time my mam was told her kidneys were at 6% and yesterday while we were at a&e she's been told her kidneys are at 30% is this normal my mam has been on dialysis for 10 months.
Kidney gfr : So last time my mam was told... - Kidney Dialysis
Kidney gfr

I have been on PD for a little over a year. I think mine were around 10 at the time and I’ve not seen that much improvement. Your mother seems to be doing very well.
Been in dialysis many years. One thing I’ve experienced personally and spoken to dozens over the time if they are in chair next to me and wish to talk. After 3 years you won’t urinate. It’s a one way trip. Once you start dialysis eventually you lose pee ability. Everytime you dialyze the kidneys aren’t working, you are “renting” a kidney, they get weaker. It’s shocking, then you worry on a 2 day weekend how bad dialysis is next day; how much they pull to get you dry weight. YMMV.
I’m glad Mam has you at her side. Sure makes it easier. Good on you.
How long have you been on dialysis if you don't mind me asking ? My mam always looses her blood pressure when she hasn't had dialysis for 2 days she's also been moved to a different unit and her arm is really purple is this normal? I've tried to ring up to speak to someone as its a proper state her arm and its never been like that at her last unit she was at.
They also only take 2 liters of fluid and sometimes less when she doesn't put on fluid between dialysis sessions is this normal, it's frustrating when their isn't someone to speak to.
I hope you are doing well. Sorry for all the questions.
Sadly, kidney decline due to diabetes isn't reversible, so I'm wondering if your clinic was referring to your mom's GFR which is based on blood tests with variables (age, sex, etc. built in). If so, it's possible for that data to show a big increases or decreases in lab reports because dialysis assists in removing toxins and water from the bloodstream. Hence, that figure generally isn't a stable indicator as to how well "native kidneys" are performing. But it could well be that they're looking at your mom's 24-hr. urine collection and evaluating the situation from that. It might be good to ask and see what they say. On the other hand, to determine how well the doctor's dialysis prescription is working in removing water and toxins from your mom, Kt/V and/or URR clearances etc. are closely watched. So you'll often hear references to them.