Was on PD for for 4 years hemo for 3 1/2 had transplant 5 months ago, doing great!would like to share my journey!
Dialysis survivor: Was on PD for for 4 years... - Kidney Dialysis
Dialysis survivor
Hi, that is fantastic news congratulations. Hope you keep and stay well. One of my friend who was on pd for 7years just had his transplant and he's feeling great.
Thank you for sharing your story and I'm still waiting and hopefully it happens for me soon.
Again congrats and all the best.
Thank you very much!it was a long journey at times I didn’t think I was going to make it, but what I would do is kinda RESET my frame of mind and tell myself it will be worth it one day soon! And some how I made it BIG TIME😁when I look back not even 5 months ago it seems like a bad dream! I’m so thankful to all my nurses and doctors and staff who were there to help me get through it all!continued success to you and your friend!
Hi, great news for you. Can you tell how your experience was with PD as I’m nearing that. Thanks😀
Well I was on PD for 4years when I was first diagnosed, I figured I’m young I don’t feel too bad I can do this!everything was going realy well until I got an infection! I didn’t realize the amount of work involved but I sucked it up!once a month I would have all my supplies delivered, I’m talking about a full pallet worth!the driver would bring it all in for me I had a space ready to put it all probably 10 feet by 3 feet,I used 1 box and Luther supplies per day in one week I would have all thes boxes and plastic piling up at first I would recycle it all that meant hauling it all to the road, I had to do this all my self it was exiosting the most important thin was to wash my hands often especially when setting up machine! That’s where I made a big mistake I got lazy and slacked off on washing my hands,and I paid dearly for it! This was about 2.5 yrs in I got an infection in my adimin! They tried several antibiotics no luck I’ve never felt pain like that Before! This went on for about 2 months, finally they did surgery and took my line out. That’s where the infection was, they gave me a choice to continue PD OR SWITCH TO HEMO! that’s when I switched I wouldn’t take a chance on getting another infection again because of my laziness! So 4 years later here I am thanking the lord I made it through it all,! I hope things work out for you😊
Thanks for your reply. I am concerned about that because I’m such a worrier. But I get really nervous just going to doctors office. My blood pressure goes thru the roof. That’s just how I am. So I’m thinking I’ll do better at home. I’m just scared. Seems like dialysis will take everything I live to do. Especially with my dogs.
Hi I completely understand!ill tell u this if your going to do it at home,will u have someone to help? Because it’s a lot more work than I exspected!doing it at home it so easy to get lazy especially after a few months when your comfortable with it,remember WASH your hands often before and while your on use sanitizer or even better rubber gloves they will supply everything u need!and dogs I had and still have dogs keep them out of the room away from your machine and supplies! Very important ! No kisses dogs mouths are not as clean as everyone thinks they are germ spreaders ! If you do pet them WASH your hands after!,just be careful and meticulous about being clean and following the procedure! Feel free to ask me anything you want to ask!too bad we couldn’t post pics I’d love to show u my dogs!