Hi everyone just wanted to say hello
Hi I have end stage renal disease on dialy... - Kidney Dialysis
Hi I have end stage renal disease on dialysis

hello jason55427 63,esrd getting ready for dialysis.

Hi Jason, Welcome to the dialysis group! I've been on hemodialysis for about a year and a half and have polycystic kidney disease. Am also on the transplant list.
I have been on dialysis for two years and a couple of months lithium toxicity ruined my kidneys I was prescribed to high of a dose for to long without enough blood tests
I also was on lithium for a long time and it caused my kidneys to almost fail. Been on dialysis since January this year and I hate it. I cry a lot lately and want to quit, but I know it is necessary for me to live. I am not accepting being on dialysis, and am depressed. The good news is that I will go on peritoneal dialysis soon.
Thank you for your posts, they are helping me!

That's a bummer! My kidney disease is genetic, but I didn't know I had it until I was 50, then an ultrasound showed it. I was lucky to have 14 years before I had to start dialysis. I'm hoping to be like my brother, who got a kidney 4 years ago. How are you dealing with dialysis? I try to treat it as a part-time job.

Well, I try to find things to do while I'm there to pass the time. I love to read - that really transports me out of the chair! Sometimes I laugh out loud while I'm reading and they have to tell me it's time to stop and get off the machine! There's always TV and some people bring their smartphones, tablets or laptops. Others do crossword puzzles or Sudoku or draw. Others sleep through their treatments, but I find it hard to sleep there. One girl even brings her guitar and sings. You just have to find your thing. I also love movies on TCM (no commercials!).
Our center provides the laptops but not too many people use, I do. I liked doing nothing the first hr except to look people, enjoying not doing anything; Then i may watch some news, Sometimes I do little bit of Bible study homework and reading the Bible,And then there is some TV programs I liked to watch like Billy Graham, Dr David Jeremiah, orLove a child; If there's still some time left I may turn to my laptop. Thank You Lord for giving us perseverance and reasonable health so we can still doing dialysis.Amen.
I am addicted to HGTV! The home improvement shows are both entertaining and fascinating in how the contractors solve the many problems that come up once they take walls and floors down. I think that's also why I love to read mysteries and trying to figure out whodunit. I also feel lucky that I'm able to drive myself back and forth from treatments - so many people can't. Have a great day!

Thanks, you too!
Hi Jason I hope all is going well today. I started PD last month so I know how you feel. Some shared a lot of good advice. Keep your head up and try to stay positive.
I'm doing ok thank you.
I'm holding on with one kidney. My eGFR is 29-30. I'm following a renal diet, but I do feel a bit more fatigued than before my other kidney was removed due to cancer in July 2016. Are you doing home dialysis or do you go to a dialysis center? How long have you been on dialysis? If you go to a dialysis center, what do usually do with your time: watch TV, read, sleep ... OR? Thanks.