Hello to my wonderful CKD/ESRD community !! My husband is having trouble maintaining a good weight, and he keeps loosing ( which we dont want ). We know that the dialysis doesn't leave him with much and it kinda sucks everything out... Any tips on how to gain weight while on dialysis ? Anyone ever struggle with keeping their weight up ? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated !!
Need to gain weight on dialysis: Hello to my... - Kidney Dialysis
Need to gain weight on dialysis

Good morning!!!! There is nothing for the weight loss, I have the same problem. I don't eat, I do PD and because I have to drink sooooo much water that I don't have any room for food. Get him healthy snacks, like unsalted peanuts, pecans, fruit, cashews. As the doctor about supplements like gloucerna boost, Any of those can help. He will loose weight, he will probably gain wait. Just keep watching to make sure that it's not a lot.
Have a wonderfully blessed day!!!
Hello there, I have been on dialysis most of my life and have dealt with those same circumstances. I was told to eat lots of foods high in protein especially meats. Drinks such as boost do help as well, but meat helps better. Can also try foods high in carbs.
Protein powder helps me a little kale and blueberries helps the flavor to maintain weight and gain you have to eat constantly talk to your Dietitian about wanting to gain weight and be careful not to eat salty things or it work against what you want to accomplish.
You guys are so helpful !! Thank you !! Sorry I've been a bit M.I.A., we were in the e.r. Monday-Weds and f/u with our doc Thurs, so its been a crazy week !! Thanks again for all your help !! I'm so glad to have this forum !!
It is possible to gain weight it's slow stay in touch with nurse and dr.or the cramping will be the next struggle.
Definitely work with his dietitian at the dialysis unit on his specific diet needs. Protein is an important factor. Here is more information on getting enough protein on dialysis: kidney.org/atoz/content/get.... Also here is information on increasing calories: kidney.org/atoz/increasecal...
Ask for dieticians help with this. They can prescribe supplements to help and help appetite. I have a poor appetite so from time to time ive been helped also with ideas of foods to increase without changing poison levels. There is no charge for dietician help in the uk and every unit has at least one ready to help. Good luck