I've been having problems with a certain dialysis nurse. She is very unprofessional. Shes rude to me snd a couple other patients. She doesn't wash her hands like shes suppose to and I've noticed her stripping machines of their tubing and disposing of it in the biohazard box. She doesn't wash or change her gloved and goes over to patients and pulls needles and touches their arm with dirty gloves. She gets angry when machines alarm and swears under her breath. I've reported it to my doctor eho is board of directors and to my nurse manager. Nothing has been done. I've also discussed it with the administrator and still nothing. What should i do? I'm out of options????
Problems with a certain dialysis nurse. - Kidney Dialysis
Problems with a certain dialysis nurse.
U could change facilities if possible. U sound like u went through those u were suppose to reach out to... Cause the only other step is corporate... But it shouldn't have to get that far. Ur head nursing manager, should have been on here job. Sorry u going through and hopefully a resolution comes soon.
I can't change faculties. I've watched this nurse repeat one mistake after another. I feel that it is my obligation to keep an eye on her due to the fact if she makes a serious mistake on another patient i witness it. Thank you for reaching out and talking to me.
There are more options. Complaint procedure should be posted in the lobby. Also, you can take a complaint with your ESRD network. Let me know what area your in and I could give you some numbers to contact. Keep your head up, you are your own biggest advocate. You will be heard.
I live over on the Olympic peninsula near Bremerton WA
That would be Northwest Renal Network. 206-923-0714
The website is nwrn.org
This is a great source for assistance in this matter.
Yes, you can call the ESRD Network and speak with their patient advocate who can address your concerns further and help advocate on your behalf. You can find the ESRD Network that covers your state here: esrdnetworks.org/membership...
I would yell out that she’s not professional and not following directions. She’ll get the picture and so will everyone else!
Thank you for your response. I have yelled out and there are alot of other patients who have the same problem I'm having. But it seems the staff are all friends here so nothing is ever done.
Report her immediatly. No patient should be exposed to that. When my dad was on dialysis, we had to move him a couple of times. I tried to kill one of nurses. Eventually, we found a center that was excellent. Report everything. Any time you have concerns about a nurse or a doctor, run-tell-that
Sadly this is more common than one would think. I had a very similar nurse once. I spoke out about her. I ended up with sepsis and hospitalized for 3 weeks because another different nurse failed to follow clean protocol when handling my chest catheter. Unfortunately it only takes one (1) second to make a life threatening mistake. Once its made, there is no going back, sort of like shooting a gun.....can't get the bullet back. Report it, report, report. You could save someone's life, even your own. Ask her kindly to wash her hands or change her gloves prior to handling your access etc. Usually the nurses will comply. If not, tell them you don't want them to care for you unless you see them wash their hands, change gloves etc. Best of luck. Blessings
Hi Jessi, I see you wrote this post 2 months ago. I pray you are okay. I DO understand about the nasty attitudes in the medical community though. My primary had the NERVE to accuse me of not getting blood done cause she lost 18 months of my red blood lab results! I managed to get them for her and she didn't even apologize! The girls at the front desk are rude and sarcastic! And her nurse actually told me she didn't have time to answer my questions (when my primary was away for a few weeks)! Oh! That was last week and now she's going away again! I kept telling her for about 6 weeks that I had all the symptoms of anemia. So now she FINALLY does the bloodwork for it and acts like it was MY fault!
It's not your fault, it's their responsibility to do their job, thats what their paid for. So sorry that happened to you. Just remember they are not your boss. You are your own boss. And you have every right to express your feelings and rights as a patient.