I’ve been following this site for a while and wanted to tell you my story to try and give a little light to anyone panicking about egfr.
In 2021 at 43 I had some private bloods taken and my egfr was 73, no panic, as first test and didn’t take much notice.
In 2023 at 44 I had it retested and it was 71. I did a little research and panicked - if I kept on this trajectory by the time I was mid 50’s I’d be in the 60 and could be in real trouble.
I went to see my GP, who was not interested in the slightest and gave no advice about salt, protein, ibuprofen said they wouldn’t worry until it was below 60! Which I thought was too late.
I started following Kidney Solution on Instagram to get some tips about diet and vitamins. I stopped snacking on roasted peanuts/crisps, cut down on salt and cut down on processed meat and alcohol, when I say cut down I would still have it, just be mindful and I’d still splurge on holidays.
I started taking a probiotic, omega 3, bit D and B and alpha lipid acid.
I had my test results yesterday and my egfr at 46 is 91. I was so relieved I could cry. Everything I read told me it wouldn’t get better, the best I’d hoped for was stability.
I wanted to share - I believe this kind of advice should be given by GP’s and it could help others and save the worry and anxiety I know this can cause x