INONTIVA Pharma Renal Awakening Drops. Fraud or real? I saw Dr. Sanjay Gupta and Dr. Andrew Weill in an ad saying it is a breakthrough in Kidney failure treatment. Are these ads fake?
Renal Awakening drops: INONTIVA Pharma Renal... - Kidney Disease
Renal Awakening drops
Unfortunately, it's a crock.
Neither Gupta or Weil actually sponsored this product. Producers of these sham products always try to give credibility to their products by sayimg well known people sponsor them. They don't and it's not legal to say they do. However, they get away with it and probably sell alot of products before they're caught, if ever.
but the producers get away with it.
I am tried researching this but can't find much about it.
if it’s not FDA approved I wouldn’t get your hopes up. I certainly wouldn’t buy it.
There are two possible options.
1) One, you waste your money, but at least you have no ill effects.
2) Or two, whatever they are selling ends up doing your body harm. Especially if your kidneys are already partially impaired.
I'm looking now to find a company to test it here in Canada.