Hello everyone,
I received my latest blood test today.
My creatinine is 0.80, my eGFR is >60 (my lab doesn't give me the exact number when it's higher than 60), but my cystatin C is 1.37.
What can be the cause of this? I'm confused.
Hello everyone,
I received my latest blood test today.
My creatinine is 0.80, my eGFR is >60 (my lab doesn't give me the exact number when it's higher than 60), but my cystatin C is 1.37.
What can be the cause of this? I'm confused.
My nephrologist told me the values are usually different and neither test is more accurate than the other. My last creatinine was 3.46 with eGFR 14 and Cystatin C was 3.0 with eGFR 16 (same blood draw). I wouldn’t be too worried about it.
The Cystatin-C test is more accurate. The Mayo clinic started to use it on patients to determine eGFR. It is less affected by other factors unlike the standard blood test for kidneys, (renal panel?) which is solely based off of creatinine levels. Look into, you're numbers sound pretty good though.
Ok, but why do I have elevated Cystatine and normal creat and eGFR?
Thanks for your help!
It is a long explanation. It's best to do your own research about it. You will get a better feel for what the numbers are telling you. There is plenty of information online from different websites. I was also able to glean some good info from you tube videos. They explain both tests, what they look at and what it means. My doctor had never even heard of the Cystatin C test when I asked for it and would not order it for me. I had to order it from an independent lab.