Hi, I’m 23 and just curious about GFR.. I had a blood test done and everything was normal creatinine, bun, potassium.. everything the only thing that wasn’t normal was the GFR said >60 I know this is something better if I was able to reach my doctor to go over labs but I’m not able to. I’m actually in the process of switching doctors because my old doctor is never available. I’m also pregnant! I just need a better understanding of GFR.. if anybody can kindly explain it to me. Also my creatinine level is 0.5
Low GFR but everything else is normal - Kidney Disease
Low GFR but everything else is normal

There might be a lab error somewhere in the chain. You really need to speak to a doctor.
Hi. I strongly encourage you to speak with a doctor to determine the meaning of those numbers in your particular situation. You mentioned that you are pregnant, speak to your OB/GYN if you are unable to speak with a primary care physician. Your doctor who has access to your medical records is in a better position to give you answers than this forum.
Yes thanks I know lol! I was looking for someone to explain a little what GFR was but I got a better understanding after doing research!

GFR is an estimate of how well your kidneys' filtration system is working. I stress it is but an estimate, because it can be influenced by being dehydrated or stress, diet, etc.. Usually, a doctor not only looks at GFR but also creatinine and BUN when looking to see if there are any kidney issues.
If concerned ask your OB about the results of these tests. You don't need to worry about this during your pregnancy.
1. Creatinine level of 0.5 mg/dL coreesponds to an estimated GFR value of 163. I do not understand how can it be less than 60 as mentioned in your post. Follow the link below to calculate:
2. During pregnancy GFR can increase up to 50% the normal value and creatnine level will go down. This is normal. That is why,estimated GFR is not generally recommended during pregnancy. For further information, follow the link below:

I thought her post said GFR >60 which is greater than 60 indicating over 60% function.
that’s what was confusing to me when I first read the test results I didn’t notice the greater sign so I thought It was 60 but after reading about it I got a better understanding.. so I came back to edit this post! But isn’t it still bad should it say >90