to know if the itch i have is related to the proteinuria i have since i get it on the head back arms or leg s or feet i heard loss of proteins in the urine makes everything dehydrated and that that s when the itch comes
Dry skin is seen in 50% to 80% of people who undergo dialysis to treat kidney disease.4 The dryness typically appears on the arms and legs.
Uremic pruritus does not cause a rash, but the skin can become red and irritated from the constant scratching. The itching can be all over the body or in some people it is more focused on their back, face, and arm
do not know if this what ia have i do tell you that with the sun get itchy and i put creams on me use hidrozin 20 mg or 25 pregablin sometimes i use vacilin and cream with mint man this is complety hard to deal with the itch maybe i will try solar protect what youse recommend me