have proteinuria 134 total protein in 24 hr urine and i keep putting cream for itchy skin drinking pregablin 150 mg and it doesnt goes fully away ive got from the dr nephrologist tregetol he prescribed me sevelamer 800 mg carbonate of sevalemer for phosphurus my levels are not high in the blood very expensive i still dont know why iam getting this itch it happens when i get closed to the heat or stress or the sun or anything that is warm or hot i start to itch it brought s my attention that it can be the kidney he says it can be something else iam lost do youse have something that can help me or anything else i should do specially on the face or the head i get this rashes redness can it be a nerve issue even with creams or hidatation it still there the itch or immune system or i dont know
itchy skin all over the body: have... - Kidney Disease
itchy skin all over the body

I had horrible itching all over about 3 years ago. The itching was so bad I had bloody sores all over my body and it never let up my eyes were eventually jaundice. My feet and hands itched horribly I could not get any relief. Went to an urgent care and the genius there stood across the room and told me I had dry skin I knew better. Thankfully went to another urgent care and they sent me to a surgeon thinking it was my gallbladder, It was not my gall bladder but they knew it was probably my liver. It was my liver and I went through some testing and was diagnosed with very early stage 1 liver disease. Primary billiary colonitis. So apparently once you have one auto immune disease your very prone to getting more, I have 3 KIdney Disease first then RA and then liver disease. I now take a medicine for my liver for life I see the hepatologist once a year as long as there are no issues. I am not trying to say that's what you have just sharing my experience, If they haven't checked billirubin levels maybe they should . One other thing that may help it did me especially with feet and hands when I couldn't sleep was ice. Ice can trick the brain into thinking you do not itch.
For me the ice helped but until I got on meds I kept using it.
Good luck
Thanks for your story. I have severe itching especially at night. What medicines finally helped you?
Best wishes,
Ursodiol obviously it's an rx prior to confirmed diagnosis I was taking colostrum it's a nasty tasting powder I got the ok to get some gel caps to put it in

I had a skin problem and it went away after I was placed on CKD diet.
Wow - a friend of mine had a kidney transplant several years ago, and he said that the itchiness prior to the transplant was the worst thing. I am deep into stage 4, with an EGFR of 17, and I have not experienced the itching yet. Does it happen to everyone with kidney disease? I will keep in mind the CKD diet. Thanks
Not sure what type of cream you are using...but the best one i could find was Aveeno Oatmeal Lotion...I also use the Oatmeal Body Soap...Other than cooling the skin with Ice and caution to what you eat, not much you can do
I had the whole body itchiness and developed little sores from scratching so much. Nothing helped and then I developed tremors so bad I kept falling. I was on PD at the time. Ended up in the hospital and then started on hemodialysis which cleared up the itchiness and the tremors. I got my appetite back and am feeling 100% better. Have your BUN checked and if it's high then talk to the nephrologist about what to do.
Hello Pantwhite. I’m sorry to hear about all of your distress with this issue. I’m also currently experiencing something similar, which at first, I thought may be high phosphorus. I’ve since read online that low iron can also cause itching, rash and welts. My issue is mainly only on my back and chest, but I also have other symptoms such as high anxiety, irritability, fatigue, slight nausea, headaches, and dizziness. Just recently, I have some bone pain as well. There seems to be other reasons than just high phosphorus and liver trouble that can cause itching. I also suspect I may have some liver issues and I must admit, I am a little worried. I still need to get blood work done, and I’m not exactly looking forward to it. I know this is not very helpful to you, but I understand what you’re going through. Please know that you’re in my thoughts and prayers. 🙏