I'm new to the group and looking for support and guidance. I was diagnosed last year and was in shock. No symptoms and I'm otherwise healthy. I'm scared beyond belief. I am at stage 4 with GFR of 24. My question is one of many, but my skin is itching like crazy. Non stop scratching til it hurts! What type of remedy do you use for relief?
Horrible itching skin!: I'm new to the group... - Kidney Disease
Horrible itching skin!
Try Ceradan. That is what my skin doctor prescribed and approved by my nephrologist
Check your lab results. When one or more of the electrolytes are high, it could cause severe itching. For me, it's the potassium. It's best to get referred to a renal dietitian for help with your diet tailored to your labs and medical issues. Best of luck in getting help.
I like to use Lubriderm lotion . The pink bottle with extra moisture . Also body oil help too especially when you need quick relief .
Hi I never suffered itchy skin, my gfr went to 6 b4 transplant. But maybe I could answer some of your other questions. I know how you feel to be really scared. It caused me great anxiety, especially since last Yr when mine dropped from around 17 to 6 which took around 10 months to drop
I was and taking antihistamines hay fever tablet's they work for me I am stage 4 EFR 24
Itchy skin is such an annoying side effect of kidney disease, especially at night. I was told by my kidney nurse that it was due to waste that wasn't dealt with by my kidneys, coming to the surface of my skin. I found that having a nice hot bath before bed and scrubbing my skin down with a slightly abrasive sponge did the trick nicely. (Not too abrasive, don't want to damage the skin.) I would then use a mild cream on the worst areas.
Several side effects of kidney disease can be addressed to make things a little easier. Keep asking on here as there will be someone out there who has found something that helps.
All the best, you'll get through this...
Itching skin is not uncommon with CKD. There are things to try. First, water. Dry skin itches and when you are dehydrated from the inside, the skin gets dry. Try drinking more water. Next, check your labs to see if the phosphorous levels are high, or for that fact any minerals are out of wack. Then adjust your diet with the help from a renal dietician. You do not say if you are diabetic, but diabetes can also make the skin itch. Lotion will help. It is better to use lotion than take an antihistamine. That is not a good course of action with stage 4. Right after you shower, put on something that does soak into the skin, not sit on top like baby oil does.
gabapentin was prescribed by my nephrologist. Totally solved the problem.
Here is link to article on CKD and skin issues.
Check with your Doctor for skin cream ideas
Stage 4 GFR 20...this might sound weird, but I basically just wear as little as possible for an hour or so. I've noticed that clothes make the itching so much worse for me. Then I get anxious and overwhelmed trying to relieve the itch. Once I calm down, the itching calms down considerably.