Ive read several lists of foods that are better for your kidneys, but I’m hoping you can share some of your favorites, to give me meal ideas!
Thanks so much!
Ive read several lists of foods that are better for your kidneys, but I’m hoping you can share some of your favorites, to give me meal ideas!
Thanks so much!
I personally like oatmeal as low in potassium and phosphorus. There are many other ingredients that you can add to it that are kidney friendly for breakfast. I add some protein also. In my opinion is a good way to start the day on my CKD diet.
Oh boy... I love to talk food. Ok, favorite meals: breakfast is oatmeal with cherries. I buy frozen, microwave them and add to REAL oatmeal. NO packaged stuff. However, I have cut way back on oatmeal because my phosphorous is high. Veggies, roasted with olive oil. Get them pretty coated and then add seasoning like garlic or others. NO salt. Roast on a pan, by baking, or grill. Serve over pasta or rice. I use carrots, peppers, onions, potatoes cut up (if potassium is ok) zucchini, and other veggies in season. I soak my broccoli for hours in warm water, then drain and add fresh water and then boil, and serve over pasta. Season as you like. I add cheese like parmesan. Here's a great idea. Roast a chicken for one dinner. Serve with whatever and then take the left-over carcass and meat and throw in a crock pot, cook for long time (over night on low) with about 8 cups of water or more. Drain and pick off meat. Season the broth heavily. Add a bag of frozen mixed veggies and pasta....instant soup. No salt. Cook until veggies are done and pasta is soft. We use small pastas. Make sure you add a lot of garlic and other seasonings because we are used to a ton of salt in soup. Left over pasta, make omelets with added leftover veggies. When I cook broccoli, I make more than enough to throw in my omelets. Another meal: ground turkey, brown it. Add microwaved mixed veggies of your choice, left over pasta or rice and add enough no salt broth to make it moist. Instant and healthy hamburger helper. Ok that's enough...
Wow! Thank you for all these yummy ideas! I’m thankful that you took the time to help me out. God bless you on your health journey 💕
Hi Bassetmommer. Thank you for sharing your recipes. I also struggle with what to eat and I needed your idea. thank you very much. Good health to you. 🤗
I also like real oatmeal with real frozen fruit and a few walnuts and some cinnamon for breakfast I really like cherries, but frozen blueberries are one of my essentials. There are so many good kidney friendly meals- I look at kidney friendly dishes with pasta or rice and sigh, because I can't eat pasta without gaining weight.
When I was first diagnosed, I would look for recipes that my husband and I liked, and then add ckd after them. Often, recipes from different kidney sites would come up and I would use those recipes to prepare the meal.
I put applesauce in my oatmeal as it takes too long to deal with the apple. Another favorite is microwave French toast. I break up a piece of cinnamon bread and pour eggwhites over it. Microwave for about 45 sec. No topping needed as the bread is just sweet.
Toasted low salt english muffin, small amount avocado, thin slice tomato/onion; occasionally vegan cream cheese; plain oatmeal with fresh blueberries; egg whites scrambled with chopped zucchini & onion; occasional 4oz coffee/4 oz water, vegan creamer; chopped fresh fruit: mango slices, blueberries, watermelon (watch potassium). (unfortified) old fashioned grits w/fruit or freshly grated parmesan/garlic. Been eating some of these daily. Love avocado toast, so I ALWAYS count all.
I love avocado! These are wonderful ideas. Thanks for taking the time to share with me 🤗
Bassetmommer, Orangecity and other's have the experience and knowledge I still lack, but with their experiences, I've been able to find ways to eat healthier and stay within my Stage 2 restrictions. Avocado is still on my diet list, but I "LIMIT" eating amount to 50 grams once, maybe twice per day & not everyday. So bottom line is eat but stay on top of your labs so you know where to adjust amounts & types of foods you eat. Good luck & stay healthy 🙏🙂
Your profile mentions that you have low potassium. Kidney friendly diets often remove potassium and sodium and that may be dangerous for you - they're electrolytes needed for the proper functioning of your heart, kidneys, cell production, and more. So please seek the authorization of your doctor. If you are asked to change your diet, your doctor will ask you to come in more often for labs to make sure you and your numbers stay in range. Interestingly, low potassium and low sodium can also damage your kidneys. So take a look at your labs, and try to keep everything in in the normal range. If anything doesn't look right, bring it up with your doctor. I'm the same age as you. I joined my hubby and went on the "kidney diet", removing sodium and potassium from our meals to be supportive - and then I passed out in public. It was not good experience. My physician was aghast that I, with normal levels of sodium and potassium, had done that. So I speak from experience. I suspect some seniors who "simply pass away" did so because of electrolyte issues.
I love Davita's Alfredo sauce.I add white meat chicken ,broccoli and mushrooms..serve over rice.I you have a sweet tooth(I do) try thier Ambrosia. Both recipes are on their website with a ton of other receipes.
Oh ok! My potassium is low too! I will go over labs with dietitian and dr. Excellent information thank you for sharing your knowledge. I really appreciate you!🌺