Just got back from appt with my new Nephrologist. Went over all my records, test results, current health, etc What a difference!
As all are aware, my egfr dropped from 47 to 33 almost overnight. Have added Resveratrol for 6 weeks & found gfr up to 37 & now the last one is at 41. Creatinine is high though at 1.52 but records reflect wide ranges beginning on 2019. Seems drinking 80 to 102 oz a day isn't helping. I gave up weight training due to increases in creatine & overwhelming fatigue, but I am walking my fur baby 2 - 3 times a day (5k+ to 11k steps a day!). I'm 5'5" and holding at 133-134 lbs at 71 y.o. I'm in good health otherwise.
Doc says I'm doing everything right (little to no red meats, LOTS of water, fruits & veggies, I don't drink or smoke), D3 & B12 but rest of vitamins aren't necessary (though can continue if I find they help).
Next appointment in 6 mo's & says, while there are never any guarantees, but as long as I continue this path he can't see me ever needing Dialysis. OMG, Praise God. I've been so scared these 6 Mo's (and more), not having any guidance is a real stressor & since I have no family, no support.
The Dr. is going to send me to renal dietician for consult and will I'm to cancel using the Pompa Protocol. So, all great news. I feel alive & young again! Will keep you updated as any occur.
Thank you all so much for your wise info and support. It has helped, tremendously.
Wishing you all the very best β€οΈ.